June 15th, 2012: Getting Political

Warning: I will be talking about current political issues that involve the use of the word vagina and if you don't want to hear any of that then I suggest you skip the next two paragraphs and go to the page break.

For some reason I feel the need to put my two cents in about this Vagina issue.  I don't think she should have been barred from speaking on the floor just for saying vagina but from what I've read it was how she said it that bothered the house speaker.  I'm sorry but she may have been a bit caddy but I think the point was put across.  We don't want the gov't in our vagina's.   No means no. I'm really just unsure why the gov't feels the need to be involved with our vagina's in the first place.  All they need to worry about is that the FDA is making sure any drugs being used are not going to kill us and that doctors are doing procedures that are safe.  You don't need to tell us what we can or can not do with our vagina's because we all know what is good for our own selves and don't need a group of men deciding what is ok for us to do.

What other words should they be using when talking about vagina's besides, well vagina's? I highly doubt this list wouldn't offend them because some of them offend me. I would definitely prefer the word vagina, any day. Alright I'll end my rant. Sorry Grandma if you read this, but I had to say it. The gov't can just be frustrating sometimes(all the time).


In other news. I wore a headband today and I'm not sure how I feel about it.  It's hard to wear them with glasses because they push into the head band.  Hmm I'll have to get used to headband plus glasses when I do my K-9 cosplay though.

I only get to wear all black two more times.  Well, for this show at least.  I could wear all black whenever I wanted but I don't normally feel like doing that during the summer.  It is quite slimming though. No wonder Neil Gaiman looks so skinny!

I also need to repaint my nails.  They always get botched up by work. Meh!  Plus I want to try these neat nails using scotch tape!  It would have made it ten times easier to do the straight lines on my current nails if I had thought of that neat trick.  Hindsight!

So I'll leave you with this picture of me looking like I was naked backstage. My shirt just blends in I guess.  It's dark and you can probably only see me cause I'm so white...and I'm sitting next to a lamp backstage. It was a boring night backstage.  I forgot my book.  That makes for a very very bored girl.


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