May 31st, 2012: Bad Dog!

I'll give you a hint about who was misbehaving today.  She is small, white, and sometimes fluffy.  When Charli decides she wants to go for a walk when not on the leash then she does.  I opened the gate to bring her inside like usual but today I could see the evil in her eyes when she kept going down the driveway instead of into my house.  I could have dropped kicked her. Not really though.  

She is the kind of dog that doesn't like to be picked up right away.  She prefers to play 'catch me'.  So when I call her to come back to me she comes juuuuuust out of my reach and scurries off when I try to grab her laughing manically in her mind or so I imagine.  It drives me bonkers!  I was super lucky that a neighbor was outside and offered her dogs up as distractions to help me catch her.  I just had to have quicker reflexes than her and become one with the air or something. Now as her punishment she gets to drag around her purple lease until she learns to behave.  I wish she wasn't so brain dead about things or I might actually think there is hope to train her some day.

In other news: Had my one night of tech rehearsal for the show I'm working on.  I get to do some quick changes.  For those who don't know that means when the actor has only a little amount of time to change there costume there can be people back stage to help them change.  That'll be me!  I do a few other things but it's pretty easy.  

I'm just really looking forward to being back in the Theatre.  I don't like being away so long.  Time for naps methinks.


May 30th, 2012: Back in the back

So, I just realized that yesterday's post was my 100th post on this blog. That's pretty cool, I guess.  

In other pretty cool news I'm going to be back stage for a show again.  I was asked if I could cover for someone as light board op and now it has turned into me being back stage again.  It should be pretty interesting considering I only get a day to pick up what I need to know about the show.  Guess that's one of the joys of theatre, you always have to be able to pick up anywhere at anytime.  
Let's just say I'm looking forward to being back in the theatre after being off for 5 months.  

In other, other news someone was excited to get to go to PetSmart today.  I'll give you a hint, it wasn't me.  I decided to buy dog food before I ran out of it.  What a concept, right? 

Charli is plain and simple, an attention whore.  Her ears perk up when she see people and immediately wants to go say hi.  She is also interested in other dogs too, but only to an extent.  I think she prefers dogs her size but doesn't mind big dogs either.

I think the most interesting part of the trip was the lady dropping off her dog for a grooming.  She spilled her coffee on herself because her dog tugged on the lease when it saw my dog.  So she sarcastically told her dog thanks for spilling all over her.  The best part was when a guy drove by rather quickly and she yells at him "SLOW DOWN"  For some reason in my mind I remember it with curse words but I'm not sure if she did say any, but curse words make everything more funny.  
Maybe I just find it funny.  Guess you had to be there.

Work is going to be a struggle for me today.  I can tell because I only managed to get around four hours of sleep.  I blame my dog for it because she was whining and being annoying.  How can you be mad at a face like that?

Plus it's hard to sleep when you are worried.  I try to not worry but I can't help it.  I'm doing my best to not be but still some positive vibes sent towards my Grandma would be nice.

Anyway. Must get dressed and ready to work again.


May 29th, 2012: Uncle Thor

I'd like to introduce you to my new addition to my family.  Uncle Thor.  He is very sensitive about his lack of legs and he is actually missing his other arm.  I plan on putting him in my sweet garage, Frog Hollow.  Seriously, the people before me left a sign inside my garage that says Frog Hollow.  So now that's the name of my garage, and now my garage will be filled with things I snatch from work.  Only benefit of my job, free swag when you can get it.

I'm really hoping to get the Hulk soon.  He will be epic and if I don't get him I will Hulk smash some things!!!

After work I felt some sort of strange sensation.  I think normal people call it motivation.  I'm pretty sure it was because it was so nice out when I got home that I couldn't miss the opportunity to do some yard work when it wasn't a billion degrees outside.

So I rewarded myself with a kool-aid thing.  I've always loved having these after mowing the lawn thanks to my Grandpa.  That is what we would get after mowing the lawn for my grandparents and I bought some on a whim to help me motivate myself to do yard work.  I think it worked because I even used my weed eater!

Anyway.  It was a yard workin' kind of day and now I got to get ready to go to work.  Hopefully I can manage my bed head after falling asleep with wet hair. (worst thing ever)


May 28th, 2012: Puzzling

Today was one of those days that I should have accomplished something but I all I could bring myself to do was finish watching Dance Academy on Netflix, and do puzzles. I've been doing puzzles on line at the website  but I also wanted to do break out this cute kitty puzzle I have had sitting in my closet for ages.  I did attempt a bit of job searching but I really had no motivation to do so.

I kind of forgot that it was Memorial Day.  I am grateful for those who have died in the service and those who have served  and made it home.  I would never be cut out for a job like that.  Takes a special kind of person I think.  As I write this blog I an hear the squeals from fireworks being lit in the distance and wonder if that really is a good way to 'remember' people who have served in wars, but who am I to criticize.  Well I guess I'm not really criticizing; more wondering.

Quit looking at me like that Charli.  I'm not a bad person, it's just sometimes people get caught up in the commercial of holidays instead of actually remembering.  Once again, not one to judge since I kind of forgot about it myself.  I don't have any family in this area for me to go out and put flowers on their graves or anything so it wasn't really something that crossed my mind.  I guess I briefly brought it up when I talked to my mom on the phone about whether or not they got their flowers up or not.  So I'm not all that bad, right?

 Does that toothy grin mean you agree or disagree, Charli?  I always feel like she is in a disgusted mood when her lip gets stuck under her teeth and her little toothy sneer shows.  She looks absolutely ridiculous because she is far from being angry or mad about anything.  She is so blissfully ignorant about life to know what angry/mad is.  She does do pouty and whiney quiet well though.

She does seem happier today after dealing with storms yesterday.  Which wasn't fun if you didn't read yesterday's post. Judging by my last picture for the day I think she is very happy today.
I'm happy too.  Feeling lazy and under accomplished for my day but I'm still happy.


May 27th, 2012: Thunderstorms

I'm just going to put this right out there I'm not a fan of thunderstorms; to an extent.  I like them from a distance, a far distance.  When they are above my house and all up in my grill is when I don't like them.  Not in the least.

Today I was lucky enough to have Chad to cling to.  I'm beginning to think my dog really doesn't like storms either.  I think the biggest sign was when she peed on me for the first time today.  That was pretty much super disgusting.  Blegh.  She had gone outside a little while before hand and then I went to pick her up to put her in her crate but I guess she didn't take the time to pee when she went outside.  I even took her out when it was only light rain.  I'll stop complaining about my dog now.

My day was really good besides that.  I enjoyed watching the old episodes of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy with Chad and just lazing about.  I finally gave him his scarf and he was able to model it for me. 
He looks good right?  Scarf looks pretty good too I guess. :P I'm just waiting to see which version of the scarf he picks next.  I'm also trying to figure out what I want to do for my next project. Still working on deciding.  It'll be interesting to say the least!

Look at this devil beast making a mess on my pants.  What a poop.  I'm gonna go finish washing my clothes.


May 26th, 2012: It's a Cheetah

I had a great day today.  I got to spend time with Chad's family today for a get together at his sister's house.  It's always great to get to have some family time, or at least I think so.  I brought my families 'famed' cookie salad and everyone seemed to really like it.  I was super nervous it wasn't going to go over well but it did.  

After we ate our foods we played Cadoo, I believe that is what it is called.   Another version of Cranium it seemed.  The best part was when Chad's little nephew Diego got to act out one of the cards and he couldn't read what was on it so he just made something up.  I decided I would rather know what the card say than guess and read it.  The card said "blowing bubbles" but Diego decided to be a cheetah instead.  It was hilarious.

It was fun together and I'm glad to be able to finally have some family time in Minnesota now too.  I just hope Chad doesn't mind sharing his family with me because they are fun to be around.  

But we are pooped...well Chad is because he has had a long day so I'll finish this up get to bed so he can sleep.  I bet he feels like Charli did earlier today.

Tough life she lives.


May 25th, 2012: Dog walking

Finally it's Friday! I really struggled to stay up after work to enjoy the day.  I was surprised when I made it past noon.  It did help that I had foods with Chad after work and did some grocery shopping.  I'd have to say the thing I'm most excited to eat is some Apple Dapples.

Scuba diving lizard thing with a harpoon to advertise your cereal? Sounds like a winner to me.  Know what we are having for breakfast this weekend. Woohooooo!

Besides my super exciting news about breakfast cereal it's been a pretty slow day.  I am going to try to ignore my dishes for a few more hours but I can only take them staring at me for so long.

Everyday my dog and I take a walk to stretch those little leggies after being cooped up while I'm at work.  Today I decided to take pictures of her while we walked.  Also I'm feeling rather uninteresting myself and that means more dog pictures. Ha!

Charli likes to think she owns the road sometimes.  Which I think I prefer over her walking behind me or under my feet.  Can't even count how many times she has tried to kill me with that leash.
I caught her mid body shake for one of the pictures.  You can see her little teeth.  She doesn't have that much teeth just from the whole being a puppy mill dog in a previous life thing.  Well not a previous life but before me.  I like the fact that she is missing teeth. Gives her character.  I'll only show one more picture of her. I promise. It's my favorite I took.
I translate this one as her thinking something along the lines of "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!" or "Deeeeeeeerp"  She is a derpy derp.

That's it.  All I got for today.


May 24th, 2012: Fangirl!

Today was an awesome day for the fan girl in me!  To those of you who don't know I'm a pretty big fan of Felicia Day.  She isn't just adorable but incredibly smart.  She is definitely someone to look up to.  Everything she has accomplished with just the powers of the internet and I'm sure more.  I'm just going to stop talking about my girl crush now...well okay I'm not because I haven't told you the story yet.

Basically in a nut shell I sent a tweet about a game called Wine Extraordinaire to Felicia and a couple other girls (@bonniegrrl @Veronica @Kiala) from the Vaginal Fantasy book club I'm part of.  Lets just say they have a thing for wine.  I didn't expect them to respond, but they really liked it. Felicia even went so far as to buy the game because she liked it so much.  I feel so cooooool. I'm really just such a fangirlly nerd right now and totally letting the world know it!

I have the most excellent news.  I finished the doctor who scarf!!!  It's all done.  Knit. Trimmed. Tasseled. It is around 11ft long and I think almost 9inches wide but I think I might be able to stretch it out for a bit of width.  I'm very pleased with how it turned out; especially the whole it being my first project thing.  I had to stand on a chair to get a picture of it across the floor. It isn't even stretched to it's full potential on my floor.  Charli looks unimpressed.  Maybe she is just jealous of Chad getting a scarf. 

Speaking of Chad.  I'm super glad to say that today was our 6 month anniversary and I couldn't be happier. He is my best friend, confidant, nerd, cuddle buddy, inspires me probably more than he even knows, and he is so much more to me. I love him more than toast and I'm not afraid to show it.

Anyway it's almost time for work and I'm going to hopefully keep this good mood I have going even though I have work.

Here is a happy faced Charli to leave you with!


May 23rd, 2012: Drip, drip, drip...

First day back to work this week and I'm surprised I was able to stay awake so long.  It's so hard to get back into my sleep schedule for work especially when I have been off for five days.

What I hate the most is getting woken up early when I'm trying to sleep.  I slept so well when it was my days off but now that I'm back to work it is back to chunks of restless sleep.  I'm not sure why I can't seem to get a full night of sleep on work days.  Today the culprit of waking me up was the dripping noise coming from some place in my bathroom.

I hate being woken up by the smallest sounds because I feel enraged by the tiny noise waking me from my awesome dream about Wil Wheaton giving Felicia Day some lemonade but making sure that she didn't drink his glass because he was saving it for a special occasion inside a card board box.  My dreams are gold!  Should make movies about them. Ha!

Besides getting woken from my dreams today; I found another pretty flower in my back yard.  I feel like I need to take pictures of  all of the flowers the previous owner planted this year in case my terrible gardening kills them off and they don't come back next year.

I believe my grandmother said this is a peony.  All I know is that it's pretty.  I am very grateful for the landscaping I didn't have to do anything for.

Also just because I'm so used to talking about my scarf.  I have begun putting tassels on the end.  It's a process that's for sure, but I'm pretty excited to see it done.  For your daily dose of Charli here is her modeling some tassels and bonus pic of her wanting to eat my turkey and cheese omlette I made for breakfast.

Ah, also Eternity Clock is now out for download on PS3 and PSVita in June I believe.  I don't have either so I can't play it yet. : (  Eternity Clock is the new Doctor Who game for those of you who don't know. Enjoy the launch video below.  I'm gonna sit around waiting for pc version to come out or convince my boyfriend to let me in his clubhouse whenever he decides to get it.


May 22nd, 2012: Neil Gaiman might just be my hero

What I did today is paled greatly in comparison to how I feel right now.  The video of Neil Gaiman's address to the University of the Arts class of 2012 ( has been circulating for some time now.  I hadn't got around to watching it until today and it couldn't have come at a better time in my life. 

If you hadn't noticed by my previous post I'm in a bit of job jam.  I've just felt stuck and helpless when it comes to being able to do something I actually enjoy, but his speech has given me a new found hope and drive.

These are just snippets from the video that have stuck with me.  First one involved pretending to be someone that can do what you want to do.  That sentence kind of doesn't make much sense without seeing the video but I'll do my best to explain.  If you don't think you can do it or don't know how to; then just pretend to be someone that can.  That is mind boggling brilliant advice.  It's such a complicated but simple idea that part of me can't really believe I hadn't thought of that yet.

Another is treating the goal as a mountain and that each choice you make will either bring you closer to that mountain or further away.  It kind of helps to bring a light to the fact that the choices you make always matter.  Where you are on the path could call for a different decision to a choice than it would have at a different point in your path.  I've definitely felt some road blocks in my way but I think now with a fresh perspective I can try to find the unbeaten path around the annoying road block.  I at least feel like I should try my darnedest to do so.

Probably my favorite thing(Ok I loved everything) he said was about how he felt like life was like an adventure and when it felt like work he stopped because life isn't not supposed to feel like work.  I love that.  It shouldn't feel like work to live life, but like an adventure.  Some of my favorite moments in life is when I've been able to just let go of the 'work' of life and just have an adventure.  I'm seriously going to start working on my adventure in life.

The more advice from the address was about failure.  I'm just writing this from my memory of what he said ;he said that failure is like putting messages in bottles on a deserted island and hope that someone will find it and read it and send something back to you.  Something back could be in the form of a job, money, love, etc.  You just keep sending out these bottles and they are considered failures only until you get something back and then. Well, then what are they?  Success.  You just have to keep sending out those bottles and the right ones will come back, or sometimes you might even have to turn down the returned bottles.  Failure goes both ways.

My brain has just been filled with so much.  Ideas. Hope. Nervousness. I have to keep trying to make it in this crazy world and I won't stop cluttering it with bottles until I'm satisfied with my mountain.

Here is the video link again.  Please watch it. My words probably don't do it half the justice it deserves but it is well worth the watch.  Plus who doesn't love listening to Neil Gaiman talk?

May 21st, 2012: Lazy can't be helped.

When you have the privilege of getting a long weekend it is incredibly hard to do any of the productive things you should do.  There just isn't enough time in the day to accomplish everything during the work week and then when you have your weekends, well who really wants to do housework? No one. That's who.

This has been a most delightful extended weekend for me and I was just so lucky to have it happen over my birthday weekend too.  It was like a little present for me.  I will not be happy to go back to work tomorrow that is for sure.

I did try to accomplish a few fun things though.  I worked some more on the Doctor Who scarf I'm knitting for Chad.  Even though it is my first ever time knitting something; I think I'm really getting the hang of it.  I think I'm starting to get a technique down, or at least I'll be really good at the garter stitch now.

My dog looks really enthusiastic in the background.  At least she is using the dog bed correctly for once.  I can't even tell you how many times she just lays next to it or half in it.  I'll have to search for a photo of that some time as proof of how amazingly 'smart' she is.

Charli is a pretty good distraction for me sometimes though.  For example; when I'm feeling down she'll let me set her in my lap.  She really enjoys laps but most dogs do.

Anyways! Enough about Charli! What else did I do today? Glad you asked.

I did a rather unsuccessful job search.  I'm still trying to find a new job that isn't terrible.  I am glad I even have a job right now, but having a job and feeling like you are wanted and needed at your job are different things.  Does that make sense?  I could have a worse job, that is certain. I could be doing so much more else where and would be appreciated way more than where I am now.

When I talked to my friend Jason on Saturday about his new job (he just recently got out of the job I'm currently in) and it sounds like the stuff from fairy tales and tv at this new place.  I want to find my fairy tale dream job doing something I can get my heart wrapped up in.  Instead of getting my heart stomped on.

Is that too much to ask?

Enough of this depressing topic.  I've already tried to work off that depressive mood by riding some on my squeaky exercise bike that makes my butt fall asleep, but that didn't help.  You know what will help?  Pictures of me and my dog with our unkempt hair from our lazy day.  She looks so 'pleased' when I make her take pictures.
I just realized that I have been mispronouncing/spelling unkempt all my life. I could have sworn it was unkept. My world is rocked by this.  I think I need a moment to collect myself with this new found information.


May 20th, 2012

Such an original title. No?

Suppose I could have made it something along the lines of "IT'S MY FREAKING BIRTHDAY!1!!!one!!!" but I felt the date itself would suffice. 

As I had planned before I was going to start up with my daily posts once my 25th birthday rolled around.  So here I go! As of right now I'm not doing any sort of 25 things to do while 25 but I still might do something along those lines.

24 was a good year but it definitely had it's bad moments.  To put my year into a nut shell I will give some incredibly vague descriptors of negative and positive experiences throughout my 24th year.

Negatives: Breaking up, random depressive anxiety attacks, feeling alone, strong dislike for my workplace, lack of funds
Positives: Breaking up, finding the courage and strength to make bold choices, buying a house, dating my current boyfriend, realizing I don't really have it all that bad, comfort in family, rescuing a dog who is 'special' to say the least, learning how to make cinnamon roll waffles, working on White Christmas, tweeted back by Neil Gaiman

Well some of them aren't all that vague, and I'm sure there are more positives and negatives to add but can't think of them right now.

When I think back on that year of life I really don't want to focus on the negatives.  They were a big part of the choices I made but I definitely prefer to remember the positives in life.

I think you should do the same.  Just an idea.


Now for what I actually did today!

I spent the day lazing about with Chad.  We watched My Neighbor Totoro and he decorated a store bought cake for me with some of the fasting burning candles on the planet.  

I decided to wear one of the shirts Chad bought me for my birthday today as well. (He let me open my presents the day before)

I love this shirt.  I remember when I first saw it online and how much I laughed at how brilliant it is. The fact he remembered I liked it was awesome. (If you don't get it then you probably haven't seen Dragon Ball Z.  Here is a little video link to see the Fusion in action. )

He got me another shirt and My Neighbor Totoro was actually a birthday present from him as well.  I'm fairly certain the mustache wallet he gave me last week was also apart of my birthday presents too.  (I think he was afraid I would buy one...and I almost did)  I'm sure I'll get a picture of the other shirt and wallet at some point.

Today was also the solar eclipse happening.  Minnesota was only cool enough for a partial eclipse but I'm just glad I managed to see it.  I was so worried that I was not going to be able to see it because when I woke up earlier in the day it was very cloudy out and I was almost certain it would not clear up by the time the eclipse was going to happen. (Chad can vouch for my whining and 'crying' about it)

After the eclipse I enjoyed a good laugh at The Pirates! A Band of Misfits with Chad.  I seriously recommend it.  Those kind of movies are always for a good laugh and totally not just for kids.

I think it may be time for bed after my rousing weekend of fun.  Charli and I say bring on another year of life!

I look slightly terrified while Charli is clearly unimpressed.  
Such is life. 

Good night!