August 7th, 2012: Zelda nerdn' out.

So I totally can't find the motivation to remember what I did yesterday.  All I can really recall is doing laundry, changing from watching Supernatural to Warehouse 13 because my brain needs a break from all the gore in Supernatural, and getting lots of spam left on my doorstep.  It would probably a good break from the paranormal that fuels my paranoia in general.  See what I did there? No? That's fine.

Instead of recounting that really exciting sounding day I'm going to talk about some stuff I think is cool. Yay!

Lets just start off with a bang (pun joke to be made here later if you like).  There is a mash up of Zelda and Westerns that exists on the internet.  How cool is that? This cool.

I suggest watching all three parts.  It's pretty awesome.  If you played/play Zelda games then you should watch this. Heck, if you like westerns you should watch this too.  If you don't like either then you should really reconsider your life because they are both excellent things in this world.

Zelda as a ginger kinda threw me off but I can dig it.  I see her portrayed usually as a blonde but that confuses me because I'm pretty sure/almost certain that she is a brunette.  I could see her being a dark haired ginger over being a blonde in my mind.  Lets just settle with she should have auburn hair and tell people to stop portraying her with blonde hair.  She isn't friggin' Princess Peach.  Maybe I just identify with her being brunette or even dirty blonde because of the fact my favorite versions of Zelda are Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time.  The latter she has brown hair and Ocarina she has blonde hair.  Although now looking back at screen shots it was very yellow blonde and not as dark as I remember in Ocarina.

Let me just say that I think she can have whatever color she wants because she is a free woman and she can kick ass when she wants to.

Also all this talk about Zelda reminds me of the video of her and Princess Peach talking about getting kidnapped.  It's pretty amusing.

CollegeHumor’s Favorite Funny Videos

Sweet I got it to embed that video! I feel like I've leveled up my nerd abilities today.  Usually it's a pain in my tush to get it to do that if it isn't a youtube video.  Yay learning!

Also this video may be old but it totally makes sense.  Explains a lot about why they keep getting kidnapped.

So yeah. I'm a nerd. Those are great videos and you should watch them.

The End.

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