October 18th, 19th, 2012: I believe in Pit Bulls

After watching a few episodes from The Twilight Zone with Chad I began to wonder why it took me so long to watch this show.  I have only seen one episode before and that was for a film class I took in college.  The main reason I don't think I have watched the show is for the simple fact I didn't really know what it was about.  I thought it was some kind of cheesy sci-fi show (don't get me wrong, I love cheesy sci-fi too).

Three episodes into it, there is much more to the show than I thought.  There are more physiological themes than I was expecting.  I actually have yet to see an episode that I would consider sci-fi.  Maybe the first episode is sort of sci-fi but barely.  I suppose for the late 50s it would be considered sci-fi.  I think it would be more along the lines of supernatural, maybe?

I've looked into the show a bit more on the internet and found that Ray Bradbury wrote for the show.  I'm looking forward to finding those episodes and seeing what they have in store.  Let me just say I plan on watching as many of the 138 episodes on Netflix as I possibly can and you should give the show a try too.

In completely unrelated news, there has been some recent flack in the news from some news lady, whose name I can't recall at the moment, about pit bulls.  She said something about them being vicious dogs, and basically feeding the terrible stereotype around the dog.

I'm a firm believer that the dog is never the one responsible for how it acts.  The owner is the one who trains and raises their dog, and teaches them what is right and wrong.  So to show how pit bulls are not mean vicious dogs I'm going to post videos of cute pit bulls for cute animal video Friday.

The video below the sound is just lots of buzzing for some reason, but it's still cute to watch.

This dog is so 'vicious' it can't even walk around a kitty.

Pitbulls also are so "mean" and "ruthless" they hate baths.

I don't really care for posting videos of babies and what not, but in order to show how "vicious" and "mean" pitbulls are I will show you this one video.  Dog has some serious patience but the owner is also being a good owner by making sure her baby doesn't hurt the dog either.  I don't know if you remember this from experiences with babies, but they have some sharp as hell nails.  Keeping the dog from getting hurt by the baby will allow the dog to care for the child and not build up any fear around getting hurt.

Lastly I will leave you with a video of Wil Wheaton's super "vicious" "evil-doing" lick monster, Marlowe.

She is a recent rescue stray pit bull puppy and I dare you to not find her adorable.

I hope these videos helped open a few peoples eyes to see how we need to stop feeding the stereotype for pit bulls and start making sure that people train and teach their dogs correctly.  There needs to be more stories about successful pit bulls and less of these stories about how a pit bull did something wrong (with no focus on how the owner was bad).

Every dog owner has the responsibility to adapt it to human interaction and bring them up right no matter what the breed is.  I wouldn't want my dog being mean or bad to people so I never let her be.  Luckily Charli is too sweet and dense to ever want to harm anyone.

So all I have to say is, be good to your pets and they will be good to everyone else.

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