Well Hello there everyone. Welcome to 2013. We did it. What a hoot was 2012, eh? Where has all the time gone? Who let the dogs out? Wiener schnitzel is pretty darn tasty. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is wonderful, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is awful.
I'll stop starting all of my sentences with 'W' now, and just stop making up sentences that start with 'W' in general.
I do realize I haven't blogged in a long time. I also realize you are probably wondering why. Well, do not worry because I will tell you that reason. Right now. As you read this. In a small, compact nut shell.
I got busy.
That's it.
Alright, there is more to it than just "I got busy". Essentially I dropped off the planet because as the opening of the show I was stage managing was coming closer I was in need of concentration points towards that. So, I took those points away from blogging and applied them elsewhere. I didn't have time to blog everyday and still manage to get enough sleep with rehearsal daily and work on top of that. I do feel bad that I wasn't able to keep it up but here is hoping 2013 I do a bit better.
You might be happy to know that the show went well. It did sell out and even had a smashingly stressful night where we had to replace Annie an hour before we opened. That was the first time that has ever happened to me as a stage manager. I think that day we all learned something very significant; understudies are very, very important.
I digress. I probably could have managed to throw a blog up here or there while doing the show but I didn't want to risk it. Plus then the holidays come rolling right around the corner after the show closes and I was still working on trying to figure out if I was going to make it to Montana to see family or not.
For those of you not in the loop, I did make it to Montana to see my family. I did the trip in two driving chunks instead of one and that was probably the best idea ever. I do not enjoy 15 hours of driving and neither does my dog. So 6 and some change hours is way better per day in my opinion. Plus I got to wander around the city I stayed at a bit. That helped it actually feel like a vacation because I wasn't just going to an old familiar place. It was someplace new. It wasn't that exciting of a place and all I went to was some places I could go to anywhere else, but it was fun because they weren't in places I could normally visit.
I got to spend my Christmas with my family in Montana and unfortunately had to work New Years so I didn't get to do anything fun with Chad for it. Maybe we will have a belated New Years this weekend. I'm going to make stew for him. (I've never made stew so this is exciting!)
All in all I would just like to leave this post with my thoughts on the New year and the year past. I do not want to walk my way back through the entire year because there is quiet a bit of it on here already. Go read it yourself! (or not) I think it was a pretty great year. I'm happy to be where I am at and doing my best to focus myself on finding a better job. I need to be happy where I work and then life would just be peachy. I've got an awesome boyfriend, his(our) adorable cat, and my(he doesn't like to claim her, but I'm pretty sure he likes her) special needs dog bundled up in our cozy home living our lives in 2013.
We are totally ready for this, are you?
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