October 20th, 21st, 2012: Time flies, and Time Lords

I intended to write this blog yesterday but I realized that I had to wake up an hour or so earlier than usual for a production meeting and that meant I wanted to get to sleep sooner.  That means I went to bed instead of staying up and typing my blog, but now I'm annoyed I'm behind on my blog again. Meh.

Since the show I'm working on is the reason for the delay in my posting a blog I will take this as an opportunity to update about how it is going.

There is something about time flying by so much faster for this show that I haven't really experienced before.  I think we are in a great place for where we are time wise but it just is hard to believe that we open the show in less than a month.  I'm looking forward finally seeing a full run through piece.  With any show in the theatre business it is always hard to get everyone together at first for rehearsals.

No matter what the show is or anything like that there will always be people missing for awhile.  I think I might be looking forward to when we will always have everyone more than anything.

Despite having rehearsals Saturday and Sunday I still manage to see some Doctor Who with Chad.  We have moved on to watching some episodes that include Susan; the Doctor's grand daughter, because she is going to be a guest at the convention we are going to in February.

Seeing Susan in The Daleks story I was less bothered than when I watched her in An Unearthly Child.  She was still overreacting and a bit of a dolt, but I wasn't left as displeased with her as the first time I saw her.  Maybe it is because the Doctor wasn't as 'mean' in this episode.  He did make some terrible choices for selfish reasons, but he is just a youngster for a Time Lord and has yet to age to what he is now.

The older regenerations of the Doctor have way more on their minds and hearts that they are more concerned with are around them.  I think as the Doctor ages he gets more and more attached and aware of his companions and starts to realize he doesn't like losing them.

Matt Smith's Doctor would most likely not endanger his companions by faking the ship is broken just to see some buildings. However, I wouldn't put it past his companions to be the one to want to go check them out.  That is another way the Doctor has changed.  He has went from seeking adventure and trouble, and having worrisome companions; to being worrisome and protective, and having adventurous trouble seeking companions.

The balance of those relationships is key to what makes Doctor Who so interesting.  If everyone was worried and didn't want to explore at all then nothing would happen, and if everyone was adventurous and haphazard more people wouldn't be around anymore.

Now, now.  I am not saying that the Doctor is not adventurous and doesn't seek out trouble sometimes, but it's rarely on purpose that he finds himself in these situations.  Let's just say that I agree with Amy and that the Doctor should never travel alone.  He needs someone there to balance out the other side.  The ying to his yang, or something like that.

My goal this week is to work on my dress for Gally and go to the Doctor (and I wish I meant the time lord kind).

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