Welcome to September everyone! I hope the first treated everyone well. The first was certainly eventful for me. Not eventful for those who aren't a big of a Doctor Who nerd like I am (and becoming more-so). For those of you who read this and are fans of Doctor Who then you most likely know what the first of September meant.
It was the first episode of the 7th series. We have been waiting for over a year for this. Some say longer than others because they like to forget the last Christmas special we had. I can't really blame them since it wasn't really all that great.
Now I'm going to start talking about the first episode, so if you haven't seen it and do not want SPOILERS then you should look away now. This blog post is going to be about Doctor Who. Meaning those of you looking to see something about my dog or garden, etc then you will be disappointed.
So I say again leave now if you do not want spoilers and come back again after you have seen it. Oh! Wait! Don't go yet. If you plan on watching the new episode I suggest you watch this prequel video that is supposed to go ahead of it but for some reason was released after the episode aired. You can know enjoy that pleasure of having the beginning of the episode make sense instead of how it confused me. You're Welcome. Also, if you haven't watched Pond Life then you should do that too. It's cute fluffy prequel videos that go along with the series. I liked them, some didn't, but if you like a bit of fun then I say why not. Now you can go. For real this time.
Alright. Here we go. How did I feel about the first episode of this season? I'm writing and saying this after only seeing it once (would have liked to have seen it twice but didn't); I liked it. There was a bit of confusion with the beginning starting pretty abruptly with the Doctor on Skaro with some strange lady, but having seen the prequel video it makes much more sense now. The prequel also adds another character that I'm sure will cause lots of buzz around the Whoniverse.
I have listened to the Radio Free Skaro podcast opinions on the episode and I can't say I agree with one person over the other. I can see their points but I still like the episode all around. The secret kept by the press and media and fans for this long is an amazing feat by them! I appreciate them keeping their mouths quiet about it because it was a dooooooozy! Seeing Jenna-Louise Coleman in the first episode instead of waiting to see her until the Christmas Special is certainly a surprise for everyone.
Now we get to speculate about how the heck this girl becomes a companion. Apparently the name she has in this episode is not the same as the one people have seen released, but I have avoided reading anything to spoil watching the episodes so I can not confirm or deny these claims. I like her name in this one. Oswin. That's pretty. I might steal that to name something. You know. Something like a...Dalek perhaps? *wink*
Needless to say, I liked the episode and I just hope the next episode is done well and not too terribly cheesy. I must say it is hard to not be intrigued by dinosaurs on a spaceship. I hope there is another prequel for this one too. I like the little snippets to go before hand.
As Chad said to me this weekend "Yup. You've turned." I'm a Whovian now. I'll be watching and waiting, but mostly I'll just be excited to see something new. Believe it or not, new Who gets me excited to watch more Classic Who because I can make so many more connections now that I've seen more Classic.
I love Doctor Who. : )
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