August 10th, 2012: Drive Straight

What a night to be had when you get to spend it surrounded by nerds watching Serenity and Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long blog for a great cause. The cause being Can't Stop the Serenity.  They set up screenings of the movie Serenity to raise money for Equality Now; which is an organization that is focused on human rights for women.  They try to stop laws in countries that promote sex trafficking among other things.  I suggest clicking on this link if you are interested at all and possibly supporting on your own too.  You might want to see if they have a Serenity screening coming to your town too.

One fact they gave us was that Equality Now has helped with two different countries getting rid of a law that would allow for a rapist to get off scot free if they married their victim.  How messed up is that?

I'm more than happy to support a cause like that but it's a nice bonus when you get to see two good movies.

My buzz of the whole night was rather ruined though.  On my drive home we got pulled over simply because we were out late at night.  The cop claimed it was because I went over the white line a few times but I could only recall one time I did that on the tight loop exit off of the freeway and that was miles back after the cop had followed me for awhile.  She also tried to use the excuse that I wasn't supposed to have anything hanging from my mirror and I know you can't see through the back of a car's windows to tell there is something hanging from it while driving at night.  Plus the last time I got pulled over they said nothing about my leis on my mirror. (last time I got pulled over was because I had a light going out, so that one is at least semi-legit)

I wasn't speeding, and I wasn't driving unsafely. I used turned signals and everything, but since I was up late at night then I was going to be a drunk according to their mindset.  I just wished they would not waste their time on me when I'm not driving poorly.  The cop asked me how many drinks I had that night and I confidently answered, "None" because that is the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

It was pretty clear I had done nothing wrong at all when the pullover process took only a few minutes compared to when they actually have something to write up.  She was struggling to make the pull over seem legit and left us with the helpful tidbit of "Just remember to, uh, drive straight."  So everyone, please remember to drive straight.  Which makes me slightly confused about when the road curves...

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