September 17th-19th: Annie!

Woaaaaah time is going by so fast this week!  This is going to be another 3 in one post. Sorry about that but this week was a busy one for me!  Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I spent doing auditions for the show Annie.  There were a kazillion little girls on Monday trying out for the role of Annie or an orphan.  Ok, well a kazillion is a bit of an overstatement but there was a grand total of 107 I think.  I've heard 116 as well but either way I'm going to say over one hundred.  Sounds cooler to me anyway.

Tuesday and Wednesday we had some delightful adults and some rather interesting ones as well.  I can't really say much about what I see in the audition room but there are some characters that come out to play.

Now that we have done auditions we will be gearing up for our callbacks on Sunday.  It is always fun and stressful (but mostly fun) to put together a cast. At least it is for me because as a stage manager I get to organize the crap out of all of those audition forms.  I've got one of those accordion binder things that I can't remember the name of and it is fantastic.  While I'm organizing things the Director and the Music Director have the much harder parts of actually picking people.  I only give input if I feel like they want it, or ask for it.  It's not really my place to say anything.  Also I don't really know that much about casting a musical. This is only my second time stage managing one.

The Theatre is the one place you will find me getting excited over new techniques I think up for stage managing.  Which is so strange because my house is one of those 'organized' messes.  I don't really put my stage managing head into use in my own home, but I think I should.  Surprisingly in the past few years I have improved when it comes to my mess and I'm thinking it might be because I actually own my home and it isn't a dorm, or an apartment. It's hard to take pride in someplace you won't be in for a long period of time.  I should really start using my stage manager brain to start organizing my personal life.

Don't get me wrong.  I didn't live in crude and grime.  I didn't dig a path through dirty clothes and trash on the floor or make towers out of pizza boxes I didn't want to toss.  Seriously.  I didn't.  That is a situation I was trying to make up to figure out what would be gross to live in. In my mind I was thinking of one of those houses on the tv show Hoarders.  I'm definitely not one of those.

So. Yeah. I'm pretty excited to be doing this show but at the same time it is so going to wear me out.  I'm going to use this experience as fire to fuel the small dimly lit trick birthday candle placed beneath my ass last year after doing a show while working my same dead end job I have now.  I do not want to work where I work and by golly 2013 will give me a new job if it likes it or not!

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