July 25th, 2012: Read first

I had a most uneventful day yesterday and I really want to write this blog about something that has happened to me today.  I can't write about it until I do the post for the 26th, and that won't happen until tomorrow. Meh.  So you have to wait to find out the probably not all that interesting information.

My day was spent making sure I read ALL of my directions to my pattern before even beginning to cut anything out.  I haven't sewn for a couple years now so I really don't want to mess it up.  Mostly because the last thing I did on my own and completely on my own I had a few issues with but not enough for any one other than me to notice.

I suppose there is more pressure with this pattern because it is for my first ever cosplay and I don't want it to look bad.  There is much more pressure to create something well made if others are actually going to be paying attention to it.  I thought about just finding similar colored articles of clothing but I decided I wanted to brave making it.

My next step will be washing the fabric just in case it might shrink and also in case it might fade.  I kind of hope it will fade a bit because it is kind of dark for K9's color.  However I've done plenty of K9 research and that robotic dog has had so many different colors that I'm cool with the color I found.

Well things to do! Have an awesome day!

Oh P.S. Here is a picture of Charli getting trapped behind the garbage can in the kitchen.  She wiggled back there and couldn't figure out how to get back out.  I called out to her and all I could hear was the sound of rustling.  I finally went to go see what she was up to and saw she was stuck.  What a dope.

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