March 9th-10th, 2014: Story Waffles

If you were to write a book what kind of book would it be?

Seriously. What would you write about? Would you write about your life? Would you write a fiction about something you enjoy, or make it up from scratch? Would you write it for adults or children, or maybe even one for both?

I have been thinking about writing something myself. I'm not sure if it will be book material but maybe I'll eventually post it to a fan fiction site depending on what I avenue I go with it. I've been leaning towards something Doctor Who themed, but I'm not sure yet.  It's kind of fun to think about different types of themes for what I'm planning. I don't want to really give away too much because I'd still like a bit of a surprise for when I finally do it.

This idea has actually been crowding my head for awhile so I've found it hard to come up with blog posts because this is all I have been thinking about is writing it. I need a code name for it. Secret special thing? Booky thing? Waffle? Eh, I come up with something.

I'm going to leave you with a picture of Romana and I thinking about the kitty stories we should write. Which reminds me that I was once going to write a story about a Boston Terrier. Hmm, maybe I'll add that to my list.

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