I'm happy for people when they find new jobs and places to go but I can't help but be a bit jealous. I just feel like I'm in a rut. How can I find my way out? Where are my opportunities? I hate to be the broken record on the job thing but it's kind of a big part of my life. Can't really help it.
It takes up most of my life and I think about that basically every day. All I want is a way out.
Bah. I don't want to talk about this negative stuff. Unless someone who reads this can find me a job then no point in complaining about it. I've got to do it for myself.
In less negative news, it was really hot out today! Wait...that was still negative... Oh well.
You know what I like doing? Finding actors that overlap in the shows I watch. Sometimes it's hard to see them as the character they are in the new show and not what I saw them in before. Sometimes the characters are so similar it's like they are one. Today I saw one of those crossovers in Dollhouse. Summer Glau is in it and she was also in another one of Joss Whedon's shows called Firefly. Her character is nuts in Dollhouse and she is totally batty in Firefly too (but not out of her own doing). So making the adjustment of seeing her on the two shows isn't that hard because they are similar in batty-ness. Yet. Not the same.
I just enjoy that show. Dollhouse that is. Well. I enjoyed Firefly too. If you haven't seen Dollhouse or Firefly I strongly suggest both. Good stuff.
Well. I only have an hour before work. So better try to find clothes that won't make me melt while working.
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