I arrive home after work today; today being the next day for people who keep normal hours but still feels like the same day for me, and I immediately fall asleep in my car. Pulled into my driveway still halfway listening to whatever I was listening to and I decided to lean the chair back slightly while I listen. Next thing I know I am waking up when my radio turned off after its allowed time it gets after the car is turned off. All plans to do anything productive have now been ruined by this brief nap.
I figured I would be productive after work because I spent my day nursing a wound to my wallet and ego. Banks are tricky tricksters.
Most of my day I spent watching Supernatural on Netflix. Might as well talk about a show besides Doctor Who, right? I guess. I do like the show but it's definitely getting to the point of ridiculous in some cases. I won't spoil anything for anyone that might be planning to watch. I will just say I think they may be starting to reach. I like it when there is a bit more explanation for why things are happening but maybe doing that would be spoilers for later. I'm still going to continue to watch, I'm just not really buying into this fourth season (and well really part of the third too).
So semi cool fact. I wrote part of this blog on my phone before going to bed. Now that I know the app on my phone works I might be able to do more blogs via my phone instead of having to get on the computer. Although my computer is much nicer for proof reading. Just kind of cool how technology works.
I'm just a girl living life and writing it down in this blog. Pretty boring, right?
July 29th, 2012: Well
It was a day just like any other Sunday. Watched some Doctor Who. We started watching The Key to Time season of Doctor Who because the woman who played the character Romana passed away this week. It's always sad news to find out people have passed away from shows you like. Well it's sad to find out people have passed away at any time and in any situation.
I hate when my dishes just pile up. I wish I had a way to just wave my hand over my dishes like a Jedi and they would be clean. Wouldn't that just be useful?
In other non-exciting news of my less than eventful Sunday; my cheesecake I made tastes better after being in the fridge for a day. So I'm labeling it as a success. I made cheesecake from scratch. *cool shaedes*
This is a short post.
I hate when my dishes just pile up. I wish I had a way to just wave my hand over my dishes like a Jedi and they would be clean. Wouldn't that just be useful?
In other non-exciting news of my less than eventful Sunday; my cheesecake I made tastes better after being in the fridge for a day. So I'm labeling it as a success. I made cheesecake from scratch. *cool shaedes*
This is a short post.
July 28th, 2012: Trying new things
A new day to try new things.
I attempted to make a cheesecake from scratch but I feel like it might have went better if I had a spring form pan like the recipe had asked for instead of the pie dish I used instead.
It turned out alright. Very sweet. It's white chocolate strawberry cheesecake. I'm curious how it will be now that it has been in the fridge for a day instead of a few hours afterwards. Hopefully less gooey...We also marinated some pork chops and grilled them for the first time. We have become aware that the grill cooks extremely hot. Anytime we have followed the directions from a recipe they have been way off compared to how hot our grill actually cooks. I think the thermometer I got worked on the meat though. Despite getting a little charred on the edges they weren't too bad. Wish I would've had some sort of sauce to go with them. Next time maybe!
Another new thing we tried was playing a game called Launch Pad. I found it on clearance at Barnes and Noble earlier today and we decided to play it. Although part way through we decided we were playing it partly wrong and will know for next time. It wasn't really in the directions for the rules but it's ok. Now we know.
Trying new things and messing up the first time is kind of the way it goes. If you did it perfect the first time then it would seem like easy street, and where is the challenge in that or the need to improve.
July 27th, 2012: Take me out to the Ball Game
I went to my first ever Baseball game today. I attended a Twins game at Target Field vs. the Indians. Must say that the experience couldn't have went any better as far as going well enough to convince me to come back again. I had a really great time. I'm sure I would've had a good time even if the Twins had lost but it was even better when they 'creamed' them as Chad put it.
We did spend our money on some super expensive food items but I guess it's part of the baseball experience. Haven't had a footlong since who knows how long! Then we shared some grande nachos. We didn't get the souvenir helmet nachos and I'm glad we didn't because we saw it later and that was a huge thing of nachos. We balanced it just right with a footlong and nachos combination.
However, we did get a souvenir helmet that held our ice cream later. Cute little helmet that once I wash it out I will most definitely be trying to put on Charli's head. It was basically decided I would do that once I saw how cute and small it was. However I do wish everything wasn't so outrageously priced and if anyone knows what the heck the Turkey-to-go stand's food looks like please let me know because that stuff was under lock and key if you weren't buying anything. I want to know what a turkey to go is!
Yes there was fireworks after the game! I took a video of it! Enjoy the random commentary you can sometimes hear from me and Chad.
I will most definitely go back to a baseball game again if Chad will let me come with him again and ask him silly questions about it. (I'm sure he will.)
We did spend our money on some super expensive food items but I guess it's part of the baseball experience. Haven't had a footlong since who knows how long! Then we shared some grande nachos. We didn't get the souvenir helmet nachos and I'm glad we didn't because we saw it later and that was a huge thing of nachos. We balanced it just right with a footlong and nachos combination.
However, we did get a souvenir helmet that held our ice cream later. Cute little helmet that once I wash it out I will most definitely be trying to put on Charli's head. It was basically decided I would do that once I saw how cute and small it was. However I do wish everything wasn't so outrageously priced and if anyone knows what the heck the Turkey-to-go stand's food looks like please let me know because that stuff was under lock and key if you weren't buying anything. I want to know what a turkey to go is!
We got there early so we could find our seats and such. Got to see some batting practice and he explained to me a few what's what in the stadium. Plus, check out that sweet view of the city!
The usual I'm excited face.
Just a cool picture once the crowd was finally there and it starts to get darker out. Also, the moon decided to hang out for the game too.
Twins win!!!
Waiting for Fireworks.
I will most definitely go back to a baseball game again if Chad will let me come with him again and ask him silly questions about it. (I'm sure he will.)
July 26th, 2012: CICADA!
Now for my news I wanted to tell you yesterday!
Cicada! Cicada! Cicaaaaaadaaaaaas!
I bet you can't possibly guess what I saw today. Alright I'll tell you. It was a Cicada. Ha!
I have kind of had a slight obsession with these little guys as of late because every time I tried to tell Chad what bug noise the Cicada was making it would stop making the noise. I would try to non-verbally tell him but the moment I tried to get his attention they would stop making the noise again!
He most likely thinks I'm crazy and that there is no such thing as this bug I keep trying to tell him about. Well, well, well. I have the proof for you mister! Or any others that think I'm crazy. (For this reason and not other reasons you might think I'm crazy.)
I took pictures of it but I also took a bit of a video. So you can awe in the splendor of the Cicada. You also get to see my magical double chin that formed in the making of this video. I couldn't see what I was filming so yeah, bad angle. Plus sorry it's sideways. Didn't know it would turn out that way. Meh.
I was a bit excited, no?
I'm so easily amused....
I found two separate shed skins so that means there is another little guy running around. When I saw the first one I thought it was alive but once I got close for the picture I saw it was just the skin.
I saw the first one while I was mowing the lawn. All I saw was this large dark bug looking thing and decided to stop and get a better look at it. Turned out it was a Cicada skin. Kinda neat.
Then I saw this guy once I started mowing along the side of my house. Look at those beady eyes! It was pretty neat finally seeing one up close and personal. Now I feel like I've accomplished some sort of life goal or something.
Cicada! Cicada! Cicaaaaaadaaaaaas!
I bet you can't possibly guess what I saw today. Alright I'll tell you. It was a Cicada. Ha!
I have kind of had a slight obsession with these little guys as of late because every time I tried to tell Chad what bug noise the Cicada was making it would stop making the noise. I would try to non-verbally tell him but the moment I tried to get his attention they would stop making the noise again!
He most likely thinks I'm crazy and that there is no such thing as this bug I keep trying to tell him about. Well, well, well. I have the proof for you mister! Or any others that think I'm crazy. (For this reason and not other reasons you might think I'm crazy.)
I took pictures of it but I also took a bit of a video. So you can awe in the splendor of the Cicada. You also get to see my magical double chin that formed in the making of this video. I couldn't see what I was filming so yeah, bad angle. Plus sorry it's sideways. Didn't know it would turn out that way. Meh.
I was a bit excited, no?
I'm so easily amused....
I found two separate shed skins so that means there is another little guy running around. When I saw the first one I thought it was alive but once I got close for the picture I saw it was just the skin.
Then I saw this guy once I started mowing along the side of my house. Look at those beady eyes! It was pretty neat finally seeing one up close and personal. Now I feel like I've accomplished some sort of life goal or something.
July 25th, 2012: Read first
I had a most uneventful day yesterday and I really want to write this blog about something that has happened to me today. I can't write about it until I do the post for the 26th, and that won't happen until tomorrow. Meh. So you have to wait to find out the probably not all that interesting information.
My day was spent making sure I read ALL of my directions to my pattern before even beginning to cut anything out. I haven't sewn for a couple years now so I really don't want to mess it up. Mostly because the last thing I did on my own and completely on my own I had a few issues with but not enough for any one other than me to notice.
I suppose there is more pressure with this pattern because it is for my first ever cosplay and I don't want it to look bad. There is much more pressure to create something well made if others are actually going to be paying attention to it. I thought about just finding similar colored articles of clothing but I decided I wanted to brave making it.
My next step will be washing the fabric just in case it might shrink and also in case it might fade. I kind of hope it will fade a bit because it is kind of dark for K9's color. However I've done plenty of K9 research and that robotic dog has had so many different colors that I'm cool with the color I found.
Well things to do! Have an awesome day!
Oh P.S. Here is a picture of Charli getting trapped behind the garbage can in the kitchen. She wiggled back there and couldn't figure out how to get back out. I called out to her and all I could hear was the sound of rustling. I finally went to go see what she was up to and saw she was stuck. What a dope.
My day was spent making sure I read ALL of my directions to my pattern before even beginning to cut anything out. I haven't sewn for a couple years now so I really don't want to mess it up. Mostly because the last thing I did on my own and completely on my own I had a few issues with but not enough for any one other than me to notice.
I suppose there is more pressure with this pattern because it is for my first ever cosplay and I don't want it to look bad. There is much more pressure to create something well made if others are actually going to be paying attention to it. I thought about just finding similar colored articles of clothing but I decided I wanted to brave making it.
My next step will be washing the fabric just in case it might shrink and also in case it might fade. I kind of hope it will fade a bit because it is kind of dark for K9's color. However I've done plenty of K9 research and that robotic dog has had so many different colors that I'm cool with the color I found.
Well things to do! Have an awesome day!
Oh P.S. Here is a picture of Charli getting trapped behind the garbage can in the kitchen. She wiggled back there and couldn't figure out how to get back out. I called out to her and all I could hear was the sound of rustling. I finally went to go see what she was up to and saw she was stuck. What a dope.
July 24th, 2012: Crafty Mc-Craft pile
Sometimes when I'm feeling crafty that can be the worst possible thing for me. Then I want to look up patterns and start to get all these ideas for projects I so desperately wish I could do. Things hold me back like most people. Funds are a main contender, but also skill. I only have a limited skill set when it comes to making things for myself but I definitely want to improve. It's the whole going from one thing to the next. What stitch is easiest to learn next, what is easier to sew when you haven't done it in awhile? How do I paint clothing?
You know. The important stuff.
Now I'm going to show you all of the cool stuff I want to make.
1. Totoro mittens!!!
You know. The important stuff.
Now I'm going to show you all of the cool stuff I want to make.
1. Totoro mittens!!!
Not even joking. These are so freaking awesome. If you haven't seen My Neighbor Totoro then go see it now. Then go read what some people claim the movie is about because it's crazy.
He's so small. So sad. So depressed. And SO FREAKING CUTE!
I guess these are a spin off of the wristers Penny wears in Dr. Horrible's Sing A-long Blog. I can't really remember what they look like exactly but I love the look of these. Especially the colors this girl used. My two favorite colors! (This project might be do-able with my skill level) Oh and I just found one that is more like the original pair. I won't post that one too but now I've got options!
4. Panda Hat
A super adorable panda hat. Would be waaaaaay better than my squirrel hat. Cuuuuute.
5. Felted leash
I've never done felting. Ever. But this lease would be so cute if it was in he 4th doctor's colors! I think I might have to learn how to felt!
I think five ideas is enough to dwell on. I want all of these. If you want to make them for me then that'd be great. Haha. You could even teach me too. I just want to make things! Speaking of I need to cut out my dress pattern.
July 23rd, 2012: Don't answer the door.
I'm fairly certain I have said this before but I feel it could use mentioning again. I'm the type of person who hides when someone knocks at my door. I'm not big on people just popping in to my place. Sure, you can call first and come over, but never just pop by and start knocking.
I was expecting Anna and Ben today to get their little wee ones around 8:30. It was close to 7 when I heard a knock on my door and thought maybe they were here early. So, giving up my usual hide and seek technique I went to the door.
It wasn't them. I came face to face with a curly haired ginger man with glasses who wanted to tell me about Working America and how outsourcing is bad and blah blah blah America. I was distracted by Charli wanting to receive attention from a stranger because she doesn't understand that she shouldn't talk to strangers. That means I didn't really retain much of the information. I remember him handing me some sort of iPad looking thing to show me some unimportant bits of info that didn't really explain anything. Don't get me wrong, I understand that outsourcing is bad and we need more jobs, etc etc.
One moment during the conversation he turned to his side and looked at me with his head horizontal to the ground. That was the moment I decided I should probably make him leave. Gave him my junk email, and thought that would send him off. Nope. He then decided he wanted my money. I repeated a couple of times that I'm poor and can't afford to give any money. He tried to say we could set up a payment plan. Ha! A payment plan for what he said he could make as low as 6 or 7 dollars. What the heck. Why would I make that into a payment plan.
He eventually left and Anna and Ben came for their pets. Sad to see all the critters go but it's kind of nice to be able to walk around my kitchen again. I can go back to not answering the door now and will never have to face a curly haired ginger solicitor ever again.
I was expecting Anna and Ben today to get their little wee ones around 8:30. It was close to 7 when I heard a knock on my door and thought maybe they were here early. So, giving up my usual hide and seek technique I went to the door.
It wasn't them. I came face to face with a curly haired ginger man with glasses who wanted to tell me about Working America and how outsourcing is bad and blah blah blah America. I was distracted by Charli wanting to receive attention from a stranger because she doesn't understand that she shouldn't talk to strangers. That means I didn't really retain much of the information. I remember him handing me some sort of iPad looking thing to show me some unimportant bits of info that didn't really explain anything. Don't get me wrong, I understand that outsourcing is bad and we need more jobs, etc etc.
One moment during the conversation he turned to his side and looked at me with his head horizontal to the ground. That was the moment I decided I should probably make him leave. Gave him my junk email, and thought that would send him off. Nope. He then decided he wanted my money. I repeated a couple of times that I'm poor and can't afford to give any money. He tried to say we could set up a payment plan. Ha! A payment plan for what he said he could make as low as 6 or 7 dollars. What the heck. Why would I make that into a payment plan.
He eventually left and Anna and Ben came for their pets. Sad to see all the critters go but it's kind of nice to be able to walk around my kitchen again. I can go back to not answering the door now and will never have to face a curly haired ginger solicitor ever again.
July 22nd, 2012: How to NOT Make a Pork Tenderloin
How to NOT Make a Pork Tenderloin.
What you will need: Pork tenderloin, a gas grill, Yourself, someone to keep you company and help make things better when things go wrong, and a smart phone is strongly suggested.
Step 1: Buy one. Just any old one. If you are feeling particularly lazy and don't really want to make the effort to figure out a marinade for it or a dry rub you can usually find one at the grocery store already flavored. For this situation were going to say you should get a black peppercorn flavored.
Step 2: Keep that in the fridge until you feel like cooking it. It could be a few days, a few minutes. Whatever you like.
Step 3: Google how to cook the pork tenderloin because you have no idea how. Pick the top option and follow that one without reading any other recipes. The top one is clearly the best choice because it is on the top.
Step 4: Skim the recipe for the top points. Such as, how hot to turn your grill onto and how often to turn the meat. It's also good to pay attention to what temp the meat should end up.
Step 5: Search the kitchen for your meat thermometer because you haven't used it in ages. Enlist someone else to help you find it in the drawer you thought you looked in, but didn't.
Step 6: Follow the recipe cooking directions you found on the Googles and start cooking it on indirect heat. Turn the meat every four minutes for about 20 minutes before you realize that your thermometer might not be accurate.
Step 7: Remove meat thinking it might be done. Try to temp the meat again using thermometer and become more wary of how well it is working.
Step 8: Put the meat back onto the grill and begin looking up another way to cook the meat to try to figure out what the heck to do when you can't tell how hot your meat is.
Step 9: Remove meat yet again and this time brave cutting it open slightly to check how it looks on the inside. Google pictures of finished pork tenderloins and use that as a go-to on if your meat looks done.
Step 10: Put meat back on the grill one more time and put it on direct heat this time because you found better instructions on a different website. Cook for awhile longer until it looks like it's done and the broken thermometer kind of reaches where it should be. You can check it once you get it off the grill but cutting it in a few parts to make sure it isn't too pink.
Step 11: Cut it up and eat it! It's delicious!
Step 12: Take a picture so you can blog about it later! Also the camera makes it look much more pink than it does in person.
Despite the cruddy thermometer and not really finding the best directions it came out really juicy and flavorful. We will definitely be trying this again. I really like it and I think Chad was surprised because he thinks I don't like anything with flavor, or so he kids. I can be adventurous. Just you wait and see!
What you will need: Pork tenderloin, a gas grill, Yourself, someone to keep you company and help make things better when things go wrong, and a smart phone is strongly suggested.
Step 1: Buy one. Just any old one. If you are feeling particularly lazy and don't really want to make the effort to figure out a marinade for it or a dry rub you can usually find one at the grocery store already flavored. For this situation were going to say you should get a black peppercorn flavored.
Step 2: Keep that in the fridge until you feel like cooking it. It could be a few days, a few minutes. Whatever you like.
Step 3: Google how to cook the pork tenderloin because you have no idea how. Pick the top option and follow that one without reading any other recipes. The top one is clearly the best choice because it is on the top.
Step 4: Skim the recipe for the top points. Such as, how hot to turn your grill onto and how often to turn the meat. It's also good to pay attention to what temp the meat should end up.
Step 5: Search the kitchen for your meat thermometer because you haven't used it in ages. Enlist someone else to help you find it in the drawer you thought you looked in, but didn't.
Step 6: Follow the recipe cooking directions you found on the Googles and start cooking it on indirect heat. Turn the meat every four minutes for about 20 minutes before you realize that your thermometer might not be accurate.
Step 7: Remove meat thinking it might be done. Try to temp the meat again using thermometer and become more wary of how well it is working.
Step 8: Put the meat back onto the grill and begin looking up another way to cook the meat to try to figure out what the heck to do when you can't tell how hot your meat is.
Step 9: Remove meat yet again and this time brave cutting it open slightly to check how it looks on the inside. Google pictures of finished pork tenderloins and use that as a go-to on if your meat looks done.
Step 10: Put meat back on the grill one more time and put it on direct heat this time because you found better instructions on a different website. Cook for awhile longer until it looks like it's done and the broken thermometer kind of reaches where it should be. You can check it once you get it off the grill but cutting it in a few parts to make sure it isn't too pink.
Step 11: Cut it up and eat it! It's delicious!
Step 12: Take a picture so you can blog about it later! Also the camera makes it look much more pink than it does in person.
That is basically the way Chad and I made pork tenderloin for the first time today. Well, except we didn't just pick any old one. We considered our options. I added a bit of dramatic affect to the story so it isn't all true facts. I'll let you decide what is true and what isn't.
Despite the cruddy thermometer and not really finding the best directions it came out really juicy and flavorful. We will definitely be trying this again. I really like it and I think Chad was surprised because he thinks I don't like anything with flavor, or so he kids. I can be adventurous. Just you wait and see!
Side story
I got a new fingernail polish and painted them for the wedding on Saturday and forgot to post a picture. It's purple pizzazz and cost a cool ninety-four cents. *cool shades*
I got a new fingernail polish and painted them for the wedding on Saturday and forgot to post a picture. It's purple pizzazz and cost a cool ninety-four cents. *cool shades*
July 21st, 2012: Weddings all around!
Going to a carousel, to watch Chad's friend get married. (sung to the tune of going to the chapel)
Seriously his friend Ray got married in the strangest place. It was a place where there was a carousel, a train ride around the property, a tiny roller coaster, and a bunch of circus organs. Now that's some kind of place. I wouldn't recommend it for anyone who doesn't like clowns though. There was a few of those creepy clowns there and I mean creepy. I'm not afraid of clowns but yeah. Creepy.
They had corn dogs, pop corn, and mini doughnuts for foods at the wedding. Best part was the mix your own coke bar. I'm not a big fan of coke but you got to add flavoring and you could also keep the coke glass! Plus it was sooooo hot out. The didn't have the fans going until right before the wedding. I got to the point where I was so warm I had to ask Chad if we could sit in the car with the air conditioning for awhile. That definitely helped me out.
Another cute idea they had was the make a wish lamp thing. Where you wrote something on a tag that you would hang from the lamp. They also had a photo booth that you could take a picture to attach to it.
Seriously his friend Ray got married in the strangest place. It was a place where there was a carousel, a train ride around the property, a tiny roller coaster, and a bunch of circus organs. Now that's some kind of place. I wouldn't recommend it for anyone who doesn't like clowns though. There was a few of those creepy clowns there and I mean creepy. I'm not afraid of clowns but yeah. Creepy.
There were some unusual animals on the carousel itself. I took a picture of a few of the ones I liked the best. A kitty, goat, and a rabbit. The poor bunny looks like it needed it's foot repaired.
However I was not able to ride on said carousel, but that's fine. It was nice to look at. I did get to ride on the small train that went around the property!
I was pretty excited if you couldn't tell. I think Chad liked it too. We looked for trolls beneath the bridges we went over but no such luck. There must've been one around because there was a baby pacifier in a pasture near the bridge where the troll most likely scooped up the kid for food.
Speaking of kids. The owners of the place were not very attentive with their little kid. He was climbing around on stuff that he could have fallen off of and cracked his head open. It made us pretty uncomfortable. Not my kid though, so not my problem. It took awhile before one of them started to pay attention to him, and that was after an older gentleman at the wedding mentioned something to them about it.
They had corn dogs, pop corn, and mini doughnuts for foods at the wedding. Best part was the mix your own coke bar. I'm not a big fan of coke but you got to add flavoring and you could also keep the coke glass! Plus it was sooooo hot out. The didn't have the fans going until right before the wedding. I got to the point where I was so warm I had to ask Chad if we could sit in the car with the air conditioning for awhile. That definitely helped me out.
Another cute idea they had was the make a wish lamp thing. Where you wrote something on a tag that you would hang from the lamp. They also had a photo booth that you could take a picture to attach to it.
This is the picture we attached to it except it was in black and white. It was the best of the three we took too. I dig it. I drew a TARDIS on the back of the tag instead of a wish for them. I mean I wish they get a TARDIS and then hopefully they would share with us.
It was a fun time and I'm glad I got to finally meet Chad's old friends and closest friend. Happy I got to be there.
Also, Happy-est Wedding day to my friends Anna and Ben. I can't wait to see pictures and hear all about their wedding in Wisconsin.
July 20th, 2012: Late again.
So I know this is a rather late written blog post for yesterday but I kind of didn't realize how late in the day it was getting. I'll tell you what I blame it on when I write my post for what happens today, but for now it's time to tell you what I did yesterday!
The 20th of July was a pretty uneventful day (We were aware of the tragedy that had happened in Aurora and find it greatly saddening but spending time together; I think, helped us cope. I still extend my heart to those involved). Chad and I went to find him a nice shirt for the wedding I'm attending with him on Saturday. We ended up finding one for pretty cheap at Kohl's. I don't really know what dress shirts normally go for in the men's department but he thought it was a good price, and I believe him.
We also bought a pork loin so that we could become adventurous with our grilling. We haven't really grilled anything on my BBQ other than hamburgers and hot dogs. I grilled pineapple for him once, and zucchini for myself once as well. However, that's where our skills stopped. So we are taking a leap and making a pork loin! Plus it was a really great deal at Cub where if you bought one you got a free 12 pack of Dr. Pepper and Country Crock side.
That also means that I have fallen off of the not drinking soda pop wagon. I just couldn't help it. It all started when I bought a Dr. Pepper during the week because I had forgotten to bring my water bottle to work. I tasted it's tastiness again and wooooosh here I go again. I'll try to stop myself once we get through this 12 pack but who knows.
I think the best part of the day was when we got Tortoise to eat my garden lettuce and finally got the nerve to pick up Gandalf and hold her. She is the sweetest thing. Chad and I pretty much love her. She would give him little bunny kisses while laying on his chest. I almost exploded a few times from cuteness.
Just look at how cute they are! Tortoise just went after that garden lettuce too. He would get tired while eating it but then make himself wake up and eat some more. It was pretty amusing. Chad and I are just doomed to have a house full of pets and we are totally ok with that. You can't be a crazy cat lady if there is two of you right? At least we don't leave the most random stuff sitting outside like some neighbors...
Good day!
The 20th of July was a pretty uneventful day (We were aware of the tragedy that had happened in Aurora and find it greatly saddening but spending time together; I think, helped us cope. I still extend my heart to those involved). Chad and I went to find him a nice shirt for the wedding I'm attending with him on Saturday. We ended up finding one for pretty cheap at Kohl's. I don't really know what dress shirts normally go for in the men's department but he thought it was a good price, and I believe him.
We also bought a pork loin so that we could become adventurous with our grilling. We haven't really grilled anything on my BBQ other than hamburgers and hot dogs. I grilled pineapple for him once, and zucchini for myself once as well. However, that's where our skills stopped. So we are taking a leap and making a pork loin! Plus it was a really great deal at Cub where if you bought one you got a free 12 pack of Dr. Pepper and Country Crock side.
That also means that I have fallen off of the not drinking soda pop wagon. I just couldn't help it. It all started when I bought a Dr. Pepper during the week because I had forgotten to bring my water bottle to work. I tasted it's tastiness again and wooooosh here I go again. I'll try to stop myself once we get through this 12 pack but who knows.
I think the best part of the day was when we got Tortoise to eat my garden lettuce and finally got the nerve to pick up Gandalf and hold her. She is the sweetest thing. Chad and I pretty much love her. She would give him little bunny kisses while laying on his chest. I almost exploded a few times from cuteness.
Good day!
July 19th, 2012: News!
So I suppose I can announce that news I had yesterday because it's actually finalized now. I am going to be stage managing a show again. It's been, oh, almost a year now. I know. That's quite a long time but when you can't afford it, and you want to spend your time doing other important things it gets put aside. Never fear, I'm back!
What show you ask? I'll be doing Annie for Lyric Arts in Anoka. It will be my first show with a large cast of kids. So that is going to be exciting and terrifying. I'll take any advice from any pros at handling kids if they want to give up the tricks of their trade. I've worked with kids before for Vacation Bible school programs so I can keep a group in line, but it's those adults I am worried about. Ha! No but really they can be more of a handful than kids and then the kids want to be just like them.
In all seriousness I'm excited to do this show. I get to work with a great director and music director again. I hope we find a stupendous choreographer too! I'll be back to the grind stone. So you should all come try out for it. Ok thanks.
What show you ask? I'll be doing Annie for Lyric Arts in Anoka. It will be my first show with a large cast of kids. So that is going to be exciting and terrifying. I'll take any advice from any pros at handling kids if they want to give up the tricks of their trade. I've worked with kids before for Vacation Bible school programs so I can keep a group in line, but it's those adults I am worried about. Ha! No but really they can be more of a handful than kids and then the kids want to be just like them.
In all seriousness I'm excited to do this show. I get to work with a great director and music director again. I hope we find a stupendous choreographer too! I'll be back to the grind stone. So you should all come try out for it. Ok thanks.
July 18th, 2012: Be Happy
Some people claim to be able to tell how well there day is going to go by simply how good or bad they start the day off. I am not one of those people. Sometimes I'll say to myself, "Oh my day is going to be so 'awesome' today." with a huge sarcastic undertone in it when something unpleasant has happened. People who believe that are the kind of people that cause their day to go that way by simply believing it to be so. I know sometimes you just can't help but let that overwhelming feeling that your whole day is ruined because you dropped something or can't find what you need, etc.
Here is my advice for you if you are one of those people. Lets take my day for example. I had a rather space cadet-y kind of day the day before but I thought just maybe after sleeping it'd get better. It did get better. I got some news that I can't announce just yet because I haven't responded to said news, but I'll let you know it was good news. Here I am anxious and thinking this news can be the best news or the worst news for me right now. So yeah, this day is going to be totally awesome right?
Here is my advice for you if you are one of those people. Lets take my day for example. I had a rather space cadet-y kind of day the day before but I thought just maybe after sleeping it'd get better. It did get better. I got some news that I can't announce just yet because I haven't responded to said news, but I'll let you know it was good news. Here I am anxious and thinking this news can be the best news or the worst news for me right now. So yeah, this day is going to be totally awesome right?
Later in the day as I'm getting ready for work I start getting dopey again and realize I'm forgetting things, and get distracted by Anna's bunnies. Soon enough it's almost time for work and I haven't brushed my teeth or anything. I managed to some how get dressed and out the door but as I'm leaving I realize I didn't brush my teeth or put on any deodorant. Which might gross out any of my coworkers that possibly read this, but yes. I admit it. I did not have any deodorant on or brushed teeth. (Hence why I bought gum. It's because I care. Right?)
Now I'm thinking this day could have been so good but now I'm just forgetting everything and failing at life. I'm almost late to work because of road construction. Another tally to add to the negative side of the scale. Oh I have a huge workload too? Great lets add that right on.
Now I'm thinking this day could have been so good but now I'm just forgetting everything and failing at life. I'm almost late to work because of road construction. Another tally to add to the negative side of the scale. Oh I have a huge workload too? Great lets add that right on.
I have to now ask you, do you think I feel like I had a bad day? I didn't. I wasn't going to let a few things weight me down and make me have a bad day just because a few bad things happened. Those negative experiences happen on a daily basis and we can't stop them. It is what makes us who we are.
If we didn't have the bad then how would we ever appreciate when good things happen to us? How would we even know what good is?
I took the anger I had towards myself for being so forgetful and not accomplishing anything to the bank. Well not literally the bank. I just used it as motivation to do better after work. I paid a bill I needed to pay, bought Charli some dog food, and mailed a letter. Charli even made the day that much better by going to the bathroom outside of the building instead of inside Pet Smart. I was so proud.
So, my advice. You can't let the little things get you down. It's a cliche and I know it, but it's true. Sure I still feel down about things going on in my life and you can read about some of them in this blog, but if you really sit down and think hard about where you are sitting right then and there you will realize this is not that bad. You are not in ditch some where, or homeless, or a prisoner of war, etc. Everyone has shit in their lives but you just got to know how to keep above it. Don't fall into that sink hole, as tempting as it can be, I know. Try try try to focus on who and what is important to you.
That's what keeps me afloat. I've got some support beans built up and if I lost anyone of them I would definitely fall. This blog has once again gotten away from me and I'm babbling on. I hope it makes sense.
What I'm trying to say is; be happy.
July 17th, 2012: Babysitting
I'm playing the role of 'Auntie' Erin today, or at least that is what Anna called me in her facebook post. I'm taking care of her and Ben's 'babies' while they are getting married this weekend. *signal applause* I'm kinda glad I get to take care of them since I can't make it to the wedding. So it's nice to be able to help out in some way. Let me introduce you to their little band of misfits.
This is Gandalf the Grey. I believe this little fuzz ball is the girl. I get confused sometimes about their genders but I'm pretty sure this one is the girl. She had a little moment with my dog where they rubbed noses through the cage. It was adorable.
Speaking of my dog, she looooooves the bunnies. She was so excited to see something new in the house. She kept going back and fourth and stopping to sniff the cage. A few times she would paw at it but the most amusing part is when she barked twice at Strawberry. Charli doesn't bark. Basically ever. It's a very rare occasion that she will bark. I think she was just so overly excited that she had to let some of it out through a bark.
This is Strawberry. The boy as far as I know. They are both cute bunnies but something about Strawberry's red eyes that just make it seem like it's terrified or plotting to kill you. Oh Anna, if you be reading this, I was wondering if there is any specific way to handle them if I was trying to pick them up to let them into the pen. Do the little bunnies prefer to be held a certain way when being moved?
Last but not least I'm also watching their tortoise, named Tortoise. Fitting, right? I hope he doesn't mind being called Torty. I don't want to offend him. I mean he has already climbed into his bowl of food and tried to dig away. Which apparently is something he has never done. (Also just assuming that the Tortoise is a boy.)
He was still this way when I came back from work 8 hours later! Must be a great place to nap.
My house is like a zoo now! I'm not minding though. It's a good experience for me and Charli to know what she would be like with other pets(besides Falkor) and also what it would be like for me to have more pets to take care of. I have a feeling that eventually I'm going to have lots of pets. You know, when I can afford them...
This is Gandalf the Grey. I believe this little fuzz ball is the girl. I get confused sometimes about their genders but I'm pretty sure this one is the girl. She had a little moment with my dog where they rubbed noses through the cage. It was adorable.
Speaking of my dog, she looooooves the bunnies. She was so excited to see something new in the house. She kept going back and fourth and stopping to sniff the cage. A few times she would paw at it but the most amusing part is when she barked twice at Strawberry. Charli doesn't bark. Basically ever. It's a very rare occasion that she will bark. I think she was just so overly excited that she had to let some of it out through a bark.
This is Strawberry. The boy as far as I know. They are both cute bunnies but something about Strawberry's red eyes that just make it seem like it's terrified or plotting to kill you. Oh Anna, if you be reading this, I was wondering if there is any specific way to handle them if I was trying to pick them up to let them into the pen. Do the little bunnies prefer to be held a certain way when being moved?

He was still this way when I came back from work 8 hours later! Must be a great place to nap.
My house is like a zoo now! I'm not minding though. It's a good experience for me and Charli to know what she would be like with other pets(besides Falkor) and also what it would be like for me to have more pets to take care of. I have a feeling that eventually I'm going to have lots of pets. You know, when I can afford them...
July 16th, 2012: Weeds, weeds, and weeds
Look at my weeds! No really. I had a serious case of the weeds in my garden. I have been over run with grass and some strange weed thing that tries to make you think it's a vegetable but it isn't. This was my goal for my morning before it got super hot out. I'm glad I did it in the morning because when I woke up that night it was sticky and gross out.
Have no fear there are plants underneath those weeds. I was only able to make it as far as my kohlrabi row and didn't get to the peas(If there are any in there) or the cucumbers. I'll have to try to do that after this heat cools off again or I catch another cool morning. Now for some pictures of my garden!

Now for another question. I found these 'berry' looking plants in my bushes next to my garden. I really have no idea what they could be. The purple flower to the right is the bloom on the bush. Any ideas. Grandma? Know what it is?
I'm super curious. I don't want to try to eat the berries or anything, but if I could I might. Just saying.
Have no fear there are plants underneath those weeds. I was only able to make it as far as my kohlrabi row and didn't get to the peas(If there are any in there) or the cucumbers. I'll have to try to do that after this heat cools off again or I catch another cool morning. Now for some pictures of my garden!
Lettuce! Question about these, how big do I let them get before I cut them, and then do I have to replant in order to get another batch?
Beets! I was really unsure about if there was any in my garden because the grass was super thick there. I'm glad that I found some at the bottom.
Green beans. They only seemed to really sprout in the front of the row. So probably not as many green beans as I'd like. Are green beans the ones I should be putting fence up for them to grow on?
One of my two watermelon plants.
My already started corn stalks are getting big. I think they might be waist high even. If you look in the green bean one above you can see the corn I planted from seeds. Those are still below the knee, but growing.
My Early girl tomatoes have the first fruit growing. I think I saw a tiny one growing on my Big Boy Tomato plant but the Early Girl wins the prize! Lets see who gets ripe the fastest.

I'm super curious. I don't want to try to eat the berries or anything, but if I could I might. Just saying.
Last but not least. I found a pig nose in my garden. It looks like a nut shell from the other side but when you turn it over it's a pig nose. No idea what that could be from!
Also you can see Thor and the Hulk watching over my garden in the background.
July 15th, 2012: Con homework
This weekend began the beginning of my 'homework' for the Doctor who convention I'm going to in February. I've seen all of the new Who but I've only seen some of the Classic Doctor Who. So Chad has been so kind to help me find episodes that will be helpful for me to know more about who are going to be guests.
We watched The Space Museum yesterday and The Chase today. I must say that I enjoy the 1st Doctor so much more now over the ones where he isn't so up tight and radiating mean vibes. I had mentioned that to Chad and he said that after his Granddaughter Susan left the show he got much nicer. I've only seen a few episodes with Susan and I can see why. She is sooooo dramatic. I have a hard time seeing her being someone's favorite companion.
Anyone out there like her as a companion? Maybe I just haven't seen that many of her episodes to know for sure. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to completely avoid anything that has to do with her. I'm more than willing to give her a shot. I've done a tiny bit of research and saw that she does have some comics with her in it and maybe she would be less annoying in that. Ha!
Any way, I digress. I've gotten off topic. We watched The Chase to see the first appearance of Steven Taylor who was played by Peter Purves and he is attending the convention as a guest. The American accents in that episode were a hoot. Peter Purves side character with his southern accent was funny too. Probably not as amusing as the tour guide guy whose accent I couldn't really place.
I think the best part was the fact that he had a mascot called HiFi that is a panda. I'm thinking I'll have to bring my panda with me to Gally. : )
Oh! Can't forget. Through the grape vine called Twitter I found out that one of the new episodes of Doctor Who is going to be Dinosaurs on Space Ships. That's just silly, but I'm interested in seeing it.
Let's just be honest, I'm just ready for Doctor Who to start again.
This weekend began the beginning of my 'homework' for the Doctor who convention I'm going to in February. I've seen all of the new Who but I've only seen some of the Classic Doctor Who. So Chad has been so kind to help me find episodes that will be helpful for me to know more about who are going to be guests.
We watched The Space Museum yesterday and The Chase today. I must say that I enjoy the 1st Doctor so much more now over the ones where he isn't so up tight and radiating mean vibes. I had mentioned that to Chad and he said that after his Granddaughter Susan left the show he got much nicer. I've only seen a few episodes with Susan and I can see why. She is sooooo dramatic. I have a hard time seeing her being someone's favorite companion.
Anyone out there like her as a companion? Maybe I just haven't seen that many of her episodes to know for sure. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to completely avoid anything that has to do with her. I'm more than willing to give her a shot. I've done a tiny bit of research and saw that she does have some comics with her in it and maybe she would be less annoying in that. Ha!
Any way, I digress. I've gotten off topic. We watched The Chase to see the first appearance of Steven Taylor who was played by Peter Purves and he is attending the convention as a guest. The American accents in that episode were a hoot. Peter Purves side character with his southern accent was funny too. Probably not as amusing as the tour guide guy whose accent I couldn't really place.
I think the best part was the fact that he had a mascot called HiFi that is a panda. I'm thinking I'll have to bring my panda with me to Gally. : )
Oh! Can't forget. Through the grape vine called Twitter I found out that one of the new episodes of Doctor Who is going to be Dinosaurs on Space Ships. That's just silly, but I'm interested in seeing it.
Let's just be honest, I'm just ready for Doctor Who to start again.
July 14th, 2012: Theatre talk
One thing I will never understand about people is why they never look into something before they go into it. The specific situation that happened to me tonight is about people who don't look into what a play is about. Granted, most plays are pretty well known so you would think a majority of the people would know a slice about the show, but I guess that ins't the case. (It's even a movie...so there is more of a chance they will know about it.)
I went to Cabaret tonight and what I kept hearing said was how dark the show was. My response to one lady in the bathroom who had asked me if I liked it so far during intermission was "Yes. It's really good." and mentioned that I had done it in college. She then said "I didn't know it would be so dark." to which I replied, "Well it is a story about Nazi Berlin." She kind of stumbled for words and got out "I just thought since it's a musical..."
Really? Musical means it's going to be a happy go lucky story? I'm curious why people tend to have a narrow view of Theatre. If it is a straight show it will most likely be serious and possibly a bit comedic, and if it is a musical it has to be happy. That is so far from the truth. Not all shows are like that. Some of my favorite shows are far from those boundaries. I like shows that can stir something up inside of you and make you feel something. Yet, I still appreciate a little escapism with shows that are just to make you feel good.
All I really ask is that people try to know a little bit about the show before going in. Whether it be reading the small blurb on the theatre's website or doing more in depth research. Then there is less of a chance you'll be a walk out. (Apparently someone saw someone walk out) I can understand the thrill of going to see a show you know nothing about but I think knowing a tiny nugget of information is not going to ruin the show. Unless the theatre has a really bad writer and spoils a plot point or something in their synopsis, but that is pretty unlikely. These aren't movies and don't have trailers that tell you the entire story.
Besides hearing how dark the show was; I did here good things coming from people. I will say now I really enjoyed it. I thought the set was awesome. I really like how they used their thrust to it's fullest in this show. They don't have to use their thrust and they usually don't at that theatre (well not to it's fullest potential), but it was all up in that thrust for this show. In a good way.
The singing and dancing and all that jazz was good as well. There was a few sound issues with feed back and one time the mic got turned on early and we heard an actor backstage talking about how something was their favorite line while the actors on stage were having a serious conversation. I just laughed and shook my head because I knew the sound board operator.
If you are in the twin cities area and for some reason read my blog I suggest seeing Lyric Arts production of Cabaret. It made me uncomfortable in the best way possible. You know, the way you should feel when their are Nazi's involved.
I went to Cabaret tonight and what I kept hearing said was how dark the show was. My response to one lady in the bathroom who had asked me if I liked it so far during intermission was "Yes. It's really good." and mentioned that I had done it in college. She then said "I didn't know it would be so dark." to which I replied, "Well it is a story about Nazi Berlin." She kind of stumbled for words and got out "I just thought since it's a musical..."
Really? Musical means it's going to be a happy go lucky story? I'm curious why people tend to have a narrow view of Theatre. If it is a straight show it will most likely be serious and possibly a bit comedic, and if it is a musical it has to be happy. That is so far from the truth. Not all shows are like that. Some of my favorite shows are far from those boundaries. I like shows that can stir something up inside of you and make you feel something. Yet, I still appreciate a little escapism with shows that are just to make you feel good.
All I really ask is that people try to know a little bit about the show before going in. Whether it be reading the small blurb on the theatre's website or doing more in depth research. Then there is less of a chance you'll be a walk out. (Apparently someone saw someone walk out) I can understand the thrill of going to see a show you know nothing about but I think knowing a tiny nugget of information is not going to ruin the show. Unless the theatre has a really bad writer and spoils a plot point or something in their synopsis, but that is pretty unlikely. These aren't movies and don't have trailers that tell you the entire story.
Besides hearing how dark the show was; I did here good things coming from people. I will say now I really enjoyed it. I thought the set was awesome. I really like how they used their thrust to it's fullest in this show. They don't have to use their thrust and they usually don't at that theatre (well not to it's fullest potential), but it was all up in that thrust for this show. In a good way.
The singing and dancing and all that jazz was good as well. There was a few sound issues with feed back and one time the mic got turned on early and we heard an actor backstage talking about how something was their favorite line while the actors on stage were having a serious conversation. I just laughed and shook my head because I knew the sound board operator.
If you are in the twin cities area and for some reason read my blog I suggest seeing Lyric Arts production of Cabaret. It made me uncomfortable in the best way possible. You know, the way you should feel when their are Nazi's involved.
July 13th, 2012: Friday the 13th...again?
So it appears that it was Friday the 13th again this year. Is it just me or are we having a bunch of Friday the 13th's this year? I have become curious about this and begun a bit of research.
I came across this article that is an interesting read, and you should read it but I'll try to sum it up. Apparently we get three of them this year. There is usually only 2 a year. We had one in January, April, and July. That only happens every few years. The next time we will have three of them again is in 2015. That's pretty cool.
The funny part to me is that I even noticed. I'm not one of those people who thinks Friday the 13th is full of bad luck, and I'm not one who finds it to be their favorite day either. It was just one of those times that I noticed I felt like I had been saying Happy Friday the 13th a whole lot more than usual. I also don't notice it was the 13th until someone says it first.
Another neat tidbit I read from that article is, "That's not all. For the first time since 1984, those three Friday the 13ths — Jan. 13, April 13 and July 13 — are exactly 13 weeks apart." Huh, look at that. Those people who are really suspicious must have really been stressed out this year with all that 13 action.
Well my 13th wasn't a bad day at all. I enjoyed dinner out to a new restaurant with Chad and discovered gravy on fries is really quite tasty. Then we watched some classic Doctor Who; The Space Musuem. So I would say it was a good day, and not any sort bad luck floating around.
I hope your day was everything you hoped it to be, or didn't hope it would be..
I came across this article that is an interesting read, and you should read it but I'll try to sum it up. Apparently we get three of them this year. There is usually only 2 a year. We had one in January, April, and July. That only happens every few years. The next time we will have three of them again is in 2015. That's pretty cool.
The funny part to me is that I even noticed. I'm not one of those people who thinks Friday the 13th is full of bad luck, and I'm not one who finds it to be their favorite day either. It was just one of those times that I noticed I felt like I had been saying Happy Friday the 13th a whole lot more than usual. I also don't notice it was the 13th until someone says it first.
Another neat tidbit I read from that article is, "That's not all. For the first time since 1984, those three Friday the 13ths — Jan. 13, April 13 and July 13 — are exactly 13 weeks apart." Huh, look at that. Those people who are really suspicious must have really been stressed out this year with all that 13 action.
Well my 13th wasn't a bad day at all. I enjoyed dinner out to a new restaurant with Chad and discovered gravy on fries is really quite tasty. Then we watched some classic Doctor Who; The Space Musuem. So I would say it was a good day, and not any sort bad luck floating around.
I hope your day was everything you hoped it to be, or didn't hope it would be..
July 12th, 2012: K9 Collar!
I'm trying to find ways to alleviate my stress. The usual stuff isn't helping as much as I'd like it to. Even with the help from others around me I can still see the way it affects my body. I'm just tired of being stressed out.
Things could be worse. Much worse. So don't get me wrong I'm super grateful for what I have, but just one of those days.
I have been trying to work on my little projects and not focus too much on my stress. I'm kind of afraid to start working on my k9 cosplay because sometimes that can stress me out too. I do have good news about that cosplay though. I found some fabric that I think matches the collar really well. That's super exciting! I didn't have any luck the last time I looked but I looked today and saw some. Now I just have to figure out how to make a collar.
Here is an image of K9's collar from the Doctor Who.
And here is the fabric I found. I think it's pretty close don't you? It's hard to tell but it doesn't really go together like a normal collar. I'm not sure how I want to try to do it yet. I'm just excited that I found a color that looks close to it.
So my day wasn't a total drag. I got to find some fabric and talked with my Grandma on the phone for a little bit. So project remove-a-little-bit-of-stress was pretty good today. This weekend I think I'll work on it even more. Wish me luck!
Things could be worse. Much worse. So don't get me wrong I'm super grateful for what I have, but just one of those days.
I have been trying to work on my little projects and not focus too much on my stress. I'm kind of afraid to start working on my k9 cosplay because sometimes that can stress me out too. I do have good news about that cosplay though. I found some fabric that I think matches the collar really well. That's super exciting! I didn't have any luck the last time I looked but I looked today and saw some. Now I just have to figure out how to make a collar.
Here is an image of K9's collar from the Doctor Who.
And here is the fabric I found. I think it's pretty close don't you? It's hard to tell but it doesn't really go together like a normal collar. I'm not sure how I want to try to do it yet. I'm just excited that I found a color that looks close to it.
So my day wasn't a total drag. I got to find some fabric and talked with my Grandma on the phone for a little bit. So project remove-a-little-bit-of-stress was pretty good today. This weekend I think I'll work on it even more. Wish me luck!
July 11th, 2012: They can't all be amazing
Why can't I think of a single thing to write on this silly blog.
I guess I can talk about the cheeseburger quesadilla I made today. I got create with my breakfast and put some chunks of my left over cheeseburger from yesterday and put it between two tortillas with some salsa and cheese. It was tasty. Surprisingly tasty.
I guess I can talk about the cheeseburger quesadilla I made today. I got create with my breakfast and put some chunks of my left over cheeseburger from yesterday and put it between two tortillas with some salsa and cheese. It was tasty. Surprisingly tasty.
I would like to say that I love my family and they have helped me out a lot this month when my work was being less than good at giving me hours. I have to make sure I give them some phone calls tomorrow to say thanks.
This is the end of my really short and lame blog post.
This is the end of my really short and lame blog post.
July 10th, 2012: I can cook!
Look I can cook something! I took half of the zucchini and grilled it. I took some of my spices that had parmesan in it and then put it in some olive oil. Then I rubbed the zucchini in the concoction. I decided to grill it with some burgers because there was a neighbor grilling when I went outside and that smelled really good. It was a success in my book. It tasted pretty darn tasty. I might do the other half the same way or maybe I'll try something else. Forgot how tasty zucchini can be.
I'm just glad that I feel better today. I've got to make sure I get plenty of water today. Yesterday before work I got a headache and stomach ache combined with a throat ache. I don't want to feel that poorly again. I must drink lots of water today. That's an order to myself.
I need to kick myself in the butt and remember to either wake up earlier to do some phone calls or do it before I go to bed. I keep forgetting I have an important phone call I have to make and when I remember it then it is too late and the place is closed. It's just getting hard for me to stay up late after work. Tomorrow I'll do it. *shakes fist* Or else.
I'm just glad that I feel better today. I've got to make sure I get plenty of water today. Yesterday before work I got a headache and stomach ache combined with a throat ache. I don't want to feel that poorly again. I must drink lots of water today. That's an order to myself.
I need to kick myself in the butt and remember to either wake up earlier to do some phone calls or do it before I go to bed. I keep forgetting I have an important phone call I have to make and when I remember it then it is too late and the place is closed. It's just getting hard for me to stay up late after work. Tomorrow I'll do it. *shakes fist* Or else.
July 9th, 2012: Research
Phew. I always get that sleepy mc-sleep face after the first day back to work. Definitely doesn't help me get anything done.
I've been trying to find a recipe for one zucchini that Chad's mother had given me this weekend. I've never actually made zucchini before and the only way I've really had it is in zucchini bread or maybe once or twice sauteed. I've seen some recipes for zucchini spaghetti and a frittata that sounded really good, but I'm not sure if my one zucchini would be enough for either recipe. I've also never made a frittata before. Food adventures can sometimes be intimidating.
Maybe I'll get adventurous and try something this week. We shall see! I feel like I haven't eaten zucchini in ages. I don't think I can really remember what it tastes like and that's kind of sad.
Today I also decided to do some research about the ears for my K9 cosplay. I'm not really sure if I'll be able to figure out how they can move or not but I have a pretty good idea of where I can get supplies to make them. I found an excellent close up picture of the ears which is super helpful.
I guess I never realized they had circles on them, but glad I looked into it. I guess the whole pressure of this being my first ever cosplay makes me want to make sure I get things right. I don't think accuracy is going to matter a whole lot because of the fact I'm going to be a human version of K9. Ha! I still want to get the little details in there, though. It's kind of fun.
I think my biggest obstacle is my funds right now. I've had less than ample amount of work hours for awhile so I'm kind of scraping along and haven't been able to afford extras for this cosplay just yet. Soon I should be back up to more funds because hours have picked up. I should just really find a better job. That'd be nice.
I've been trying to find a recipe for one zucchini that Chad's mother had given me this weekend. I've never actually made zucchini before and the only way I've really had it is in zucchini bread or maybe once or twice sauteed. I've seen some recipes for zucchini spaghetti and a frittata that sounded really good, but I'm not sure if my one zucchini would be enough for either recipe. I've also never made a frittata before. Food adventures can sometimes be intimidating.
Maybe I'll get adventurous and try something this week. We shall see! I feel like I haven't eaten zucchini in ages. I don't think I can really remember what it tastes like and that's kind of sad.
Today I also decided to do some research about the ears for my K9 cosplay. I'm not really sure if I'll be able to figure out how they can move or not but I have a pretty good idea of where I can get supplies to make them. I found an excellent close up picture of the ears which is super helpful.
I guess I never realized they had circles on them, but glad I looked into it. I guess the whole pressure of this being my first ever cosplay makes me want to make sure I get things right. I don't think accuracy is going to matter a whole lot because of the fact I'm going to be a human version of K9. Ha! I still want to get the little details in there, though. It's kind of fun.
I think my biggest obstacle is my funds right now. I've had less than ample amount of work hours for awhile so I'm kind of scraping along and haven't been able to afford extras for this cosplay just yet. Soon I should be back up to more funds because hours have picked up. I should just really find a better job. That'd be nice.
July 8th, 2012: Senor Bun Bun
Lazy day. This weekend was too good to me and now I don't want to go back to work. Well, lets just be honest most people don't really want to go back to work after a nice weekend off.
I had a feeling like I should accomplish something today and I just didn't know what because I didn't want to do anything boring or stressful like looking for a job. After basically doing nothing all day(a.k.a watching Doctor Who and a few episodes of Firefly) I finally did something useful! I weeded some more of my garden. There was a brief moment when it was cool outside and I took advantage of it. Chad also helped me start putting up my little white fence. I have to try to get that pesky Senor Bun Bun out of my garden.
While I was weeding I got to see how many stalks of corn he got his little nibblers on and unfortunately he really enjoys the flavor of my pepper plants. Hopefully the little fence will keep him out. We also plugged up a hole that he has been coming and going through the backyard. Also hoping that'll stop him too. If not I'm not sure what else I can do. I don't want to kill him, I just want him to leave my plants alone.
Someone should teach me how to trap a bunny so I can trap him and let him go some place far away from my house. I'm sure he isn't the only bunny that has found my garden but it's hard to tell the difference so I just assume they are all the same bunny.
It's war now Senor Bun Bun. War.
I had a feeling like I should accomplish something today and I just didn't know what because I didn't want to do anything boring or stressful like looking for a job. After basically doing nothing all day(a.k.a watching Doctor Who and a few episodes of Firefly) I finally did something useful! I weeded some more of my garden. There was a brief moment when it was cool outside and I took advantage of it. Chad also helped me start putting up my little white fence. I have to try to get that pesky Senor Bun Bun out of my garden.
While I was weeding I got to see how many stalks of corn he got his little nibblers on and unfortunately he really enjoys the flavor of my pepper plants. Hopefully the little fence will keep him out. We also plugged up a hole that he has been coming and going through the backyard. Also hoping that'll stop him too. If not I'm not sure what else I can do. I don't want to kill him, I just want him to leave my plants alone.
Someone should teach me how to trap a bunny so I can trap him and let him go some place far away from my house. I'm sure he isn't the only bunny that has found my garden but it's hard to tell the difference so I just assume they are all the same bunny.
It's war now Senor Bun Bun. War.
July 7th, 2012: Dominoes

I only spent a little time outside today but it was nice enough for me to pick a few weeds out of my garden. It seriously needs some weeding and it is so hard to get too much of it done when it's so toasty out. You can kind of tell in this photo. All the little extra weeds growing not in a row are not wanted. I've worked a bit on the corn row and some in the not pictured cucumbers, kohlrabi, and lettuce rows. Still got plenty to do.
This evening I spent some time at Chad's parents house. They made us pork chops and I thought they were good(I guess his mom thought they were over done but I've had dryer meat before). I haven't had pork chops in ages. They also gave us a huge dessert helping of angel food cake, homemade whipped topping, and different kinds of berries. I was stuffed to the brim.
I'm just glad we decided to eat inside because while looking at some pictures on their deck a daddy long leg crawled across my shoulder and I had to throw it off of me. I'm not afraid of spiders but no one likes things crawling on them. No one. Especially close to the face.
After dinner we played a rousing game of Mexican Train Dominoes. I haven't gotten to play dominoes in quite awhile. The past few times I've been home to Montana we didn't play it. I definitely missed playing it and look forward to the chance to teach them how to play Chicken Foot Dominoes. Hopefully this time we'll have a chance to beat Chad who had some amazing luck playing for his first time. I was in last most of the game but then I think I might've ended up in second at the end.
All-in-all it was a great time and I'm glad I have the opportunity to spend time with Chad and his family.
July 6th, 2012: Billboard
I have terrible news. Some very very terrible news.
My favorite Billboard got taken down. I am grief stricken. It was the best worst sign ever. I never got a chance to get a picture of it and I should have just followed my gut instinct to get a picture the other day because now it is too late.
Let me see if I can give you a description that even comes close to how awesomely bad this billboard was.
First I'll set the background of the billboard. It was an orange like color as far as I can remember. Just a solid color of orange. The font of the words was varying in styles depending on the sentence.
There was a picture of a guy in a cowboy hat with a guitar covering half of the sign. Can you guess what the advertisement is for yet? The cowboy also had glasses because this is clearly and educated businessman cowboy. He had a blue button up shirt. You know, like cowboys do. I'm sure he was wearing cowboy boots too if you could see the rest of him.
The words on the sign mentioned the companies name on the bottom which I think included something about windows, but the best part was the biggest letters on the sign read "Need Siding?"
How in the world does one advertise for siding on a house by having a big picture of a cowboy with a guitar?! Well that window company did! Wait, they don't even mention siding in their company name? It is a company that primarily sells windows, but decides to advertise for siding. Huh. Must be how they thought cowboys are prime siding sellers. Cowboys with guitars no less.
All I know is that I'm going to miss driving home and seeing that sign. How dare they change that sign for a stupid add about a burrito at Taco Bell. I'm so sad.
Besides this dreadful news, I have better news. We finally got that cool air sweeping in and delivering us with some much needed comfort tonight. Chad and I roasted some marshmallows around my fire pit to celebrate the cool weather that arrived. Then we started seeing lighting crackle in the sky and decided we should probably pack it in.
Once again. Took pictures of the fire but my phone doesn't feel like uploading the pictures and I don't feel like getting a cable sooooo no photo. I'm just too sad about that billboard to move.
My favorite Billboard got taken down. I am grief stricken. It was the best worst sign ever. I never got a chance to get a picture of it and I should have just followed my gut instinct to get a picture the other day because now it is too late.
Let me see if I can give you a description that even comes close to how awesomely bad this billboard was.
First I'll set the background of the billboard. It was an orange like color as far as I can remember. Just a solid color of orange. The font of the words was varying in styles depending on the sentence.
There was a picture of a guy in a cowboy hat with a guitar covering half of the sign. Can you guess what the advertisement is for yet? The cowboy also had glasses because this is clearly and educated businessman cowboy. He had a blue button up shirt. You know, like cowboys do. I'm sure he was wearing cowboy boots too if you could see the rest of him.
The words on the sign mentioned the companies name on the bottom which I think included something about windows, but the best part was the biggest letters on the sign read "Need Siding?"
How in the world does one advertise for siding on a house by having a big picture of a cowboy with a guitar?! Well that window company did! Wait, they don't even mention siding in their company name? It is a company that primarily sells windows, but decides to advertise for siding. Huh. Must be how they thought cowboys are prime siding sellers. Cowboys with guitars no less.
All I know is that I'm going to miss driving home and seeing that sign. How dare they change that sign for a stupid add about a burrito at Taco Bell. I'm so sad.
Besides this dreadful news, I have better news. We finally got that cool air sweeping in and delivering us with some much needed comfort tonight. Chad and I roasted some marshmallows around my fire pit to celebrate the cool weather that arrived. Then we started seeing lighting crackle in the sky and decided we should probably pack it in.
Once again. Took pictures of the fire but my phone doesn't feel like uploading the pictures and I don't feel like getting a cable sooooo no photo. I'm just too sad about that billboard to move.
July 5th, 2012: Bugs
It took me so long to get my phone to take a picture of this flower and have it in focus. It just didn't want to be in focus. Once I finally got on in focus I was like "lets go inside because it's freaking hot". Yup. Complaining about the heat again. Broken record. That's me.
I don't know why but I like to try to take pictures up close of my flowers. Eventually it be fun to actually invest in a camera that's meant for that instead of waiting for my camera phone to auto focus.
Just something about seeing those little details. The other close up of this flower I got had a little tiny ant running around in it. It's cool to see bugs and all up close but I'm kind of mad at ants right now. They keep finding there way in my house even though we sprayed for them twice this year.
Why can't bugs just go away when you spray for them, or at least wait a few weeks before they start moving in again. I don't have a problem with all bugs. Just ones that think they can't move into my house. This is my house. Stay outside and frolic on the flowers.

Like this little guy. He just chills out on this flower. Unless he was one of the bugs that bit me on my side. I keep getting bit these big spots show up after I've been outside. Bugs are on a rampage. I don't like it. Down with bugs!
I'm just asking for a bug war aren't I? I'm going to wake up one of these days to a bunch of bugs tying me up like Gulliver's Travels. I imagine a bug overload with a big staff chirping at me in bug speak. Alright. I'm getting lost in this silly story and I have to get ready for work. Here is one last picture of some flowers. Yay!
I don't know why but I like to try to take pictures up close of my flowers. Eventually it be fun to actually invest in a camera that's meant for that instead of waiting for my camera phone to auto focus.
Just something about seeing those little details. The other close up of this flower I got had a little tiny ant running around in it. It's cool to see bugs and all up close but I'm kind of mad at ants right now. They keep finding there way in my house even though we sprayed for them twice this year.
Why can't bugs just go away when you spray for them, or at least wait a few weeks before they start moving in again. I don't have a problem with all bugs. Just ones that think they can't move into my house. This is my house. Stay outside and frolic on the flowers.
Like this little guy. He just chills out on this flower. Unless he was one of the bugs that bit me on my side. I keep getting bit these big spots show up after I've been outside. Bugs are on a rampage. I don't like it. Down with bugs!
I'm just asking for a bug war aren't I? I'm going to wake up one of these days to a bunch of bugs tying me up like Gulliver's Travels. I imagine a bug overload with a big staff chirping at me in bug speak. Alright. I'm getting lost in this silly story and I have to get ready for work. Here is one last picture of some flowers. Yay!
July 4th, 2012: Happy fourth!
Happy Fourth of July! It's been a pretty uneventful Fourth for me. Lots of sitting around in my hot house trying to stay cool. The same ol' working on the scarf and trying to figure a few things out.
I wasn't really feeling all that patriotic today but others have been. I don't have any fireworks and I'm not planning on seeing any unless I see some on the drive to work tonight. Yup. I work tonight. My work place is lame and makes us work on holidays. Meh. I doubt they will even give us free food. I'm a very disgruntled worker bee today.
Here is a video of Felicia Day being a patriotic lady. Wearing her pride pants. Well actually she is wearing a dress in this video but it's about 'pride pants'. A metaphor for life about being patriotic in your pants, or at least this is how I interpret it.
I wasn't really feeling all that patriotic today but others have been. I don't have any fireworks and I'm not planning on seeing any unless I see some on the drive to work tonight. Yup. I work tonight. My work place is lame and makes us work on holidays. Meh. I doubt they will even give us free food. I'm a very disgruntled worker bee today.
Here is a video of Felicia Day being a patriotic lady. Wearing her pride pants. Well actually she is wearing a dress in this video but it's about 'pride pants'. A metaphor for life about being patriotic in your pants, or at least this is how I interpret it.
Also here is a picture of Captain America. This picture almost makes me feel a bit patriotic. I'm getting there. Maybe just one more thing and I'll be there. Feeling the love.
America. F-yeah. Feel Patriotic already. : )
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