October 29th - Nov 3rd: Happy Side

This week I have not done my blog and I'm sorry for that, but as I get closer to the show opening it seems to be getting harder for me to write blogs.  This week has been an up and down kind of week that is for sure.  To properly explain the week I'll break it up into two blogs.  The happy side of the week will be in this one and you can find the sad side of the week here.

Happy Side

After struggling to figure out what was wrong with me last week I finally found an explanation   There is just a tightness in my jaw in the TMJ area and that can be fairly common.  I was going to go into the dentist to talk about it, but after looking into the issue the sites recommended you don't do anything drastic to your mouth and that with some TLC the pain can go away.  Now after avoiding hard crunchy foods and putting a hot pack on it for few days it has already improved. I've been eating normal foods and the pain is far less often, and not even close to as painful.  I just have to remember to massage it now and again and that seems to help.  I'm just happy I didn't waste money on that Dentist again.

This week was also the week of Halloween.  It didn't really feel like Halloween for me though because we were putting up Christmas stuff at work.  I never really feel in the mood for Holidays when they are actually happening anymore.  I think retail might be to blame.  I did wear a 'costume' that I guess complied with the all the rules with wearing one to work.  I was a Concordia Cobber, Concordia sweat pants and a fear the ear shirt. They had so many stupid rules that they should have just said we can't wear them, because no one really did anyway.  There is a bright side to this story though.  I bought Charli a Halloween costume the day after so it was 50% off.

She is an astronaut if you couldn't tell.  The size I got for her was a little large, but she can deal.  Well she can't really deal. The moment I put it on her she just froze in place and felt like she couldn't move, or when she would try to move she some how thought she could only move backwards.  I tried to get it on my camera but by the time I got it ready she stopped moving completely.  So you will just have to take my word for it.  She would also not look at me when I asked.  I think she was embarrassed.

Charli has had a pretty interesting week.  She also got a hair cut.  She tends to look more on the boyish side for a girl doggy but after this hair cut I think she looks extra boyish.

It's hard to tell in this picture but the way they rounded her ears she kind of looks like a Friar.  So her nickname this week has been Friar Tuck.

Lastly this week I took a video of us going for a walk and you can feel free to watch it, or not.  This video is the day before she gets a hair cut. So you can see how poofy she was.

October 29th - Nov 3rd: Sad Side

This week I have not done my blog and I'm sorry for that, but as I get closer to the show opening it seems to be getting harder for me to write blogs.  This week has been an up and down kind of week that is for sure.  To properly explain the week I'll break it up into two blogs.  The sad side of the week is in this blog and you can find the happy side here.

Sad Side

The part of my week that makes it sad is what I discovered Thursday before going to work.  My gerbil Falkor hadn't been coming out to see me when I come home and I thought that was a little suspicious. He will usually come out if I talk to him or open his cage door, but no such response.  I lifted his house slightly to see just his feet sprawled out beside him and immediately dropped it closed.

Falkor has passed away.  He is no longer gracing the world with his tube chewing antics or urge to dig to China through his bedding.  Despite the fact that he was a little over 3 years old and lived a long life I still think he would have lived longer under some different circumstances.

See here is the deal.  His old water bottle broke earlier this year and I had bought him a new one.  This new one was not high quality and I discovered this was the case when I would walk in the door and just the vibrations of the floor would cause water to come out of it.  When I inspected closer (after Falkor's passing) I saw the bedding was starting to mold because of the water that kept coming out.  I feel like Falkor was made sick by the water bottle not doing it's job properly.  Needless to say I threw out that water bottle and his cage because of the mold.

I'm still a bit sad and upset about loosing my luck gerbil, but he won't be forgotten.  Chad and I buried him in the back yard and put his wooden house over his grave as a marker.  That house was his and I wouldn't want any other gerbil using it.  I'm going to miss that little guy.

He kept me company when I was new and lonely in Minnesota.  He annoyed the crap out of me some nights with his chewing and digging that I had to keep him in the bathroom to block the sound.  He gave me endless hours of free entertainment and had some dastardly plans to escape and rule the world, I'm sure.  In the end I don't regret one minute of it and hope he likes his new home, in my heart.

October 26th-28th, 2012: Send it up!

I was just working on writing a blog about something I thought was clever, but then I started doing some research to help my point and I was hit in the face with a completely obvious element to prove myself wrong.  It was something that I should have thought of because I'm slightly obsessed with it.

That is why I erased that silly stuff and I am going to write something else...  If I can think of something else to write about.  Man.  I thought I was being so clever too.  How silly of me.  I might share if you ask, but you'll only know if you ask.

I'm fresh out of ideas of what to write about so I went to youtube to watch videos.  I found the video above which made my little fan girl heart squee a bit having three Doctor's at the same time talk about Doctor Who.

The video also made me look up the phrase "Send it up".  Apparently that means to mock someone in a humorous way.  I think I might make this a goal to use that in regular day to day use.  It's always fun to find new phrases to try to use.

Speaking of Doctor Who, I got to watch a bit more of the Second Doctor's stuff.  Watched The Mind Robber this weekend.  For some reason my memory at first thought it was Mind "Blogger" which would make for a completely different episode...or maybe not.  Considering how it is mainly about fiction writing.  It would just have to be slightly different because blogging doesn't tend to be fiction.  Usually, but it could be I suppose.

I've been thinking of writing some fiction.  Nothing fancy or anything, but I have some cute ideas for stories.  They probably won't be seen by anyone's eyes but me, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't write them, right?

However, the writing will have to wait until after I clean my house.  Three weeks just passes by too fast for my cleaning abilities.  I should probably be cleaning something instead of blogging. Alright, here I go. To clean something! (Or most likely to the post office to mail something I'd rather not mail.)

October 24th, 25th, 2012: Good Doctors?

All the feels I have are being converted into pain in my ears.  I have never had an earache this bad where it radiates throughout my face.  There might also be a chance that the pain in my face is sinus congestion from the evil allergies this year.  I've been trying a few different things this week but if Monday rolls around and I don't feel any type of improvement then I'll have to give in and go someplace to have them take a look at it.

Speaking of those types of places, does anyone have any experience going to a minute clinic at a CVS? This is where I'm considering going instead of paying a huge doctor visit bill at a hospital.  I've just never been to one of those before and don't even know if they'd be worth it either.

I'm slightly jaded when it comes to doctors.  It seems like every time I get the courage to go see one when something is wrong, they never find anything wrong or tell me anything useful. It's also hard since I moved here to Minnesota to find a primary Doctor I can trust and would like to continue to see.  The only positive experience I have had medically related was with the lady doctor at planned parenthood when I went in for my yearly check up.  She was super nice and I felt very comfortable around her.  She didn't make me feel like an idiot or say strange things about the size of my uterus like another lady doctor had said.

I don't know what it is about some doctors but I just feel like they are judging me.  Sure they are trying to figure out what ales me but do they have to make me feel like a terrible person for getting sick in the first place?  Maybe I'm just jaded from the doctor that literally made me feel like an idiot for not coming in sooner, and then he didn't even find anything wrong with me.  "Oh why didn't you come in sooner?" (Insert judging glare here) So you can decide that nothing is wrong with me? Gee thanks Mister.  That sounds like a great idea.  I should pay you lots of money for something that I'm pretty sure now was mental, or in a completely different organ than where they looked.

So what I ask, from those of you who might read this in the twin cities area, where are all the good doctors at and I don't mean the one with the blue box (although I'll take that too).

October 22nd, 23rd, 2012: I prefer Magic over Politics.

Watch this video.  The rapping isn't all that great but the ending is pretty funny. Plus It's about time I put something political in this blog right?

I'm pretty sure Abraham Lincoln wins this epic rap battle. Just saying.

I don't really like putting my political opinion out there because so many people get up in arms about things but I think Obama should be able to do four more years as president because there is so much to do as President that four years it is impossible to fix everything you want to fix.  That's why I personally dislike the limit on how long the President can serve.  We as people have a power to impeach and if we really didn't want someone ruling the country then I'm sure we could make them stop when it was time for them to move on.

And now for something completely different.

I think I actually remember seeing some of this on tv.  Either way this guy has some sweet magic skills. I think I'm going to go get lost in the rabbit hole of youtube and find more of these videos while I  fend off Charli and her random urge to lick me today.  Seriously she is a lick monster today.

October 20th, 21st, 2012: Time flies, and Time Lords

I intended to write this blog yesterday but I realized that I had to wake up an hour or so earlier than usual for a production meeting and that meant I wanted to get to sleep sooner.  That means I went to bed instead of staying up and typing my blog, but now I'm annoyed I'm behind on my blog again. Meh.

Since the show I'm working on is the reason for the delay in my posting a blog I will take this as an opportunity to update about how it is going.

There is something about time flying by so much faster for this show that I haven't really experienced before.  I think we are in a great place for where we are time wise but it just is hard to believe that we open the show in less than a month.  I'm looking forward finally seeing a full run through piece.  With any show in the theatre business it is always hard to get everyone together at first for rehearsals.

No matter what the show is or anything like that there will always be people missing for awhile.  I think I might be looking forward to when we will always have everyone more than anything.

Despite having rehearsals Saturday and Sunday I still manage to see some Doctor Who with Chad.  We have moved on to watching some episodes that include Susan; the Doctor's grand daughter, because she is going to be a guest at the convention we are going to in February.

Seeing Susan in The Daleks story I was less bothered than when I watched her in An Unearthly Child.  She was still overreacting and a bit of a dolt, but I wasn't left as displeased with her as the first time I saw her.  Maybe it is because the Doctor wasn't as 'mean' in this episode.  He did make some terrible choices for selfish reasons, but he is just a youngster for a Time Lord and has yet to age to what he is now.

The older regenerations of the Doctor have way more on their minds and hearts that they are more concerned with are around them.  I think as the Doctor ages he gets more and more attached and aware of his companions and starts to realize he doesn't like losing them.

Matt Smith's Doctor would most likely not endanger his companions by faking the ship is broken just to see some buildings. However, I wouldn't put it past his companions to be the one to want to go check them out.  That is another way the Doctor has changed.  He has went from seeking adventure and trouble, and having worrisome companions; to being worrisome and protective, and having adventurous trouble seeking companions.

The balance of those relationships is key to what makes Doctor Who so interesting.  If everyone was worried and didn't want to explore at all then nothing would happen, and if everyone was adventurous and haphazard more people wouldn't be around anymore.

Now, now.  I am not saying that the Doctor is not adventurous and doesn't seek out trouble sometimes, but it's rarely on purpose that he finds himself in these situations.  Let's just say that I agree with Amy and that the Doctor should never travel alone.  He needs someone there to balance out the other side.  The ying to his yang, or something like that.

My goal this week is to work on my dress for Gally and go to the Doctor (and I wish I meant the time lord kind).

October 18th, 19th, 2012: I believe in Pit Bulls

After watching a few episodes from The Twilight Zone with Chad I began to wonder why it took me so long to watch this show.  I have only seen one episode before and that was for a film class I took in college.  The main reason I don't think I have watched the show is for the simple fact I didn't really know what it was about.  I thought it was some kind of cheesy sci-fi show (don't get me wrong, I love cheesy sci-fi too).

Three episodes into it, there is much more to the show than I thought.  There are more physiological themes than I was expecting.  I actually have yet to see an episode that I would consider sci-fi.  Maybe the first episode is sort of sci-fi but barely.  I suppose for the late 50s it would be considered sci-fi.  I think it would be more along the lines of supernatural, maybe?

I've looked into the show a bit more on the internet and found that Ray Bradbury wrote for the show.  I'm looking forward to finding those episodes and seeing what they have in store.  Let me just say I plan on watching as many of the 138 episodes on Netflix as I possibly can and you should give the show a try too.

In completely unrelated news, there has been some recent flack in the news from some news lady, whose name I can't recall at the moment, about pit bulls.  She said something about them being vicious dogs, and basically feeding the terrible stereotype around the dog.

I'm a firm believer that the dog is never the one responsible for how it acts.  The owner is the one who trains and raises their dog, and teaches them what is right and wrong.  So to show how pit bulls are not mean vicious dogs I'm going to post videos of cute pit bulls for cute animal video Friday.

The video below the sound is just lots of buzzing for some reason, but it's still cute to watch.

This dog is so 'vicious' it can't even walk around a kitty.

Pitbulls also are so "mean" and "ruthless" they hate baths.

I don't really care for posting videos of babies and what not, but in order to show how "vicious" and "mean" pitbulls are I will show you this one video.  Dog has some serious patience but the owner is also being a good owner by making sure her baby doesn't hurt the dog either.  I don't know if you remember this from experiences with babies, but they have some sharp as hell nails.  Keeping the dog from getting hurt by the baby will allow the dog to care for the child and not build up any fear around getting hurt.

Lastly I will leave you with a video of Wil Wheaton's super "vicious" "evil-doing" lick monster, Marlowe.

She is a recent rescue stray pit bull puppy and I dare you to not find her adorable.

I hope these videos helped open a few peoples eyes to see how we need to stop feeding the stereotype for pit bulls and start making sure that people train and teach their dogs correctly.  There needs to be more stories about successful pit bulls and less of these stories about how a pit bull did something wrong (with no focus on how the owner was bad).

Every dog owner has the responsibility to adapt it to human interaction and bring them up right no matter what the breed is.  I wouldn't want my dog being mean or bad to people so I never let her be.  Luckily Charli is too sweet and dense to ever want to harm anyone.

So all I have to say is, be good to your pets and they will be good to everyone else.

October 16th, 17th, 2012: Why Do We Forget?

How is it we can find ourselves in a place that is very agreeable, and we don't have much to complain about.  There is food in our bellies and the people around us are also happy with how things are.  Then all of a sudden there is some sort of change in the cosmos and things start falling apart.  We go through it all the time but some how we forget these moments happen.

What I'm talking about for my particular situation is money.  Money always seems to be the main player in the game of happy.  There is that cliche saying that you can't buy happiness, but I don't think it hurts it.  I'm not big on buying happiness myself, but it's hard to live life if you haven't got any money.

Sure you are forced to live more frugal and with less fluff, but that isn't the issue.  The problem at hand is how it makes you feel.  The constant worry of making it by every day, every month, or year.  These are things that everyone on this planet thinks about.  Those who don't worry about having enough to get by probably are extremely rich and have no souls.  Well, they probably have souls but aren't really concerned about having enough money to pay for utilities, etc.

Money has just been on my mind as of late and that is my current feels for my Wednesday feels.  I'm super grateful for what I've got but I have to find something better.  I need to find my niche. Who is hiding my awesome job somewhere?

Now how do I tie in my pets for Tuesday blog time?  I can't afford to get my dog a hair cut right now and that ties into the money conversation. Look at that story telling abilities, eh? I'm like a professional or something.

So...yeah...she is looking pretty shaggy.  I would like her to have one more trim before winter so she can grow out her coat over the winter instead of just turning into a mop dog.  I'm actually not certain how much longer her hair would even grow.  All I know is she needs way more combing than I have time to do with my busy busy bee-ness.

 If my phone wasn't dead I would take a picture of how shaggy she has become but for know you'll have to use your imagination.  If it takes too long for her to get a hair cut I'll have to whip out the poopy butt scissors.  Yes they are used to trim her butt hairs, and no they don't have poop actually on them.  That is just what I call them.  Last time I trimmed her butt I sang her a weird song and I really wish I could remember it.  Those are the moments cameras should be filming my life so that I can share my weird-ness with others, but alas you must go without seeing these oh so special moments.

P.S. Family members who read this please do not fret.  I am doing fine, it's just the same worries everyone in this world has about money.  I'm just putting my worries in a blog.

October 14th, 15th, 2012: Making a blog

You know those kinds of days when you can be having a good day but then for like a few minutes you just feel like someone ran over a bus full of puppies with a bulldozer and you can't seem to shake it for rest of the day?  That is sort of what I felt on Sunday.

I was all caught up on my blog until I got to Sunday and for some reason once again I was thrown out of wack.  I'm not sure what causes this but it seems like every time Sunday rolls around my blogging just goes wooosh out of my brain.  Well, I might actually think about doing it but I don't really want to do it.  Maybe I should have put my free day on Sunday instead of Thursday.

Sunday seems to be my blah day of the week.  For most people it seems to be Mondays, or so they say.  My worst day of the week is Sunday.  Sometime about it I can't put my finger on.

Now I'll just play the catch up game again this week.  I will get the hang of this thing.  Some day.

Monday is supposed to be random video day.  Why do I have such an obsession with videos?  I'm not sure more than one day should be videos.  Maybe I need to seem more educated and make it an article or book I read...Oh pssh I don't hardly have time to read let alone write my blog! Ok, well I do, but I'm tired and lazy. *Whine*  

I'm really not that bothered by it, I have just felt the stress of life lately and that always gets you down.  However, just dwelling over those stresses isn't going to make them go away.  We shall will them away with the power of the internet!

There is this film that I have heard about on a podcast I listen to called The Nerdist podcast.  I enjoy listening to that podcast greatly. They had on a guest that was talking about their movie that was coming out.  From listening to them talk about it I became curious and finally decided to track down some information.  That information is coming at you in video form.

I don't know why it took me so long to find the trailer (having listened to the podcast last week sometime) but I think I'm still interested in seeing it.  I hope they find their way to Netflix, or DVD because the odds of it coming to the theaters here and me being able to go to it are pretty slim.

Now I have to go check to see if it is going to try to come to the twin cities area so I can sigh about not seeing it.

October 13th, 2012: I fixed it!

This "Who"turday was an amazing time for my progress for Doctor Who crafting.  I have finished the first half of the season 16/17 scarf and have measured it to be roughly 10 feet long, and that's only half(pictures will come sometime soon)!  I have begun to work on the second half now and I would say getting it done isn't going to be a problem, but I have a feeling that I will need more yarn.  That might throw a wrench in things for awhile because my funds are kind of in the drain currently.

Alas, this isn't moody Wednesday feelings blog time! This is "Who"turday!

What else could possibly go well with my Doctor Who crafts, you say?  Well! Just when I was thinking the worst thing could be happening with my sewing machine; that thing being me having to take it in and spending money to get it fixed, I managed to fix it!  I have no idea what I did and hope that it works again later in the week when I'll actually have time to sew something.  I might have to finesse the thread spacing a bit but I'm pretty excited it is working again.  Let's just hope this blog post won't jinx me.

In other "Who"turday news, Chad and I watched some more episodes of Tom Baker.  I am having the hardest time remembering what we watched.  He took the dvd with him because it was from Netflix so he could return it but I forgot to get the name of it before I left.  I sent Chad a text but he is probably sleeping so I won't get the answer until after I finish this blog.

For those who know Doctor Who I'll describe what happened a bit.  They landed on what they thought was Earth but you find out is far from it.  The Doctor figures out that they made a duplicate of Sarah Jane by offering her a taste of his ginger beer.  I don't know why I mention that part because it isn't like it is a pivotal moment or anything, but it was my favorite part.  I just liked the way he looked at her and was most likely thinking "Who are you and what have you done with Sarah."

It was a nice quirky Tom Baker story.  I do like Tom Baker, but I also look forward to seeing more of the other Doctors.  Speaking of the other Doctors.  Gally announced more guests and the person who plays the Doctor's granddaughter in first season of Doctor Who is going to be at the convention.  That means I have to watch more of Susan...even though the little I have seen has made me not like that character already, but I want to see her episodes whether it makes me want to scream or not.

October 11th, 12th, 2012: Panda-monium!

Thursday, Friday, Happy Days! I don't know if that's copy right infringement using that in a blog, but I did it. I dared to do it.

Thursday is free day so I'm gonna use that to cash in and move on to Friday because I wanted to get caught up on my blog. I didn't really do much Thursday anyway. (Except do my best to keep two rooms quiet at the same time.  Which didn't really work out... Hard to be in two places at once.)

So I don't know if you know this, but I'm pretty sure one of my favorite animals (if not my favorite) is the Panda.  They are adorable.  The are cute as babies and cute as adults.  You just can't go wrong with a Panda.

For this Friday's cute animal video I give you a rambunctious baby Panda who keeps trying to escape from his pin.  His determination is what makes it so amusing.

After watching this video I was led into a string of other adorable panda videos and saw that people can actually pay to hold Pandas.  I'm sure this only happens in China, but I was totally jealous.  If I had lots of the monies I would totally go to China and hug a friggin' Panda.

October 9th, 10th, 2012: The Beard doesn't lie.

So before I talk about Tuesday I want to talk about Wednesday. My theme for my Wednesdays is supposed to be along the lines of what I'm feeling.  I get to put all the feels I have gathered over the week in a blog.

This week has turned out to be a pretty big feely week for me.  However I choose to not do the huge rant blog I had planned on doing a few days ago when the feels where just freshly made.  I had a few days to think about it and stew, but I came to the decision that I don't want to waste anymore time or effort on that topic of discussion because it isn't worth it.

Please don't dig deeper or be worried about me.  I really am truly fine.  Just sometimes people in this world know how to stick a thorn in your paw after you got the last couple out they planted there. It's like they are carrying a thorny rose bush around with them to set beneath your feet.  Well no longer will I waste my time picking out those thorns, I'm going to pay attention to wear I'm walking.

I do realize those metaphors probably make no sense since you have no idea what I'm talking about, but alas that's what makes them amusing for me.  My amusement is what is at stake right now. Sort of. Not really.

Anyway. Back to Tuesday! Which means I'm going to talk about my pets.

Falkor, my gerbil who seems so sweet and innocent in his cage is probably plotting world domination.  Sadly he isn't a white mouse and has no sidekick so he probably won't get a TV show.

However, the reason I think this is because I think he is possibly training my dog to eat his food he doesn't like.  The only evidence I have of this is when his bowl gets down to the stuff he disapproves of there seems to be an increase in the sound of hard objects clinking on the floor of the kitchen.  I can only assume this is him throwing the food out onto the floor.

What does this have to do with him training my dog?  Of course she then will go out there and eat the pebbles he throws out to cover up his evidence.  The only way I know she is an accomplice is because when she is in the kitchen for a prolonged period of time she always returns to the living room with Falkor's bedding stuck to her beard.

The Beard doesn't lie.

So Falkor has trained her into scarfing down the evidence and who knows what else.  I am curious about what he will train my dog to do next...Wait a minute. Maybe Charli is Falkor's side kick?! Maybe we do have a TV show in the making!

October 7th, 8th, 2012: Twofer

My goal this week is pretty lame and uneventful, but then again maybe it is kind of eventful. I want to get caught up with my blog.  I'm only a few days behind and I don't like it.  It doesn't really sit well with me.  I feel like I'm failing at this whole blogging thing by not doing it on a day to day basis even though I'm the one who decides when I post.  There is just a fear that I'll fall off of the blog wagon again like I did awhile ago and I'll stop posting.  I don't want to stop doing it, or I would just stop.

This blog is actually good for me because it forces me to think and remember what I do on a day to day basis.  Then again, now that I have changed my days to themes I might not do as many updates on my life.  I think I can still do daily updates with my theme days if I feel like there is something important that happened that day.

I want to accomplish at least one more goal this week and it could be along the lines of cleaning out my fridge, doing the dishes, pulling up my garden, or getting my sewing machine looked at.  I'm not sure which one of these that I'll do.  Well, I'm sure I'll do the dishes but I never want to do them.

So yeah. In my attempts to catch up with my blogging I'm also going to add on Monday with this post. So a Sunday Monday twofer. I'm going to show you a little video I found on the youtube that I enjoyed.

I am really having a hard time believing this wasn't set up, but part of me really wants to believe it.  I'm a believer so I'm just going to have faith this guy is a freaking insane dodge ball player.

Lastly I'll leave you with a video on something I'm sure all of us needed to see.

And by needed to see, I meant it's completely silly and that's why it is amusing.

October 6th, 2012: Pyramids of Chests

“Who”turday! Or Saturday for those who don’t watch Doctor Who.  What did I watch this weekend since new Who is on its break until Christmas, you ask?  Pyramids of Mars.  I enjoy me some Tom Baker.  I always like watching him.  He is a hoot. Then again I like the other Doctors too. I’m not biased.  I do tend to feel like working on my the season 16/17 scarf when I’m watching him, but I also get the strangest urge to work on it when I caught up on season 2 of Sherlock as well. Strange.

Speaking of that scarf, I’m almost half way done. I've got to more colors to knit before I finish one half of it. Then I have to start on the next chunk of the scarf.  After I have essentially two scarves I have to then knit them together to make this beastly scarf.  I’m just hoping I get it done for Gally in February.  If not I might just pack it along and be knitting at the convention!

I don’t have high hopes for my K-9 cosplay because I screwed up my sewing machine. I’m having troubles with the thread bunching up and I haven’t been able to sew any pieces together yet.  I have to find some time free during my weeks to take it into someone because I can’t seem to figure the darn thing out.

I digress, lets get back to what I watched.  Watched Pyramids of Mars.  I like it but I think the robots chests are bigger than mine. Well, bigger than most people’s chests and perkier too.

This was my favorite part of the whole thing. The robots using there massive chests to squeeze this guy to death.  I don't actually remember if he died because I was so busy laughing at it.

I would recommend this episode.  It had it's regular cheesy special effects you can expect from Classic Doctor Who, and what I love about it too.  I enjoyed it.  You might too.  There were some Ribbon ideas for Gally during it that Chad liked, and I hope I finally figure out what I want to do for a Ribbon too.

October 5th, 2012: I like cats too.

So I know I have seen this video a billion times and I'm sure everyone else on the internet has too, but I still think it is cute.  There might be a few people who have not seen it and maybe they will see it finally.

Maru is an adorable kitty who loves boxes.  This cat has made me want a Scottish Fold cat for years.  I'm pretty sure I'd be allergic to it, but I wouldn't care because they are super cute.  See if I can find things cute besides Boston Terriers. Haha!

Since this is supposed to be a cute animal friday post then I think my own 'cute' animal should get a little bit of a feature as well.  You might have seen this before but I still get a kick out of it.

Enjoy the cute animals. : )

October 3rd-4th, 2012: Sluggish Quick Days

Why is it some days you feel like time flies by without a care in the world but other days it's like it is trudging through the mud.  Sometimes it even feels like it passes without taking you with it and you can't remember what day you are supposed to be on.

It really messes with your head when your days alternate with these different feels.  I don't think I would prefer one over the other, though.  This week has been one where I can't really tell if it is going by quickly or horrendously slowly.

I think in one day I felt like time was super sluggish and then the next moment it was hours later and I didn't get half of the things I wanted to get done in those few hours.  Time is a tricky trickster.

That's why a time machine would kind of come in handy.  Then when time isn't being cooperative you can just tell it what to do.  Well you wouldn't actually tell it what to do.  It would be more along the lines of doing what you want to do and time has to put up with it.  Just don't cause any paradoxes.  Those never turn out well.

In other news, it is getting colder out.  It's officially fall and not too long before it is going to be winter. I hope that it isn't too bitter cold this winter.  I just want it to snow a bit and make hot cocoa, and dream about wearing wool sweaters.  I won't actually wear the wool sweaters because every time I've put on a wool sweater it makes me itch like no other.

All this cool weather also makes me want to bake.  I want to bake everything. Muffins, crisp, pies. EVERYTHING.  I've been wanting to make muffins for weeks now.  I think I might have to make that a goal for next week.

October 2nd, 2012: Bed hogs

I'm fairly certain that all pets are bed hogs.  No matter how many times you tell them to share they will always plop down in the middle of the bed.  I've tried sitting or laying on her to get her to move but for some reason it doesn't get through her head that she should move.  I think she probably assumes I'm giving her cuddles.

She just stares at me with confusion when I push her over, but only after she has rubbed her face all over the place and blew air out of her noise like a spaz.  She assumes I'm wanting to play when I give her a shove. Then you can't really be mad at her for being a bed hog because she is killing you with cuteness.

However.  When she lets off a little silent but deadly fart, that's when you can get mad and kick her off the bed.  I think the worst is when she is across the room from you and you still smell it!

Oh the joys of having a pet.

October 1st, 2012: Monday?

This may seem super quick but I'm already changing my mind about what I want my theme days to be.  I've decided that Monday is just going to be videos in general.  I'm just going to search for a random video on youtube and see where I end up.  I think this will be more successful than music videos because I'm just terrible at remember bands and names of songs.  That wouldn't be helpful for looking to see if they have a video.

A change from music videos to all around videos is not that far of a leap and I'm cool with the change so you should be too! Although I really hope we don't end up in that weird place you find yourself on YouTube sometimes.  The place where people do dumb things, but mostly gross things.  Like pop things that shouldn't be popped. I'm just going to stop before I heave.

The video I came across for this Monday (yes I know I'm a few days behind still but I need to catch up!) is from a TV show that I forgot how much I liked when I had TV.  The show is called So You Think You Can Dance.  I am aware that it is a 'reality'ish TV competition show for dance, but I can't help it.  They just do such amazing dances and have great dancers that it is hard to not get sucked in.

Maybe I liked the show so much because it was something I can't do.  I'm just a big awkward ball of wiggle arms and clumsy feet.  In my mind I totally dance like they do.

Ok, I won't keep you from seeing the video any longer so you can enjoy it too.

This was the first dance I came across and watched, but I assure you I will be in stuck in the SYTYCD YouTube worm hole for awhile now.

Seriously, can't you appreciate how beautiful they dance?  The way they bend and move their legs and arms so freaking smoothly.  It's like butter but better.  I'm just going to go cry to some videos of beautiful dancing now because that's how I roll.

P.S. Welcome to October. Hope you enjoy Fall or Autumn. Whatever it is.  All I know it is pumpkin everything season.

September 29th-30th: I bid thee a Pond farewell

Blubber blubbering blubbis. I'm aware that last one isn't a word but it was the way best to describe how the Doctor Who episode was supposed to make everyone feel.  I didn't blubber or even blubbis, but I did get teary eyed.

So now I'm going to say this. If you have not seen the most recent Doctor Who episode called "Angels Take Manhattan" then I suggest you stop reading this if you don't want spoilers.

I was kind of expecting Amy and Rory to die in this episode but I just wasn't sure how.  That being said I kind of wished they hadn't told us they were leaving the show.  It would have been kind of nice to be surprised by every thing.  Instead we knew they had to leave, we just needed to fill in the blanks on how.

What I liked about the episode was: The relationships.  I really liked the relationships in this episode because for the first time since meeting Amy and Rory I actually felt like they were both equally in love with each other.  There was a hierarchy where Amy was still hung up on the Doctor and Rory pining for her that existed in their relationship before now.

This was the first time I felt Amy's love for Rory and think there was no other way they could have ended the episode.  If she had stayed with the Doctor I would have been super disappointed in her and think she was making such a brave choice.

They did a stellar job with their performances in this episode too. The scene on top of the building before the jump just about rips your heart out, but poor freaking Rory can't even catch a break.  The poor guy dies three times in that episode.  He is definitely the man who dies.

Besides the relationships between Rory and Amy being better and more clear I really liked what Moffat did with River and the Doctor's relationship this episode.  There was just something about River that made her seem like she was so much older than the Doctor now and more mature.  I can't quite put my finger on it but she seemed more comfortable with there relationship while the Doctor seemed still like a giddy newly married type or has a crush when straightening his hair and such.

I'm really curious where in the timeline they are meeting this time for River and how that has made her act not as flirty as she normally is.  I know that she tends to be ahead of him in the relationship but not always.  I enjoy her character but I'm curious if she will come back now that her 'parents' are gone.

What I didn't like about the episode was: The plot holes.  I suppose I could just say plot hole since I can only really think of one right now.  I don't understand how the Doctor can't go back and see them ever again.  I can understand going back to that exact same time he went back the first time would cause problems but if he came back the next day wouldn't that be fine?  No risk of paradox then?  I just thought that was a terrible way to "keep" the Doctor from Amy and Rory.

A part of me thinks Moffat just wants the option of bringing them back in the future  You know. Like he does.  I just don't see how he can't go back an see them.  If someone else has some insight on this I will gladly take it.

All in all I really enjoyed this episode and I'm going to fill the space between now and Christmas with my homework for Gally.  That and running a show, but hey I still have awhile before it opens.

September 27th, 28th, 2012: New Plan

I have decided in order to help me get daily blog posts up here I'm going to try doing theme days of the week.  I'm going to be doing a large amount of rehearsing for "Annie" and working for the next few weeks. I think that has kind of drained my ability to keep up with my blogging because I feel like I'm going to be posting about the same old thing every single day.  I don't want to put people through that. Not saying my jobs are boring, I just don't get the inspiration to write about similar events.

So. Now that I have thought of the idea of doing theme days I actually have to come up with themes.  I think Saturday will be "Who"turday just because I am usually watching Doctor Who on Saturdays or sometimes Sundays, depending.  Even with the last episode of this half of the season ending this Saturday I think I will still call it that.  I still have my homework for Gally I can write about and that is still Doctor Who related.  I've also got my sewing and crotchet projects that are Who related.  Let's just admit that I have got all sorts I could say about Doctor Who.

Sunday can be my making goals day.  I usually try to write up my weekly goal board I have to help me motivate myself on Sundays.  I can use Sunday's blog to fill you in on what I might be trying to accomplish that week.

Monday. Hmm. I'm going to watch a random music video and 'review' it.  It isn't really going to be a serious review unpacking it and analyzing it, but more along the lines of seeing videos to songs I didn't know existed (taking any suggestions now for this one).
EDIT: I'm making this open to having any kind of random video for this day instead of just a music video.

Tuesday. A day I will dedicate completely to talking about my pets.  Charli and Falkor.

Wednesday. Feels.  All the feels on Wednesday because it is the middle of the week and it's good to just check in and see how you are feeling sometimes.

Thursday. Free space! Do whatever I want for that day. Maybe I feel like blogging about hobbits or legumes that day and I can because it's a free day!

Friday. Cute Animal videos, because Chad and I love to watch cute animals on YouTube  Namely Boston Terriers.

Since this blog post is supposed to be covering Thursday and Friday I'm going to show you a video that had Chad and I laughing so hard for some reason.  I don't know if we were just super tired or if this is just that amusing.  Either way we really enjoyed it and think you should too.

I think the music really makes it.  Ok no I think the dog makes it the most, but music helps.

September 24th-26th, 2012: My Least and Most Favorite Parts of Theatre

When working in Theatre I think one of the hardest parts is not the rehearsals or the actual run of the show, but the part where you have to put together a cast.  The part where you have to sit down and really think about what you want the show to be like and how the people who audition would make the characters shine.  There is no easy way to go about this process and you just have to follow your gut.

There were plenty of talented people that showed up for the "Annie" auditions and the callbacks proved to show just how talented they could be.  We would have loved to have cast everyone but that isn't how show business works.  In the end you have to reject people and that is the part I hate the most.

I'm glad I don't have to actually make the choices the director has to make and pick out the cast but at the same time then I'm left calling the individuals that didn't get parts, but on the bright side I also get to offer parts.  However, offering parts doesn't always go as well as you would like it either.  People say no to you sometimes and that is almost as hard as the other way around.

If someone was to ask me my most and least favorite parts about doing a show I would say the process of calling all of those people to either offer parts or reject is my least.  I'm going to take a moment to think about what I would say the most favorite part is. I'll symbolize time passing with these handy dots...... The part when we actually have the finished product and are showing it to the audience.  It is the time when I'm the most nerve wracked and adrenaline pumping but at the same time I'm confident in the abilities of everyone around me that we will make a great show.  It's the best when we get to see all of the combined efforts of so many people finally complete and hopefully their vision on stage.

I hope to have the ability to wrangle all of these adults and 7 little girls to keep us in line for our next few months of rehearsal so we can be the best we can be.  Also, so that we can totally kick the other "Annie" productions in the area in the tush with how awesome we are.

Monday through Wednesday might have been rough with calling what felt like a billion people and waiting for people to return called felt like a billion years had past, but it's all worth the finished product in the end.

September 22nd & 23rd, 2012: Power of Three

I would just like to say if a bunch of Black Cubes started randomly showing up I'm hoping that I would be one of the smart people who would get rid of them instead of making them into shiny paper weights.  Oh who am I kidding.  I would totally use them to build a sweet shiny fence or something.

If you have no idea what I am talking about then you most likely didn't watch Doctor Who this weekend and I can't blame you for that.  Not everyone watches it and that's ok.  For those of you who do, kudos to you!

This weeks episode was an interesting one.  I'm starting to like Rory's Dad more.  He was amusing in this episode and had me laughing at his silly antics.  Not silly as he was making jokes and that sort of thing.  He was making me laugh because of how serious he can be about the silliest things.  I mean the man sat in the TARDIS for four days staring at some cubes and thought nothing of it.

I am kind of curious if anyone else thinks that Rory's Dad might have a disability of some sort. Maybe it's just me and I'm not trying to make fun of people with disabilities by any means but the way he took the tasks he was given by the Doctor without any hesitation or questioning, and such diligence kind of made me think a bit more about him as a person.  I wanted to know more about him and what makes him act the way he does.  The fact it was hard for him to complete the task of getting something for Rory at the hospital (despite the two guys ganging up on him) and being super receptive to the whole alien thing.  If I remember correctly he didn't really seem that phased in the Dinosaurs episode (I still have to watch it more awake though).  He just seems like he might be a bit different and that isn't a bad thing.  I'm just curious about the character and how they wanted him portrayed.

I feel like I am rambling about him though and I'm not too sure I'm making much sense(been up all day doing Annie stuff and I'm pooped!).

Oh speaking of those two guys who attacked Rory's Dad...who I now realize I can't actually remember the name of.  Is his name Brian? I'll having to Google it.  Any way. The two guys.  Anyone else think they look like this guy?

Anyone? I thought maybe someone cross bred some Birdos with humans and the result was the two guys from this episode.

For those who know anything about Mario games and Birdo, I'm one of those who thinks Birdo is a dude that likes to pretend it is a she, or at least it is a gender neutral creature. On Wiki it says "Birdo thinks he is a girl and likes to be called Birdetta He likes to wear a bow on his head and shoot eggs from his mouth."  Which is apparently an exert from an instruction manual for Super Mario Bros. 2.  So I say all for the crazy gendered fictional beast.  You will be a dude in my heart forever.

Anyways. This was supposed to be about Doctor Who! I liked the episode.  The ending was a bit meh for me, but it was still good.  I'm interested in how they end this short little jaunt of episodes next weekend.

Oh and for those who don't watch Doctor Who.  I made an apple crisp this weekend in honor of the first day of Fall.  Well it was more like in honor of being in the store and craving apples hardcore and deciding apple crisp would be good.  So I made one.
I didn't get a picture of it before we had some...with ice cream of course.  I think it was a success.  Tasted good, smelled good, but one thing I might want to do next time is skin the apples.  I used Golden Delicious apples for the first time ever and the skin got a little bit chewy after baking.  I also would use some lemon juice on the apples to keep them from browning quickly.  They always look nicer after a few days with lemon juice on them because they don't brown as fast.  That was what I learned from making pies with my Mom and Grandma at least.  Alas, I had no lemon juice when I made this and did not think of it until it was too late.

I now have way too much oatmeal to know what to do with.  I'm thinking I need to make some "shit" cookies to use up some oatmeal. They are also known as no bake cookies for the child safe name.

September 20th-21st: Town Called Mercy

The moment I'm sure all of you have been waiting for has arrived.  My thoughts on last Saturday's Doctor Who episode!

A Town Called Mercy passed with flying colors for me as far as being entertaining.  I don't usually go out of my way to watch Westerns but I do like them.  I have seen a few in my past and didn't really recall not liking any of them.  I do remember there seemed to be a large quantity of riding around on horses.  That was probably the hardest part to get through when it came to watching Westerns.  Long drawn out scenes of people on horses and cows, etc.

Doctor Who did it well and included the time told elements of westerns but also they added their own little side to things.  I appreciated the humor used throughout, especially the undertaker.  He was probably my favorite.  Susan the horse was pretty amusing as well.  I'm going to probably lean with the people that are considering it to be a boy named Susan and not a transgender horse.  Plus then you can make the reference to the song boy named Sue.

One line I thought was just kind of thrown in there for no particular reason was after the Doctor gets off Susan the horse and finds the aliens spaceship he throws the line out "Yes, I wear a stetson now." It didn't really fit to me.  I know he likes to say "I wear *this* now" but in this case it really didn't go with what was going on.  He was just getting off of a horse and not even talking to the horse like he does later.  Plus the horse wouldn't know what he previous wore in the past.  I think someone thought it would be 'neat' to say that since the craze for bow ties and fezzes happened so easily.  This time I think they might have tried a bit too hard.  Those things happen on their own, and using an old hat line isn't going to make me want to go out and buy a cowboy hat.

Besides that one part, the episode worked for me.  I found humor in it and I also liked the quarrel within the Doctor on what the right thing to do would be.  It had some nice moments where you can see how the Doctor is aging.  They did say he was over 1000 years old now and that means there is a good chunk of time we don't know what he has been up to.  Amy even mentions that this is what happens when he travels alone.  Er, or was it something like "this is the reason you can't travel alone". My memory is failing me since I watched it a week ago.

I have no idea what to expect for the next episode this weekend but I'm going to be looking forward to it none the less.  Maybe this time I'll get my opinion blog out a bit quicker.

September 17th-19th: Annie!

Woaaaaah time is going by so fast this week!  This is going to be another 3 in one post. Sorry about that but this week was a busy one for me!  Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I spent doing auditions for the show Annie.  There were a kazillion little girls on Monday trying out for the role of Annie or an orphan.  Ok, well a kazillion is a bit of an overstatement but there was a grand total of 107 I think.  I've heard 116 as well but either way I'm going to say over one hundred.  Sounds cooler to me anyway.

Tuesday and Wednesday we had some delightful adults and some rather interesting ones as well.  I can't really say much about what I see in the audition room but there are some characters that come out to play.

Now that we have done auditions we will be gearing up for our callbacks on Sunday.  It is always fun and stressful (but mostly fun) to put together a cast. At least it is for me because as a stage manager I get to organize the crap out of all of those audition forms.  I've got one of those accordion binder things that I can't remember the name of and it is fantastic.  While I'm organizing things the Director and the Music Director have the much harder parts of actually picking people.  I only give input if I feel like they want it, or ask for it.  It's not really my place to say anything.  Also I don't really know that much about casting a musical. This is only my second time stage managing one.

The Theatre is the one place you will find me getting excited over new techniques I think up for stage managing.  Which is so strange because my house is one of those 'organized' messes.  I don't really put my stage managing head into use in my own home, but I think I should.  Surprisingly in the past few years I have improved when it comes to my mess and I'm thinking it might be because I actually own my home and it isn't a dorm, or an apartment. It's hard to take pride in someplace you won't be in for a long period of time.  I should really start using my stage manager brain to start organizing my personal life.

Don't get me wrong.  I didn't live in crude and grime.  I didn't dig a path through dirty clothes and trash on the floor or make towers out of pizza boxes I didn't want to toss.  Seriously.  I didn't.  That is a situation I was trying to make up to figure out what would be gross to live in. In my mind I was thinking of one of those houses on the tv show Hoarders.  I'm definitely not one of those.

So. Yeah. I'm pretty excited to be doing this show but at the same time it is so going to wear me out.  I'm going to use this experience as fire to fuel the small dimly lit trick birthday candle placed beneath my ass last year after doing a show while working my same dead end job I have now.  I do not want to work where I work and by golly 2013 will give me a new job if it likes it or not!

September 14th-16th, 2012: Speech to Text

DISCLAIMER: I tried using my speech to text option on my phone to write this blog post.  I realized I am starting to get busy and letting time slip by too quickly so  I thought maybe while I'm on the go I could use the speech to text thing.  This is my first attempt at it.  I did not edit any of this and can not be held accountable for lack of periods or any type of punctuation.  I think I should have said period or something at the end of sentences but I have never used this software before so I'm still a bit unsure.

Needless to say, what you read is going to make a not much sense but maybe it will amuse you as much as it amused me.



I guess you could say but I'm lazy peace when it comes how to plug in her you know sometimes you just get caught up doing things and you can't can always get to see around to the blog it's just something that gets pushed off to the side soon to the coast in something for Friday or Saturday or Sunday when I should how's dumb I did it take the sky s*** I think I p I think I put up a pod hope I guess not what nicki podcast I think it up a blog for Wednesday and Thursday how to Check this after and done with mark in the dog miss Chile do you doing that ass speech to text thing to see who picks hand to see it will be interesting to see looks like come to go to work seahawks Friday what I do Friday Friday I leave for the day that I die because in a tempting pickles sick I can't remember if the Saturday what is this Friday because I can blurred together I think Saturday night thinking of them yeah Saturday I did pickles fried it was just like haha aarons no it was Friday halo sleeping how number his room sleeping and waking up yep what really cold so then Saturday rent a bunch of errands 50 chad to Costco and target and soft like that it's just need to get things you know I clean bring domestic 8 people do on weekends and then I'm heading to the refrigerator the Cooper should have had some mittens on if you been listening this whole time jerk but I was holding a kind of strange lately because face at the wind stripper peace wow really I said come here puppy and the thing that I said stripper pole peace no not pull ups just think this is the rarest fish I feel like I should just leave my entire post this way I'm not even going to edit it now that I see me how funny this looks so mean to me about my weekend I buy sure do wish I will do a formal review posted I usually do I love you because somebody probably enjoys reading my post about Doctor Who maybe. So that's exciting but the voice recognition software um I typed doctor Who with capital letters but the second time I said it it capitalized only who instead of both parts so that's weird what to make of that the ass um I'll give like a little a little 1 hit to how I felt about the doctor Who episode called um Italian called mercy I like the morning dinosaurs on a spaceship that's your hint but I'm still undecided on dinosaurs on a spaceship so that is really hope you because I have not seen a second time to give myself a better look on it because it's pretty clear to me that I was way too tired my life s*** and I should have been more wake flash watch s*** like the next day and said of waiting till now to try to find some way to watch it even know I don't have it and the whole I don't want to steal from the internet things even though I do bye association so hold on a second kiss my big Kris Allen listen saying ah ah ah ah ah ah oh wow it types health as f*** up up ah ah who f*** haha I really appreciate the fact that this listening thing is it it's typing is if I'm saying curse words but I'm not so anytime has those Asterix that look like I am saying F*** or s*** or c*** or penis or a b**** I was trying to think of good to make it Asterix now um vagina how about titties is that a curse word note umm I'm going to I'm going to have to edit this on ice what should I put on makeup stuff do people who can't hear me talking and cannot read this at the same time as I speak what should I put on my toast I've got bus hello I have g hello I I I I have cinnamon and sugar I've got catch up I've got all sorts of stuff as soon as you put in and salty onyx 7 inch sugar a s*** all day this is like the best thing ever meanies as you try to figure out what I'm saying I'm trying to pronounce E 8 more clearly but that seems to be making you actually um type or worse nice realize I have not that my me to feed her staring at me alright post well I go feed my dog bRB


I don't even think I could begin to translate that.  My nut shell explanation: I put off blogging, tried to make the refrigerator pickles and wasn't pleased, did some errands with Chad, and watched Doctor Who.  Pretty usual weekend. Oh and something in there about what to put on my toast.

September 12th-13th: Anti-Dentite

Teeth. One of those things you have to have. The end.

Well not really.  You also have to take care of them.  I'm pretty good about taking care of mine. I brush daily and what not.  However, due to a past filling not being very smooth and causing food to get stuck between certain teeth constantly I decided I should go to the Dentist because I thought I might have a cavity.

This was scary business for me because I haven't had a new dentist since I was little.  Always had the one from when I lived in Montana.  So, I had to go and find someone to look at my teeth and hopefully they didn't turn out to be a scary old man with the urge to pull out all my teeth.

I actually ended up going to a place that was a few blocks from where I lived because of the convince and they have a big screen for advertisement that had that Domo-kun picture of Domo chasing kittens.  I think the caption they put on it was something about they take care of people who are afraid of dentists too. Can't really remember for sure, but it didn't matter because Domo-kun is adorable.

So Wednesday I made the appointment.  From the first moment I stepped into the door I was overwhelmed by that oh so familiar smell of a dentist office.  I couldn't tell you what they have that makes it smell that way but I'm pretty sure all of them smell the same way.  Maybe something to do with fluoride and such.

While I sat and waited for my appointment I began to get more and more nervous.  I'm not afraid of the dentist but the fact that I was going into an unfamiliar place to have some stranger look at my teeth was beginning to unnerve me.

Once I was taken to the back farthest 'room' I began to have my photo shoot.  I say 'room' because there is no doors on any of the places where the dentist chairs are.  I would say it was kind of like each chair had their own little cubby hole in the building but luckily they faced you towards your own window.

They took pictures of my teeth. They took x-rays that made my mouth stretch in whole new directions I didn't know possible.  I have never had so many taken, but apparently that only happens for new patients.

After that whole ordeal was over the dentist finally came in and he seemed nice enough.  Told me about the cavities I have.  Some being smaller than others and I found out that I wasn't crazy and that I did indeed have a cavity where I thought.  Then he proceeded to tell me how nice my teeth were but that countered that with a conversation of how I could fix my teeth still.  I listened and nodded along but said no to the idea of doing some silly invisalign thing and veneers. Don't worry, it isn't like I need them, it was just more of a "In the future you might have this happen, but can't say for sure" type thing.  I'm sure I'll be fine.

So now I will have to go back a few more times to get some fillings.  I went back Thursday for the one that was bothering me.  The process was actually pretty painful.  I counted at least 3 times he gave me Novocaine and I still kind of felt it. I'm not sure if maybe he was just rough with it or something but my face hurts.

Will most likely be spreading these fillings out over time so that I'm not killing my face with dental work.  I'm not a big fan of it.  Plus if he other cavities seem to be less bothersome I think I can wait a few weeks before I do anything else to my face.

September 10th-11th, 2012: Motivate Yourself

I have begun a not so new idea again.  I want to feel like I'm accomplishing things and to get motivated about doing the small stuff along with the large stuff.

So I have brought back my weekly dry erase calendar board.  I'm going to list everything I want to accomplish that day and mark them off one by one. Seeing each item get marked off will help remind me I'm getting things done that need to be done.  I forget too often if I have even accomplished something all day long when in reality I might have done a bunch of small things instead of anything of great importance.

This calendar has only been in use for a day but I already feel it is helping me.  I am a realistic person when it comes to deciding how much to put into a day so I won't plan 10 big projects or only 3 little ones.  I have tried to even my days out between projects I know I need more time for and ones that I only need to take 10 to 15 minutes on.  Even a half hour is a small amount of time.

I think the reason I stopped doing this was because I was focusing my calendar more on being an actual calendar.

What am I doing today? Oh, working at this time and that's it.


Now I have on my list fun things and important tasks; such as, making those pickles and doing dishes.  I'm even going so far as putting taking a shower on the list because it makes me feel like I'm accomplishing a goal instead of just an everyday menial task.

If you ever have issues feeling motivated I strongly suggest the list method.  It makes you feel good about what you get done and if you do it right you won't make yourself feel bad either.  Take the time to decide what you would actually have time for, and then do it! Simple as that.  Free award points to yourself!

After I get farther along with my list process I'm going to start adding rewards to if I finish ALL the goals for one day and start challenging myself to do more. However, right now I'm just taking it slow figuring out what my abilities are.  Plus, I'm going to be adding rehearsal soon and that will mess with my amount of free time during the day to get things done.

Motivate Yourselves people.  It feels good.

P.S. Also, not to bring anyone down but this post by Wil Wheaton makes feel really good about the world.  That there are people like him to look up to.  I really appreciate that man and would totally nerd out if I ever met him.  Heck I would probably nerd out if I met his wife too because following her on Twitter makes me have a place for her in my heart too.  They are some amazing people.

September 8th-9th, 2012: Dunno about Dinos

I have been trying to figure out what to post about the new episode of Doctor Who from this weekend and I'm just struggling with it.  It was called Dinosaurs on a Spaceship for those who might not follow Doctor Who.

I'll be honest, I was hoping it would be pretty amusing, but I just didn't enjoy it as much as I hoped I would.

I think some factors played into how much I enjoyed it.  It was late at night once we finally got to see it and I may have been a bit too tired for it.  I wish I was able to watch it again to see what I missed because reading others revues it appears that there was some parts I didn't see.  I was also a bit worried about Chad because some mysterious bug bit his foot multiple times while at his parents house.  These bites resulted in his foot swelling a bit and going numb.  I have never seen that happen before but he does seem ok now.  Foot should be good to stay on still.  No peg leg just yet.

Any who. Back to the Who.  I think I'll leave my decision on this episode until I get a chance to watch it again. I'm not going to rule it completely out just yet.

I'm going to be attempting Refrigerator pickles some time this week.  We shall see how that goes.  Chad's Mother lent me some jars and gave me some of her own.  Looking forward to trying hers and hope mine turn out well too.

September 6th-7th, 2012: RACCOONED! : (

I can not believe this. Things were going so well in my garden. Feeling great about how well my first garden was turning out even after I had planted it rather late.  I had over half of my plants grow and bare fruit to eat. Gardening feels great!


It is the afternoon and I went back to check on the garden after having woken from my morning nap.  Things seem bright and shiney until you see it.  You see the horror scene that is your corn rows and I don't mean ones in your hair.  Corn stalks fallen upon other plants and some completely torn from the ground. 

First thought is, was there some sort of storm the night before that might have blown over your corn stalks?

After further inspection the reality of the situation becomes clear. The first sight of a corn cob terrorised by tiny teeth you have a sneaking suspicion what has fallen your corn.


I have been raccooned.  Nothing prepared me for how sad it is to see my plants and hard work destroyed in one night.  Never having seen raccoons in my area I never suspected them to find my garden.  I didn't think squirrels in my area would be capable of this kind of masacre but I'll let you decide from pictures I took.

Images may not be suitable for children that actually enjoy vegetables or people who have gardens may feel a strong sense of sympathy/empathy.

Saddest thing ever. Ok well. It isn't really the saddest thing but it is pretty sad to see.

However I won't leave you with these sad photos making you all sad.  Here is some positive pictures of the cucumber I picked the day before this massacre happened.

 I some how did not notice this cucumber growing on my fence.  It was up in the air a couple of feet too.  I plan on making it into pickles.

Lastly a photo of Charli being an indecisive hog about her toys. Cute. : )

September 4th-5th: Huebert looks tasty

Huebert is still growing.  Just in case you were all worried he had stopped his efforts of making himself larger.  I did some research and learned that I'll know when I can pick him once his stem and buds start to look dead.  I just hope he grows up before it starts to get too cool outside.  I would be very upset if Huebert never gets to be sliced to pieces and tasted thoroughly.

I mean who doesn't want to just crack him open and eat his tasty flesh.

Yeah. I'm a bit morbid today for some reason.

I've been trying to think of something less negative than my last post about nightmares, but I can't seem to come up with anything.  I have just succeeded in getting sleeps and fighting off the tiny brown ants that always try to get into my house this time of year.  Seriously.  Those little guys are determined.  They found a new place to come in that is extremely hard for me to find their source.  I might have to grow some sort of muscle and pull my washer and dryer farther from the wall to get a better look.

Let's just say I'm not going to give up easily.  This is my house and no tiny ant is going to invade my kitchen!

So yeah.  No real news in my life for the 4th and 5th.  Which I suppose is better than having bad news.

Did I mention Chad and I got out plane tickets for Gally?  I don't remember if I mentioned that in my weekend post.  The weekend one was about Doctor Who but not Gally as far as I recall.  So now you know!  We got our plane tickets and that is super exciting!!!

I would like my dress to make it self and for it to be Gally now please.  Well how about just Saturday for the next few days so I can see all the new Doctor Who episodes and then have it be Gally.  How does that sound?

Sounds great to me.

September 2nd-3rd, 2012: Nightmare vs Bad dream

One of my least favorite things in this world are nightmares.  I would say bad dreams are a different level than nightmares, but I don't like bad dreams either.  Both of these things are not enjoyable and I highly doubt they are enjoyable for anyone.

I'm not sure how I classify dreams.  What is the difference between a nightmare or a bad dream? I'm going to try to define the two terms.  After taking time to think about it and read a few opinions on the Google, I have decided what I think the difference is.

A nightmare is a dream that actually causes fear in you.  The worst(and sometimes best) case scenario is that you wake up from it and you can not go back to sleep because all you can think about is that dream you just had.

A bad dream is more along the lines of dropping your ice cream on the ground and feeling bad about it but you don't lose sleep over it later.  Does that make sense?  I don't really think a bad dream would be something you could't go bad to sleep after, if it got to the point of you waking up.

I personally tend to have more negative dreams if I push the snooze for too long.  I some how fall back into a more lucid dream state between my 5 to 10  minute snooze cycles on my alarm. I'm much more aware in these kind of dreams, which makes them a bit more harder to get over.

I'm taking all this time to talk about nightmares and dreams because I had one after my first night back to work this week.  I usually am pretty exhausted after the first day back to work and want to sleep for a more extended period of time.  This tends to cause my snooze button to get abused.

However, today I had what I would consider to be a nightmare because it woke me up from my sleep. Normally it's my dog that tries to wake me up early but not this time.

This particular dream was a nightmare for me because it took place in my own home.  Most dreams that deal with me and my own home are negative.  Well, not all dreams but ones where it is focused on my living alone status tend to be nightmares.  I have had plenty of dreams that involve my boyfriend that take place in my house and those are definitely not nightmares. (I also tend to have better dreams with him around in general.)

There tends to be a sense of anxiety and paranoia when I dream about being alone in my house, and the dream took place at night so that didn't help.  I was walking around my house and realized my curtain in the living room wasn't shut all the way so I snuck up to it to make sure no one outside could see me.  You know, because someone is obviously spying on me...

My dream then just seemed to turn into me being worrisome, but then once I started relaxing even the slightest I walked out of my bedroom and saw my back door open.  It had not been open before.  I then saw a man poorly attempting to hide on the other side of my refrigerator.  Once he saw that he had been seen by me he charged up to me and grabbed me by the wrists roughly.  I just kept saying "I'll give you all my money.  What very little I have." Some how despite being gripped by a stranger in my house I was able to make poor jokes.

While in this struggle with the man, his words a big blur to me now, I woke up heart racing and I felt very uncomfortable.  I of course had to sit up and check if my back door was shut and soon enough had to force myself to check if it was locked too.  I always lock my doors when I'm home, but things like that make you double check.

The dream also woke me up a few hours early so I tried to sleep some more.  This only resulted in my brain trying to finish the story line with unrealistic endings of me kicking the guy in the sack and I escaped with my purse to the neighbor's house.  After my brain had exhausted itself with options of things that could have happened I was finally able to get a few more winks in, and yes I did use the snooze button but no bad dreams.

September 1st, 2012: Happy Who Day!

Welcome to September everyone!  I hope the first treated everyone well.  The first was certainly eventful for me.  Not eventful for those who aren't a big of a Doctor Who nerd like I am (and becoming more-so).  For those of you who read this and are fans of Doctor Who then you most likely know what the first of September meant.

It was the first episode of the 7th series.  We have been waiting for over a year for this.  Some say longer than others because they like to forget the last Christmas special we had.  I can't really blame them since it wasn't really all that great.

Now I'm going to start talking about the first episode, so if you haven't seen it and do not want SPOILERS then you should look away now.  This blog post is going to be about Doctor Who.  Meaning those of you looking to see something about my dog or garden, etc then you will be disappointed.

So I say again leave now if you do not want spoilers and come back again after you have seen it.  Oh! Wait! Don't go yet.  If you plan on watching the new episode I suggest you watch this prequel video that is supposed to go ahead of it but for some reason was released after the episode aired.  You can know enjoy that pleasure of having the beginning of the episode make sense instead of how it confused me. You're Welcome. Also, if you haven't watched Pond Life then you should do that too.  It's cute fluffy prequel videos that go along with the series.  I liked them, some didn't, but if you like a bit of fun then I say why not. Now you can go.  For real this time.

Alright.  Here we go. How did I feel about the first episode of this season?  I'm writing and saying this after only seeing it once (would have liked to have seen it twice but didn't); I liked it.  There was a bit of confusion with the beginning starting pretty abruptly with the Doctor on Skaro with some strange lady, but having seen the prequel video it makes much more sense now.  The prequel also adds another character that I'm sure will cause lots of buzz around the Whoniverse.

I have listened to the Radio Free Skaro podcast opinions on the episode and I can't say I agree with one person over the other.  I can see their points but I still like the episode all around.  The secret kept by the press and media and fans for this long is an amazing feat by them!  I appreciate them keeping their mouths quiet about it because it was a dooooooozy!  Seeing Jenna-Louise Coleman in the first episode instead of waiting to see her until the Christmas Special is certainly a surprise for everyone.

Now we get to speculate about how the heck this girl becomes a companion.  Apparently the name she has in this episode is not the same as the one people have seen released, but I have avoided reading anything to spoil watching the episodes so I can not confirm or deny these claims.  I like her name in this one.  Oswin.  That's pretty.  I might steal that to name something. You know. Something like a...Dalek perhaps? *wink*

Needless to say, I liked the episode and I just hope the next episode is done well and not too terribly cheesy.  I must say it is hard to not be intrigued by dinosaurs on a spaceship. I hope there is another prequel for this one too.  I like the little snippets to go before hand.

As Chad said to me this weekend "Yup. You've turned." I'm a Whovian now. I'll be watching and waiting, but mostly I'll just be excited to see something new.  Believe it or not, new Who gets me excited to watch more Classic Who because I can make so many more connections now that I've seen more Classic.

I love Doctor Who. : )

August 30th-31st, 2012: Green Bean Mustache

So. I think I might have let my green beans go a bit long before I picked them.  Long enough for a nice mustache I'd say.  I will try to use them up this weekend in hopes they did not get to big to eat.  Is that possible to have a green bean too big to eat?

Besides giant green beans I also had a pretty successful mini harvest from my garden.  I got my first couple of ears of corn.  They are more silvery white than yellow but the ones I had purchased pre-started were a silver corn instead of a yellow corn.  I'm looking forward to giving them a go and seeing how they taste.

The bugs seem to like them though.  I do not recall my past experiences of having a garden when I was younger being so buggy.  The corn has ants all over and earwigs love the crap out of the corn stalks because they can hide in them.  The ants kind of make sense because the plot of land in my backyard we dug up was full of ants.  Instead of bringing ants into my house I decided to spray them with the hose and shuck the stalks outside to avoid more bug travel.  I get enough of bugs trying to invade my home without me bringing them in on my own.

My aversion to bugs and the like has not made me regret gardening this year.  I enjoy seeing the things grow and become edible.  Makes me feel like I've actually accomplished something this year.