July 3rd, 2012: Charli, yup

There are times the things I say or do to my dog that make me wonder about my sanity.  Today I decided to say "meow meow" to her.  I would call her to her by saying meow meow.  Dogs don't meow. That's just silly.  However. I have seen a video of a cat barking. That was weird.  If Charli meowed at me I would be in shock.  The few times she has barked at me has been a shock too but a bit more normal than meowing.

Maybe I should actually try to get her to meow.  I could have the dog that meows. Make millions on youtube.  Genius idea. No one reading this better not steal my idea! I better not see tons of meowing dog videos blow up on the internet.

One thing I know.  No one else has a dog that's trained to freak out at the sound of the word poop.  I don't actually mean freaked out in the way of being scared but along the lines of "OMGWHERE?! CAN I HAVE SOME?!" freaked out.  All though she always goes and grabs her dog when I say it so I sometimes wonder if she thinks her dog is the same as poop. *shrug*

I'm going to leave you with a little video of her getting new food today.  She seemed to be looking forward to it.  I think she likes trying new foods.  Except that one time I found a food that seemed to make her overly itchy. More so than she is now.  So. I suppose I shall say, enjoy?

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