Jan 17th-28th: 17 DAYS?!?!

It is crunch time guys!  Chad just marked my chalkboard pig that has our count down for Gally on it.  It says 17 days! SEVENTEEN DAYS! Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I have so much to do before then!  In fact, I am going to make a list of things to be done before then.

1. Finish dress collar for K-9
2. Write K-9 on dress
3. Get dog tags
4. Fix control panel
5. Finish TARDIS purse
6. Continue to look for possible ear options for k-9
7. Get a hair cut

I feel like there is more to do.  Maybe it is just the trying to do day to day life things while trying to finish a cosplay that has me feeling overwhelmed.  Doesn't help that I've been watching youtube videos instead of working on it...

Ok, I stopped working on it because I got frustrated with the control panel not being straight, but hey this is what I get for wanting to put actually working electronics onto my dress.  I must be bonkers or something.

Seriously. I'm crazy. I'm putting things with batteries upon my back... I can just imagine what the people scanning my suitcase are going to think about 'lots' of AA batteries...

Also in the picture you can see some buttons; which unfortunately I have to move because I realized I didn't like where I put them.  Is cosplay always this hard? (Don't get me wrong, I'm really looking forward to completing my first cosplay)

The part I was actually the most worried about was the hem for some reason.  I'm not really sure why, because now that I'm done with it I don't really see why I was spazing in the first place.

I did have to decide to do a hem style I've never done before and also involved me borrowing my boyfriend's mother's sewing machine because I didn't have the hemming foot for mine.  That could have had something to do with it, maybe.

In other news. Let me catch you up with my life.

Charli is still a dog who puts up with crap, but also has developed a fondness for eating her own.  Seriously, why are dogs so gross?

Gwen is still as adorable as ever.  She got mad at me yesterday because I had bought some dental sticks for Charli (because who wants to smell doggie poop breath?) and she was soooo mad I didn't have a new treat for her.  The next day I brought home some treats for her, but I'm pretty sure she had already forgiven me because of the nap time cuddles given to me.  I still felt like the bad parent bringing home an awesome gift for one kid and all I had to offer the other was a new water bowl because you know I make my kids drink out of bowls on the floor. Doesn't everyone? Wait, I don't have kids...

I made a tasty crumb cake muffin over the weekend.  It was out of a box, but hey they turned out good because of my skills!

I had been craving poutine basically all week.  So grocery day rolled around and I got the supplies needed.  For those unfamiliar with poutine; it is a tasty Canadian dish consisting of fries, cheese curds, and then slathered with gravy.  I wasn't really impressed with the fries I bought, and I made a 'grave' error with the gravy.  That error was not getting it hot enough, but that is something easily fixed with a microwave.  I think next time a different fry would make it taste better, and possibly try a different gravy.  I'm just happy I got to eat some.  Don't think I did too bad with it being my first time making it either.

So that's basically how life has been going.  I should probably go get cracking on those billions of things I need to get done before gally now!

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