July 4th, 2012: Happy fourth!

Happy Fourth of July!  It's been a pretty uneventful Fourth for me.  Lots of sitting around in my hot house trying to stay cool.  The same ol' working on the scarf and trying to figure a few things out.

I wasn't really feeling all that patriotic today but others have been.  I don't have any fireworks and I'm not planning on seeing any unless I see some on the drive to work tonight. Yup. I work tonight.  My work place is lame and makes us work on holidays. Meh.  I doubt they will even give us free food. I'm a very disgruntled worker bee today.

Here is a video of Felicia Day being a patriotic lady.  Wearing her pride pants. Well actually she is wearing a dress in this video but it's about 'pride pants'.  A metaphor for life about being patriotic in your pants, or at least this is how I interpret it.

Also here is a picture of Captain America.  This picture almost makes me feel a bit patriotic.  I'm getting there.  Maybe just one more thing and I'll be there.  Feeling the love.

BAahahahahahaha this is how patriotic I feel today. XD

America. F-yeah. Feel Patriotic already. : )


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