Jan 2nd, 2013: Inspiration

The New Year is always good for inspiration   I really wish that people were able to be inspired all through out the year instead of just at the beginning.  Maybe this is just me who fails to keep the same rush of inspiration going year long.  I get bouts of ideas and motivation, but how does one maintain that momentum?  The answer might be that I shouldn't use up all the chutzpah on one idea and try to spread it out over the entire year. I have plenty I would like to accomplish this year and hopefully I can keep this awesome feeling.

One thing I'm going to give a go this year is making stew for the first time.  I've made a roast in a crock pot before, but I wouldn't consider that to be a stew.  I plan to do it in a crock pot as well. I'm still intimidated by cooking it on the stove and I also fear I do not have a pot large enough to hold everything.  However I do hope to eventually get more confidence in my cooking and venture into bigger pots and the like.  I got some stew meat at Costco last weekend so I'm thinking the time to venture into stew land is going to be this weekend.  The recipe I'm considering using is located here.  It looks super tasty.  Most recipes I found wanted to use wine, but once again that whole timidness with cooking came into play and I voted on one without it.

I'm going to make this blog a short one because I want to get to work on figuring out the hem of my cosplay dress my mother helped me assemble while I was in Montana so it is ready for Gally in February!

Really really REALLY looking forward to Gally in February. Really.  Seriously. I'm so ready for it. Well I'm not ready because the dress isn't finished, but you know what I mean!

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