Phew. I always get that sleepy mc-sleep face after the first day back to work. Definitely doesn't help me get anything done.
I've been trying to find a recipe for one zucchini that Chad's mother had given me this weekend. I've never actually made zucchini before and the only way I've really had it is in zucchini bread or maybe once or twice sauteed. I've seen some recipes for zucchini spaghetti and a frittata that sounded really good, but I'm not sure if my one zucchini would be enough for either recipe. I've also never made a frittata before. Food adventures can sometimes be intimidating.
Maybe I'll get adventurous and try something this week. We shall see! I feel like I haven't eaten zucchini in ages. I don't think I can really remember what it tastes like and that's kind of sad.
Today I also decided to do some research about the ears for my K9 cosplay. I'm not really sure if I'll be able to figure out how they can move or not but I have a pretty good idea of where I can get supplies to make them. I found an excellent close up picture of the ears which is super helpful.
I guess I never realized they had circles on them, but glad I looked into it. I guess the whole pressure of this being my first ever cosplay makes me want to make sure I get things right. I don't think accuracy is going to matter a whole lot because of the fact I'm going to be a human version of K9. Ha! I still want to get the little details in there, though. It's kind of fun.
I think my biggest obstacle is my funds right now. I've had less than ample amount of work hours for awhile so I'm kind of scraping along and haven't been able to afford extras for this cosplay just yet. Soon I should be back up to more funds because hours have picked up. I should just really find a better job. That'd be nice.
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