July 20th, 2012: Late again.

So I know this is a rather late written blog post for yesterday but I kind of didn't realize how late in the day it was getting.  I'll tell you what I blame it on when I write my post for what happens today, but for now it's time to tell you what I did yesterday!

The 20th of July was a pretty uneventful day (We were aware of the tragedy that had happened in Aurora and find it greatly saddening but spending time together; I think, helped us cope. I still extend my heart to those involved).  Chad and I went to find him a nice shirt for the wedding I'm attending with him on Saturday.  We ended up finding one for pretty cheap at Kohl's.  I don't really know what dress shirts normally go for in the men's department but he thought it was a good price, and I believe him.

We also bought a pork loin so that we could become adventurous with our grilling.  We haven't really grilled anything on my BBQ other than hamburgers and hot dogs.  I grilled pineapple for him once, and zucchini for myself once as well.  However, that's where our skills stopped.  So we are taking a leap and making a pork loin!  Plus it was a really great deal at Cub where if you bought one you got a free 12 pack of Dr. Pepper and Country Crock side.

That also means that I have fallen off of the not drinking soda pop wagon.  I just couldn't help it.  It all started when I bought a Dr. Pepper during the week because I had forgotten to bring my water bottle to work.  I tasted it's tastiness again and wooooosh here I go again.  I'll try to stop myself once we get through this 12 pack but who knows.

I think the best part of the day was when we got Tortoise to eat my garden lettuce and finally got the nerve to pick up Gandalf and hold her.  She is the sweetest thing.  Chad and I pretty much love her.  She would give him little bunny kisses while laying on his chest.  I almost exploded a few times from cuteness.

Just look at how cute they are! Tortoise just went after that garden lettuce too.  He would get tired while eating it but then make himself wake up and eat some more.  It was pretty amusing. Chad and I are just doomed to have a house full of pets and we are totally ok with that. You can't be a crazy cat lady if there is two of you right?  At least we don't leave the most random stuff sitting outside like some neighbors...

Good day!

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