October 29th - Nov 3rd: Happy Side

This week I have not done my blog and I'm sorry for that, but as I get closer to the show opening it seems to be getting harder for me to write blogs.  This week has been an up and down kind of week that is for sure.  To properly explain the week I'll break it up into two blogs.  The happy side of the week will be in this one and you can find the sad side of the week here.

Happy Side

After struggling to figure out what was wrong with me last week I finally found an explanation   There is just a tightness in my jaw in the TMJ area and that can be fairly common.  I was going to go into the dentist to talk about it, but after looking into the issue the sites recommended you don't do anything drastic to your mouth and that with some TLC the pain can go away.  Now after avoiding hard crunchy foods and putting a hot pack on it for few days it has already improved. I've been eating normal foods and the pain is far less often, and not even close to as painful.  I just have to remember to massage it now and again and that seems to help.  I'm just happy I didn't waste money on that Dentist again.

This week was also the week of Halloween.  It didn't really feel like Halloween for me though because we were putting up Christmas stuff at work.  I never really feel in the mood for Holidays when they are actually happening anymore.  I think retail might be to blame.  I did wear a 'costume' that I guess complied with the all the rules with wearing one to work.  I was a Concordia Cobber, Concordia sweat pants and a fear the ear shirt. They had so many stupid rules that they should have just said we can't wear them, because no one really did anyway.  There is a bright side to this story though.  I bought Charli a Halloween costume the day after so it was 50% off.

She is an astronaut if you couldn't tell.  The size I got for her was a little large, but she can deal.  Well she can't really deal. The moment I put it on her she just froze in place and felt like she couldn't move, or when she would try to move she some how thought she could only move backwards.  I tried to get it on my camera but by the time I got it ready she stopped moving completely.  So you will just have to take my word for it.  She would also not look at me when I asked.  I think she was embarrassed.

Charli has had a pretty interesting week.  She also got a hair cut.  She tends to look more on the boyish side for a girl doggy but after this hair cut I think she looks extra boyish.

It's hard to tell in this picture but the way they rounded her ears she kind of looks like a Friar.  So her nickname this week has been Friar Tuck.

Lastly this week I took a video of us going for a walk and you can feel free to watch it, or not.  This video is the day before she gets a hair cut. So you can see how poofy she was.

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