I hope that this time actually finish reading the book for once. I have not made it though one of the books for the book club yet. Last month's choice I didn't even pick up because by the time I got around to trying to read it all I heard were bad reviews and the month before that I just couldn't get into the story. I've read about 50 pages into this months and I like it so far. So that is a good sign. The book is Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey.

The Doctor Who we watched today was the episodes where the Angels are back and being creepy in the catacombs. I was all up in Chad's grill during the creepy parts because those things are freaky. Also watched the Vampires in Venice episode and that made me want to knit her scarf, but I still haven't decided on my next project for sure yet. Still a work in progress! We shall see when I get the nerve to work on it.
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