July 18th, 2012: Be Happy

Some people claim to be able to tell how well there day is going to go by simply how good or bad they start the day off.  I am not one of those people.  Sometimes I'll say to myself, "Oh my day is going to be so 'awesome' today." with a huge sarcastic undertone in it when something unpleasant has happened.  People who believe that are the kind of people that cause their day to go that way by simply believing it to be so.  I know sometimes you just can't help but let that overwhelming feeling that your whole day is ruined because you dropped something or can't find what you need, etc.

Here is my advice for you if you are one of those people.  Lets take my day for example.  I had a rather space cadet-y kind of day the day before but I thought just maybe after sleeping it'd get better.  It did get better.  I got some news that I can't announce just yet because I haven't responded to said news, but I'll let you know it was good news.  Here I am anxious and thinking this news can be the best news or the worst news for me right now.  So yeah, this day is going to be totally awesome right?

Later in the day as I'm getting ready for work I start getting dopey again and realize I'm forgetting things, and get distracted by Anna's bunnies.  Soon enough it's almost time for work and I haven't brushed my teeth or anything.  I managed to some how get dressed and out the door but as I'm leaving I realize I didn't brush my teeth or put on any deodorant. Which might gross out any of my coworkers that possibly read this, but yes. I admit it. I did not have any deodorant on or brushed teeth. (Hence why I bought gum.  It's because I care. Right?)

Now I'm thinking this day could have been so good but now I'm just forgetting everything and failing at life.  I'm almost late to work because of road construction.  Another tally to add to the negative side of the scale.  Oh I have a huge workload too? Great lets add that right on.

I have to now ask you, do you think I feel like I had a bad day?  I didn't. I wasn't going to let a few things weight me down and make me have a bad day just because a few bad things happened.  Those negative experiences happen on a daily basis and we can't stop them.  It is what makes us who we are.  

If we didn't have the bad then how would we ever appreciate when good things happen to us?  How would we even know what good is?

I took the anger I had towards myself for being so forgetful and not accomplishing anything to the bank.  Well not literally the bank.  I just used it as motivation to do better after work. I paid a bill I needed to pay, bought Charli some dog food, and mailed a letter.  Charli even made the day that much better by going to the bathroom outside of the building instead of inside Pet Smart.  I was so proud.

So, my advice.   You can't let the little things get you down.  It's a cliche and I know it, but it's true.  Sure I still feel down about things going on in my life and you can read about some of them in this blog, but if you really sit down and think hard about where you are sitting right then and there you will realize this is not that bad.  You are not in ditch some where, or homeless, or a prisoner of war, etc.  Everyone has shit in their lives but you just got to know how to keep above it.   Don't fall into that sink hole, as tempting as it can be, I know.  Try try try to focus on who and what is important to you.

That's what keeps me afloat. I've got some support beans built up and if I lost anyone of them I would definitely fall.  This blog has once again gotten away from me and I'm babbling on.  I hope it makes sense.

What I'm trying to say is; be happy.  

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