Yeah, why not?
Don't you have anything better to do with your time? Like make me food and shower me with attention?
I already fed you and taking pictures of you is like me giving you attention, right?
Whatever. I could totally eat right now.
Don't you lick your snout at me! I fed you fatty. You are lucky the vet said you weren't overweight today.
Yeah, yeah. Maybe if you fed me whenever I wanted to be fed I could have been.
I think you are missing the point, and I also think this made up conversation is making you sound way too smart.
Charli went to the vet with me on Wednesday and has a clean bill of health. Just took her in for the regular vaccinations and she should be set on shots for a few years according to the paper work. It's nice having a couch potato dog that doesn't jump into bushes to get ticks or drink out of puddles where other animals could have peed. Such a dainty pup she is.
She is also officially in the books 5 years old. So next time you 'see' her you should tell her she is old.
Thursday wasn't too exciting. I figured out that my corn disease is Corn Smut from help of my parents googling powers. I must say it is pretty amusing to find out I have smut growing in my garden but it's also really gross.
Reading about it I learned that apparently it is a delicacy in Mexico and that they eat it and treat similarly to a fungi; such as, a mushroom. I will not be venturing into this scary world of icky looking corn stuff to try and eat this smut. However I will be looking over my other plants more carefully to make sure it isn't spreading further.
Here is some progress pictures of Huebert the watermelon to clense your palette of any gross thoughts about my corn smut. I know I need a good cleansing from that.
I used my thumb to help compare it's size change. Can you see the difference in just a few days?

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