There are some days when you really wish you didn't have a sense of smell, but at the same time you realize if you didn't you wouldn't have noticed that funky odor in your house. That order will then lead you to question things and soon you will find yourself on the internet googling things. Little did you know that the smell of 'fish' in your house can actually mean some faulty wiring. Who knew? You do now.
I was sleeping and awoke to a slight fishy smell. At first I thought maybe a neighbor is making fish but then I realized this was more like raw dead fish. Then I thought about the possibilities of someone putting a dead fish underneath my bed and actually checked. I then realized I don't have a cat that would bring fishy things into fishy places or know anyone with a putting fish beneath beds problem.
This is when I began my googling of possiblities. Out of all the weird things people post I decided something faulty with my wires is most likely. I felt and smelt the sockets in my bedroom and found one that was warm to the touch. Warning sign number one! I then unplugged things from the sockets and smelled both to see if I could smell any difference and the one that felt warmer smelled strange. Warning sign number 2!
Now I had to figure out what I needed to do to fix this because there is no way I can afford an electrician. So the next best thing a girl can do is what I did; I called my Dad. He explained to me how to replace my socket over the phone and I successfully changed it because I happened to have an extra socket laying around. I still have to get it screwed into the wall correctly again but besides that the socket is running fine.
I think the most intimidating part of the whole process was when I had taken off the top cover for the socket and was just eyeing it over to see what the problem was exactly, and I saw a tiny spark come from one of the wires. It happened that the socket had gone bad and I could see where it was starting to burn plastic which is what I was smelling. I'm just glad I was able to fix it without paying out of my tush. It's also nice to know I can fix things sometimes. *coolshades*
I'm all domestic now. I can fix things. Yeah.
Now enjoy some videos of Charli trying to get me out of bed two hours earlier than my alarm this morning.
This first video is her trying to get me up. If you want you can skip to :22ish because it's dark for the beginning. I was trying to tell if I could see in the little bit of light I had. Also every time I have played this video to make sure it loaded properly, Charli always wonders why I keep saying her name.
This video is of her after failing at trying to get me up.
She is pretty cute, but also I loathe when she tries to get me up early. Poopie head.
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