June 10th, 2012: Zombie life

Some days I just feel like a zombie that has bullet lodge inside it's head, but not far enough into my head to kill me.  It just sits there causing pain as I walk around in a haze.  Today was one of those days.  There were a few moments of feeling awake but most of it felt like I was walking around groaning and dragging my feet while the pain in my forehead pounded away.

On the plus side, today I got in the mail the first part of my cosplay I will be doing for the doctor who convention I'm going to.  I don't believe I have mentioned that on here yet.  Well, I'm doing my first cosplay every for Gally and I'm terribly excited.  For those of you who don't watch the show and might not be able to guess what I will be doing by the picture, I will be cosplaying K-9; the doctor's faithful robot dog companion.  He is adorable and far more smarter than me.

It's going to be so much fun getting to finally cosplay something.  It's not going to be any really elaborate or anything.  I plan on trying to find thrift store clothing for it.  I'll post more of the pieces I find as I find them.

So I was also feeling girly today and decided to paint my nails.  I have the worst habit of not letting my nails dry enough before I paint more on or even before I do something else.  So these nicely photo'd nails are no more.  Now they are blotchy and uneven.  The spots where I got too much polish on looks like I have dents knocked into them.  Alas, I will never be able to have nails that look nice for very long.  It's my curse.

Also, looking at that picture I really need to get a picture of the 10th Doctor printed off for it.  I don't know if have mentioned this to any of you people reading this blog with your eyes, but I'm watching all the Doctors and once I finish watching a Doctor's run (as far as I can get my hands on, classics are bit difficult with versions not being saved) I get to put up a picture of that Doctor.

I've been done re-watching the 10th Doctor's season for awhile now and just haven't picked a picture.  Maybe you can suggest some.  I know some ladies out there are pretty fond of him.

I digress, I must get ready for another week of work. Lets hope I can get my zombie feet moving a bit faster.


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