Jan 14th-16th, 2013: Progress Report

Monday I came to realize that I only have a month left to get everything I wanted for gally done.  This information has given me a new found ambition towards getting it done.  I have been working on things all week.  Made head way on the buttons on the dress, and the collar is waiting on snaps and a tag.

Here is a little sneak peek at my dress progress for my cosplay.  Also a fun buttons strewn about.  I had fun trying to figure out what ones I wanted to use.

The only thing left for me to do besides attach the buttons is hem the dress and pin down the top collar and maybe adjust the sleeves.  That isn't too much, right? Do-able with 28 days left, right? Gosh I hope so!

There has been work made upon my TARDIS purse as well.  I don't want to share too many pictures of it because I'd like the finished product to be a surprise, but I suppose I can show you what the unaltered purse looks like. (I might have posted this on here previously, but re-posting it none-the-less)

I have figured out what I want to do it and just need to get some fabric paint.  I'm pretty excited to see it finished.

I think I'm just super excited in general because the convention is so close now.  I highly doubt I'll finish the scarf before gally but I'll do my best to get as much done as I can.

Seriously I am just wiggling with anxiousness for gally.  I have to go knit now or I'm going to explode!

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