September 12th-13th: Anti-Dentite

Teeth. One of those things you have to have. The end.

Well not really.  You also have to take care of them.  I'm pretty good about taking care of mine. I brush daily and what not.  However, due to a past filling not being very smooth and causing food to get stuck between certain teeth constantly I decided I should go to the Dentist because I thought I might have a cavity.

This was scary business for me because I haven't had a new dentist since I was little.  Always had the one from when I lived in Montana.  So, I had to go and find someone to look at my teeth and hopefully they didn't turn out to be a scary old man with the urge to pull out all my teeth.

I actually ended up going to a place that was a few blocks from where I lived because of the convince and they have a big screen for advertisement that had that Domo-kun picture of Domo chasing kittens.  I think the caption they put on it was something about they take care of people who are afraid of dentists too. Can't really remember for sure, but it didn't matter because Domo-kun is adorable.

So Wednesday I made the appointment.  From the first moment I stepped into the door I was overwhelmed by that oh so familiar smell of a dentist office.  I couldn't tell you what they have that makes it smell that way but I'm pretty sure all of them smell the same way.  Maybe something to do with fluoride and such.

While I sat and waited for my appointment I began to get more and more nervous.  I'm not afraid of the dentist but the fact that I was going into an unfamiliar place to have some stranger look at my teeth was beginning to unnerve me.

Once I was taken to the back farthest 'room' I began to have my photo shoot.  I say 'room' because there is no doors on any of the places where the dentist chairs are.  I would say it was kind of like each chair had their own little cubby hole in the building but luckily they faced you towards your own window.

They took pictures of my teeth. They took x-rays that made my mouth stretch in whole new directions I didn't know possible.  I have never had so many taken, but apparently that only happens for new patients.

After that whole ordeal was over the dentist finally came in and he seemed nice enough.  Told me about the cavities I have.  Some being smaller than others and I found out that I wasn't crazy and that I did indeed have a cavity where I thought.  Then he proceeded to tell me how nice my teeth were but that countered that with a conversation of how I could fix my teeth still.  I listened and nodded along but said no to the idea of doing some silly invisalign thing and veneers. Don't worry, it isn't like I need them, it was just more of a "In the future you might have this happen, but can't say for sure" type thing.  I'm sure I'll be fine.

So now I will have to go back a few more times to get some fillings.  I went back Thursday for the one that was bothering me.  The process was actually pretty painful.  I counted at least 3 times he gave me Novocaine and I still kind of felt it. I'm not sure if maybe he was just rough with it or something but my face hurts.

Will most likely be spreading these fillings out over time so that I'm not killing my face with dental work.  I'm not a big fan of it.  Plus if he other cavities seem to be less bothersome I think I can wait a few weeks before I do anything else to my face.

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