September 27th, 28th, 2012: New Plan

I have decided in order to help me get daily blog posts up here I'm going to try doing theme days of the week.  I'm going to be doing a large amount of rehearsing for "Annie" and working for the next few weeks. I think that has kind of drained my ability to keep up with my blogging because I feel like I'm going to be posting about the same old thing every single day.  I don't want to put people through that. Not saying my jobs are boring, I just don't get the inspiration to write about similar events.

So. Now that I have thought of the idea of doing theme days I actually have to come up with themes.  I think Saturday will be "Who"turday just because I am usually watching Doctor Who on Saturdays or sometimes Sundays, depending.  Even with the last episode of this half of the season ending this Saturday I think I will still call it that.  I still have my homework for Gally I can write about and that is still Doctor Who related.  I've also got my sewing and crotchet projects that are Who related.  Let's just admit that I have got all sorts I could say about Doctor Who.

Sunday can be my making goals day.  I usually try to write up my weekly goal board I have to help me motivate myself on Sundays.  I can use Sunday's blog to fill you in on what I might be trying to accomplish that week.

Monday. Hmm. I'm going to watch a random music video and 'review' it.  It isn't really going to be a serious review unpacking it and analyzing it, but more along the lines of seeing videos to songs I didn't know existed (taking any suggestions now for this one).
EDIT: I'm making this open to having any kind of random video for this day instead of just a music video.

Tuesday. A day I will dedicate completely to talking about my pets.  Charli and Falkor.

Wednesday. Feels.  All the feels on Wednesday because it is the middle of the week and it's good to just check in and see how you are feeling sometimes.

Thursday. Free space! Do whatever I want for that day. Maybe I feel like blogging about hobbits or legumes that day and I can because it's a free day!

Friday. Cute Animal videos, because Chad and I love to watch cute animals on YouTube  Namely Boston Terriers.

Since this blog post is supposed to be covering Thursday and Friday I'm going to show you a video that had Chad and I laughing so hard for some reason.  I don't know if we were just super tired or if this is just that amusing.  Either way we really enjoyed it and think you should too.

I think the music really makes it.  Ok no I think the dog makes it the most, but music helps.

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