August 30th-31st, 2012: Green Bean Mustache

So. I think I might have let my green beans go a bit long before I picked them.  Long enough for a nice mustache I'd say.  I will try to use them up this weekend in hopes they did not get to big to eat.  Is that possible to have a green bean too big to eat?

Besides giant green beans I also had a pretty successful mini harvest from my garden.  I got my first couple of ears of corn.  They are more silvery white than yellow but the ones I had purchased pre-started were a silver corn instead of a yellow corn.  I'm looking forward to giving them a go and seeing how they taste.

The bugs seem to like them though.  I do not recall my past experiences of having a garden when I was younger being so buggy.  The corn has ants all over and earwigs love the crap out of the corn stalks because they can hide in them.  The ants kind of make sense because the plot of land in my backyard we dug up was full of ants.  Instead of bringing ants into my house I decided to spray them with the hose and shuck the stalks outside to avoid more bug travel.  I get enough of bugs trying to invade my home without me bringing them in on my own.

My aversion to bugs and the like has not made me regret gardening this year.  I enjoy seeing the things grow and become edible.  Makes me feel like I've actually accomplished something this year.

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