July 13th, 2012: Friday the 13th...again?

So it appears that it was Friday the 13th again this year.  Is it just me or are we having a bunch of Friday the 13th's this year?  I have become curious about this and begun a bit of research.

I came across this article that is an interesting read, and you should read it but I'll try to sum it up. Apparently we get three of them this year.  There is usually only 2 a year.  We had one in January, April, and July.  That only happens every few years.  The next time we will have three of them again is in 2015.  That's pretty cool.

The funny part to me is that I even noticed.  I'm not one of those people who thinks Friday the 13th is full of bad luck, and I'm not one who finds it to be their favorite day either.  It was just one of those times that I noticed I felt like I had been saying Happy Friday the 13th a whole lot more than usual.  I also don't notice it was the 13th until someone says it first.

Another neat tidbit I read from that article is, "That's not all. For the first time since 1984, those three Friday the 13ths — Jan. 13, April 13 and July 13 — are exactly 13 weeks apart."  Huh, look at that.  Those people who are really suspicious must have really been stressed out this year with all that 13 action.

Well my 13th wasn't a bad day at all.  I enjoyed dinner out to a new restaurant with Chad and discovered gravy on fries is really quite tasty.  Then we watched some classic Doctor Who; The Space Musuem.  So I would say it was a good day, and not any sort bad luck floating around.

I hope your day was everything you hoped it to be, or didn't hope it would be..

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