July 24th, 2012: Crafty Mc-Craft pile

Sometimes when I'm feeling crafty that can be the worst possible thing for me.  Then I want to look up patterns and start to get all these ideas for projects I so desperately wish I could do.  Things hold me back like most people. Funds are a main contender, but also skill.  I only have a limited skill set when it comes to making things for myself but I definitely want to improve.  It's the whole going from one thing to the next.  What stitch is easiest to learn next, what is easier to sew when you haven't done it in awhile? How do I paint clothing?

You know.  The important stuff.

Now I'm going to show you all of the cool stuff I want to make.

1. Totoro mittens!!!

Not even joking.  These are so freaking awesome.  If you haven't seen My Neighbor Totoro then go see it now.  Then go read what some people claim the movie is about because it's crazy.

He's so small. So sad. So depressed. And SO FREAKING CUTE!

I guess these are a spin off of the wristers Penny wears in Dr. Horrible's Sing A-long Blog.  I can't really remember what they look like exactly but I love the look of these.  Especially the colors this girl used. My two favorite colors! (This project might be do-able with my skill level)  Oh and I just found one that is more like the original pair.  I won't post that one too but now I've got options!

A super adorable panda hat. Would be waaaaaay better than my squirrel hat. Cuuuuute.

I've never done felting. Ever.  But this lease would be so cute if it was in he 4th doctor's colors!  I think I might have to learn how to felt!

I think five ideas is enough to dwell on.  I want all of these. If you want to make them for me then that'd be great. Haha.  You could even teach me too.  I just want to make things! Speaking of I need to cut out my dress pattern.

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