There are some days when you really wish you didn't have a sense of smell, but at the same time you realize if you didn't you wouldn't have noticed that funky odor in your house. That order will then lead you to question things and soon you will find yourself on the internet googling things. Little did you know that the smell of 'fish' in your house can actually mean some faulty wiring. Who knew? You do now.
I was sleeping and awoke to a slight fishy smell. At first I thought maybe a neighbor is making fish but then I realized this was more like raw dead fish. Then I thought about the possibilities of someone putting a dead fish underneath my bed and actually checked. I then realized I don't have a cat that would bring fishy things into fishy places or know anyone with a putting fish beneath beds problem.
This is when I began my googling of possiblities. Out of all the weird things people post I decided something faulty with my wires is most likely. I felt and smelt the sockets in my bedroom and found one that was warm to the touch. Warning sign number one! I then unplugged things from the sockets and smelled both to see if I could smell any difference and the one that felt warmer smelled strange. Warning sign number 2!
Now I had to figure out what I needed to do to fix this because there is no way I can afford an electrician. So the next best thing a girl can do is what I did; I called my Dad. He explained to me how to replace my socket over the phone and I successfully changed it because I happened to have an extra socket laying around. I still have to get it screwed into the wall correctly again but besides that the socket is running fine.
I think the most intimidating part of the whole process was when I had taken off the top cover for the socket and was just eyeing it over to see what the problem was exactly, and I saw a tiny spark come from one of the wires. It happened that the socket had gone bad and I could see where it was starting to burn plastic which is what I was smelling. I'm just glad I was able to fix it without paying out of my tush. It's also nice to know I can fix things sometimes. *coolshades*
I'm all domestic now. I can fix things. Yeah.
Now enjoy some videos of Charli trying to get me out of bed two hours earlier than my alarm this morning.
This first video is her trying to get me up. If you want you can skip to :22ish because it's dark for the beginning. I was trying to tell if I could see in the little bit of light I had. Also every time I have played this video to make sure it loaded properly, Charli always wonders why I keep saying her name.
This video is of her after failing at trying to get me up.
She is pretty cute, but also I loathe when she tries to get me up early. Poopie head.
I'm just a girl living life and writing it down in this blog. Pretty boring, right?
August 27th-28th, 2012: Who can't wait for this weekend?!
Having a long weekend is by far the best present one can get. Ok, that isn't true, but it feels like it. After my nice time I had at the Ren fest it was nice to have Monday off. I spent it doing super exciting things like laundry and knitting. Wild and crazy times!
Charli finds it strange having my table set up right next to her bed. I'm all up in her business but she is being nice and sharing. I was going to attempt sewing but the whole bunching up bobbin crap is just too much for me right now. I wouldn't mind being able to get started on that dress. It is going to be September soon.
Speaking of September! Doctor Who is starting again on the first and I can't wait! It has been far too long since we have had new Who. It's also going to be a Who-tastic weekend because of some stuff on Nerdist youtube channel coming out. The bowling special with the Doctor Who cast, and the footage they took at the convention I'm going to next year. Looking forward to nerding out this weekend.
Hoping this week goes by quickly!
Charli finds it strange having my table set up right next to her bed. I'm all up in her business but she is being nice and sharing. I was going to attempt sewing but the whole bunching up bobbin crap is just too much for me right now. I wouldn't mind being able to get started on that dress. It is going to be September soon.
Speaking of September! Doctor Who is starting again on the first and I can't wait! It has been far too long since we have had new Who. It's also going to be a Who-tastic weekend because of some stuff on Nerdist youtube channel coming out. The bowling special with the Doctor Who cast, and the footage they took at the convention I'm going to next year. Looking forward to nerding out this weekend.
Hoping this week goes by quickly!
August 24th-26th: Gardens and Garb
Bet you can't guess what was found hiding in my garden this weekend. I'll give you a hint, you'll see them in a picture below this if not already.
Cucumbers! I thought I just had little ones but while I was giving Chad a tour of the garden progression he pointed them out for me. I hadn't even noticed them and they had grown to be around 6 inches long. I think I was spending too much time watching Huebert the watermelon grown to see them. Despite the fact Chad doesn't like cucumbers he seems to be better at finding them than me. I wish I could pickle them for him, but I don't think I have what is needed for that. Maybe next year.
I haven't seen anymore smut in my corn but still checking daily. I do have a few tomatoes that are starting to turn color as well.
Another surprise this weekend was a rainbow. While grilling up some chicken we had marinated on Saturday we got to see a bit of some rainbow before it disappeared. I kind of felt like the rainbow was a treat for all the hard work around the house Chad and I completed. He clean up all the weeds in the driveway and I attacked my kitchen (which always seems to get dirty right away anyway). There wasn't that much rain in our area but apparently other places in the cities received more so we were able to grill and work outside without getting poured on.
I'm just glad we had nice weather for Sunday because Chad and I spent it at the Renaissance festival. Saw some performances and ate some tasty food. I got lots of compliments on my garb. I was very grateful for all of the compliments and wasn't expecting so many to say something, but it was nice the effort made to cinch myself in (with Chad's help) was not wasted.
People also seemed to notice how Chad and I matched. We were both wearing green but I promise you it wasn't planned. Just so happened he chose to wear a green shirt and my garb is mainly green. They also thought my red hair is natural. I'm considering just pretending I'm Irish because I might as well be, right?!
The picture of me in my garb is after we had been there the whole day so I'm slightly disheveled and not quite in peak condition but still gives you a good idea what I was wearing.
The best purchase I made the whole day was a bodice cooler. It is something I will be putting much use into. For those who don't know what one is, it's essentially a tube with a cork to keep the ice inside. You put said ice into the tube and close it up and then plop it into your bodice right where you think it would go (Between your bosoms of course). Mine is made of stainless steal but I've seen online that some make them from glass. I plan to decorate the cork somehow because I didn't see any toppers they had decorated their corks with to my liking.
Seriously. Best invention ever. Maybe I'll make a pouch for it so I can use it without a bodice. Haha. It feels wonderful and I really hate the heat. So, having the ability to cool off quickly like that is a huge plus in my book.
We do plan on trying to go back to festival at least once more before it closes, and have begun the process of looking into getting Chad some commoner garb. Huzzah!
August 22nd-23rd, 2012: Smut
Really? You are taking a picture of me again?!
Yeah, why not?
Don't you have anything better to do with your time? Like make me food and shower me with attention?
I already fed you and taking pictures of you is like me giving you attention, right?
Whatever. I could totally eat right now.
Don't you lick your snout at me! I fed you fatty. You are lucky the vet said you weren't overweight today.
Yeah, yeah. Maybe if you fed me whenever I wanted to be fed I could have been.
I think you are missing the point, and I also think this made up conversation is making you sound way too smart.
Charli went to the vet with me on Wednesday and has a clean bill of health. Just took her in for the regular vaccinations and she should be set on shots for a few years according to the paper work. It's nice having a couch potato dog that doesn't jump into bushes to get ticks or drink out of puddles where other animals could have peed. Such a dainty pup she is.
She is also officially in the books 5 years old. So next time you 'see' her you should tell her she is old.
Thursday wasn't too exciting. I figured out that my corn disease is Corn Smut from help of my parents googling powers. I must say it is pretty amusing to find out I have smut growing in my garden but it's also really gross.
Reading about it I learned that apparently it is a delicacy in Mexico and that they eat it and treat similarly to a fungi; such as, a mushroom. I will not be venturing into this scary world of icky looking corn stuff to try and eat this smut. However I will be looking over my other plants more carefully to make sure it isn't spreading further.
Here is some progress pictures of Huebert the watermelon to clense your palette of any gross thoughts about my corn smut. I know I need a good cleansing from that.
I used my thumb to help compare it's size change. Can you see the difference in just a few days?
Yeah, why not?
Don't you have anything better to do with your time? Like make me food and shower me with attention?
I already fed you and taking pictures of you is like me giving you attention, right?
Whatever. I could totally eat right now.
Don't you lick your snout at me! I fed you fatty. You are lucky the vet said you weren't overweight today.
Yeah, yeah. Maybe if you fed me whenever I wanted to be fed I could have been.
I think you are missing the point, and I also think this made up conversation is making you sound way too smart.
Charli went to the vet with me on Wednesday and has a clean bill of health. Just took her in for the regular vaccinations and she should be set on shots for a few years according to the paper work. It's nice having a couch potato dog that doesn't jump into bushes to get ticks or drink out of puddles where other animals could have peed. Such a dainty pup she is.
She is also officially in the books 5 years old. So next time you 'see' her you should tell her she is old.
Thursday wasn't too exciting. I figured out that my corn disease is Corn Smut from help of my parents googling powers. I must say it is pretty amusing to find out I have smut growing in my garden but it's also really gross.
Reading about it I learned that apparently it is a delicacy in Mexico and that they eat it and treat similarly to a fungi; such as, a mushroom. I will not be venturing into this scary world of icky looking corn stuff to try and eat this smut. However I will be looking over my other plants more carefully to make sure it isn't spreading further.
Here is some progress pictures of Huebert the watermelon to clense your palette of any gross thoughts about my corn smut. I know I need a good cleansing from that.
I used my thumb to help compare it's size change. Can you see the difference in just a few days?

August 20th-21st, 2012: Two parter, again? Yup.
Must be something in the air that has me combining my days together. That or I just keep putting my blogging off. However, I am still doing them so it is not a failure in my eyes. I'm just not spending every single day typing a blog.
Instead now I'm taking two days and writing one for those two days. It's kind of a trial run to see how I like doing my blog differently. Maybe I'll try to use that day off from blogging to write about something else completely random, or just to work on my many projects. I should have wrote this blog yesterday if I was to keep this less confusing, but you'll just have to wait to hear about yesterday(Wednesday) until tomorrow!
Part of the reason I have been delayed this week with my posts is the fact I've just been busy this week. I decided to finally do some much needed work on my car on Monday. SO THAT'S GREAT. Not really. Sorry about the all caps but I hate having to fix things in my car but I know they must be done or then my car will completely break and I'll be car-less and I won't be able to drive to work and I'll go poor and then I'll keep making run on sentences until someone slaps me.
Instead now I'm taking two days and writing one for those two days. It's kind of a trial run to see how I like doing my blog differently. Maybe I'll try to use that day off from blogging to write about something else completely random, or just to work on my many projects. I should have wrote this blog yesterday if I was to keep this less confusing, but you'll just have to wait to hear about yesterday(Wednesday) until tomorrow!
Part of the reason I have been delayed this week with my posts is the fact I've just been busy this week. I decided to finally do some much needed work on my car on Monday. SO THAT'S GREAT. Not really. Sorry about the all caps but I hate having to fix things in my car but I know they must be done or then my car will completely break and I'll be car-less and I won't be able to drive to work and I'll go poor and then I'll keep making run on sentences until someone slaps me.
Tuesday I had dinner with Anna. We were silly and had planned to do breakfast. That was just plain silly of us because we should have known that would have been too early for her and too 'late' for me! I'm glad we got to postpone until dinner time though. Always good to have some one to chat with about life.
In other other news, here is a little update on my garden.
Baby watermelon is looking cute as ever. Still no name for the little guy. Hmm. Hmmmmmm. I am open to all suggestions.
Lastly...can anyone tell me what is wrong with this corn cob?
I had peeled back the husk a few weeks ago and it had a few weird looking white blobs and I just thought I had peeled it back too soon and it was going to start growing normally, but now that time has passed it has transformed! More closer to being deformed.
It looks like something straight out of science fiction. I don't know what is going on with it but I have never seen this happen to corn before. I'm afraid to peel back any other husks because I'm afraid they will do the same. Hopefully my whole crop isn't as messed up as this one. I name this corn Egor. That one was easier to come up with than for the baby watermelon...
August 18th-19th, 2012: OMGZ IT'S A BABY!
Isn't it cuuuuuute?! I stumbled across this while showing Chad the tomato I have that has started turning red. I'll show you that soon too. I was just thrilled to find one of these growing. I hadn't seen any sign other than the leaves vine'n their way around the corn and green beans that my watermelon plants were even alive. So hopefully these little baby watermelon grows fast enough for me to eat it. : ) I feel like I should name this watermelon. Ideas? I'll get back to you with my own.
Here is the tomato I was talking about. It may be the only one turning red right now, but there has to be some others going soon because they are getting super large!
Not only did I find a baby watermelon this weekend, but I also found a few baby cucumbers! This is the first and smallest one I found. I was not able to find very many. Just one other cucumber, but I think there is hope for some more.
Here is the slightly bigger one I found. I'm just hoping I actually get to eat some of these things before it's too late. It is still August but that doesn't mean I can't be afraid. Never know what to expect from Minnesota as far as the weather is concerned. I'm going to keep a bigger eye on everything from now on! I have been able to take out handfuls of green beans most mornings when I go out to water. Now if only something else would get ripe so I can have something besides green beans. Ha!
Besides looking at vegetables this weekend I have begun setting up my sewing machine to get it ready to sew my dress. There has just been one problem, I can't figure out how to thread a new bobbin. Bobbins have always been the hardest part for me. For some reason I always forget how to do them. It doesn't help that I've only sewed one project on this machine so I haven't really gotten that much time with it. It also doesn't help when I can't seem to find the manual either. I have been trying to find something online but maybe someone out there in the internets knows something about Bernette 56 sewing machines. If so please let me know.
August 16th-17th, 2012: Two days
Hey you. You blog that I didn't do for Thursday so I'll just combine you with Friday too. How's that sound? Sounds pretty dandy to me!
Thursday: I spent most of my day on Twitter conversing with some ladies about how to turn my shoes I bought into TARDIS shoes. It was a pretty amusing conversation to be apart of. In the end the rest of them decided to get the same shoes. I'm looking forward to seeing how they mod theirs to look like a TARDIS. I'm still thinking about what to do with my own.
I'm thinking of keeping the tips silver. Then they would be more like the light of the TARDIS instead. I've also been considering what kind of lettering I would do, if any. For now I've just been breaking them in for Gally. I'm worried they might be ankle rubbers.
Friday: Lazy day of napping and watching Doctor Who and discussing how much Chad and I enjoy Dr. Horrible. Good times. I'm glad he finally watched it and likes it.
Thursday: I spent most of my day on Twitter conversing with some ladies about how to turn my shoes I bought into TARDIS shoes. It was a pretty amusing conversation to be apart of. In the end the rest of them decided to get the same shoes. I'm looking forward to seeing how they mod theirs to look like a TARDIS. I'm still thinking about what to do with my own.
I'm thinking of keeping the tips silver. Then they would be more like the light of the TARDIS instead. I've also been considering what kind of lettering I would do, if any. For now I've just been breaking them in for Gally. I'm worried they might be ankle rubbers.
Friday: Lazy day of napping and watching Doctor Who and discussing how much Chad and I enjoy Dr. Horrible. Good times. I'm glad he finally watched it and likes it.
August 15th, 2012: Car fixin'
I have bitten the bullet and scheduled my car to get all fixed up before I'm driving twice as much for rehearsals and work. I'm also thinking probably a good idea to do it before winter seeing how one of my many car ailments is one of the windows came off its track. Oddly enough this has happened before to a different window in my car but this time isn't as bad as that occurrence. If it was that bad I would have fixed it sooner. I don't really want to invite people to try to break into my car, right?
Let's just hope they have a nice payment plan because I will need it.
Fixing my car is something I hate having to do but I know is an necessary evil. If I didn't have a car I wouldn't be able to do what I do. So, I try to take care of it. It's been running pretty well for me since I bought it back in college.
If I was to be honest I probably take better care of my car than myself! Don't get me wrong, I take care of myself but I take my car to the shop more for oil changes and what nots than I go to the doctor that is for sure.
I do need to try to find a dermatologist though. Anyone in the Twin Cities area reading this and know of one? That'd be great. Suspicious moles be suspicious.
Let's just hope they have a nice payment plan because I will need it.
Fixing my car is something I hate having to do but I know is an necessary evil. If I didn't have a car I wouldn't be able to do what I do. So, I try to take care of it. It's been running pretty well for me since I bought it back in college.
If I was to be honest I probably take better care of my car than myself! Don't get me wrong, I take care of myself but I take my car to the shop more for oil changes and what nots than I go to the doctor that is for sure.
I do need to try to find a dermatologist though. Anyone in the Twin Cities area reading this and know of one? That'd be great. Suspicious moles be suspicious.
August 14th, 2012: Plant Mystery Solved!
Through the powers of the internet I have figured out what this plant is.
Apparently it is Solanum Dulcamara, also known as Bittersweet Nightshade. Huh. Who knew. It is native to Europe and Asia but I guess is considered an invasive weed in America. Now that I know what it is and have read up on it a bit I'm going to have to keep an eye on it because it is a plant that likes to vine and grow all over. It also is making it's home right next to my garden. I'm thinking the previous owners might have actually planted it because they were very fond of Asian plants. This might be because they were apparently Asian themselves, but you know wouldn't want to be racist and just assume that they wanted Asian plants.
So yeah. Poisonous plant in my yard. Don't come in my yard and try to eat any of them. :P
In other news I've been working on all sorts of little projects. I've got to get my sewing machine out and up and running to start on the K9 dress. I did find some shoes I thought of wearing with it but the idea is a bit abstract and I'm not sure people would get what they are with the cosplay. I might just end up wearing the shoes on their own.
The scarf is coming right along, sort of. I'm nearing the end of one half of the scarf...which is essentially one entire scarf... After putting in the amount I had done into the scarf-o-matic I have realized I am not as far as I thought. Well at least as far as their percentage shows. I thought I was much closer than 34% done, but hey I only work on it a little bit while watching TV. I'll have to eventually crank up the pace once it gets closer to February.
I'm also working on some ideas I've had stuck in my mind for awhile. They are hopefully going to eventually turn into shirts. I can't really share said idea on here because, well the internet might steal the idea before I get a chance to do it. I've already googled the idea and no one has done them I have to figure out how to draw these stupid things and get them made!
August 13th, 2012: Girl Brony = Frony?
Today was the day I finally decided to watch My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. It's true. I gave in. I would call myself a Bro-ny but I'm not a dude. What is the word for females that watch it? Why don't we get a cool word. Maybe a Fro-ny. Which oddly makes me what a frozen yogurt.
You can judge me all you like but hey when you grow up with the My Little Ponies I think it's kind of in your nature to want to see them again. Then again they aren't same thing as they were before, but there is some good humor in there.
What I need to find is some way to watch Adventure Time now that it is on TV...but without the TV part. I wonder if it is on Netflix...probably not. I'm still waiting for them to get Mulan on there.
Oh one last thing. Tried to get some proof of Charli 'running' after work and this is what I got. A whole lot of me awkward running and Charli being derpy.
I hope you enjoy the soothing sounds of those bugs while we ran. I also really like the lighting for this video. Thanks for being cooperative Sun. That was nice of you.
You can judge me all you like but hey when you grow up with the My Little Ponies I think it's kind of in your nature to want to see them again. Then again they aren't same thing as they were before, but there is some good humor in there.
What I need to find is some way to watch Adventure Time now that it is on TV...but without the TV part. I wonder if it is on Netflix...probably not. I'm still waiting for them to get Mulan on there.
Oh one last thing. Tried to get some proof of Charli 'running' after work and this is what I got. A whole lot of me awkward running and Charli being derpy.
I hope you enjoy the soothing sounds of those bugs while we ran. I also really like the lighting for this video. Thanks for being cooperative Sun. That was nice of you.
August 12th, 2012: Sunday?
Sunday. What did I do Sunday. Hmm. I think I might have included a few of the things I did Sunday in my Saturday post. I was working on my dress most of the weekend. I haven't started sewing it yet, but it's cut out. I do need to still get some interfacing before I start sewing.
I have had a pretty strong urge to play some video games as of late so I spent some time playing Left 4 Dead before work. My dog didn't like me playing that much. I think she was just as scared of it as me! I think I had forgotten how much this game scares me. Seriously the sound of a weeping girl has never caused me to curse so much.
Not sure if Charli was afraid of the game or if she was sympathetic of my fear. She would go back by Chad who was sitting at the desk behind my couch and hide back there. Eventually I put her in my lap and that seemed to make things slightly better for her.
Speaking of Charli. After work she actually played in the yard with me. My dog who hates being outside and loathes having to walk on the pokey grass decided she wanted to run around the yard with me. It was so adorable and I was shocked! Sometimes if she comes out in the yard with me when I go to do some gardening she'll come back to the garden but she hasn't ever really showed much interest in playing. Best surprise of the day.
August 11th, 2012: Successful Saturday
Successful Saturday in my opinion. I have made the first harvest from my garden!
Another success for this Saturday was I have begun working on my K9 dress for Gally. I'm excited and nervous.
The worst part of the process is trying to get the pattern to all fit on the fabric. Well it also didn't help that I had to work on the floor either.
My scissors seem to not be the best for tackling sewing projects as well. They work fine for cutting my yarn for the scarf I'm working on but not so much for cutting through fabric.
I may be super nervous about this but I'm a little unsure why. I have made clothing in the past and I also took a costume construction course in college for pete's sake, but for some reason I still get a feeling of dread that I'm going to mess everything up. Is this the same for seasoned sewers? Do you all still get nervous starting a new project?
August 10th, 2012: Drive Straight
What a night to be had when you get to spend it surrounded by nerds watching Serenity and Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long blog for a great cause. The cause being Can't Stop the Serenity. They set up screenings of the movie Serenity to raise money for Equality Now; which is an organization that is focused on human rights for women. They try to stop laws in countries that promote sex trafficking among other things. I suggest clicking on this link if you are interested at all and possibly supporting on your own too. You might want to see if they have a Serenity screening coming to your town too.
One fact they gave us was that Equality Now has helped with two different countries getting rid of a law that would allow for a rapist to get off scot free if they married their victim. How messed up is that?
I'm more than happy to support a cause like that but it's a nice bonus when you get to see two good movies.
My buzz of the whole night was rather ruined though. On my drive home we got pulled over simply because we were out late at night. The cop claimed it was because I went over the white line a few times but I could only recall one time I did that on the tight loop exit off of the freeway and that was miles back after the cop had followed me for awhile. She also tried to use the excuse that I wasn't supposed to have anything hanging from my mirror and I know you can't see through the back of a car's windows to tell there is something hanging from it while driving at night. Plus the last time I got pulled over they said nothing about my leis on my mirror. (last time I got pulled over was because I had a light going out, so that one is at least semi-legit)
I wasn't speeding, and I wasn't driving unsafely. I used turned signals and everything, but since I was up late at night then I was going to be a drunk according to their mindset. I just wished they would not waste their time on me when I'm not driving poorly. The cop asked me how many drinks I had that night and I confidently answered, "None" because that is the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
It was pretty clear I had done nothing wrong at all when the pullover process took only a few minutes compared to when they actually have something to write up. She was struggling to make the pull over seem legit and left us with the helpful tidbit of "Just remember to, uh, drive straight." So everyone, please remember to drive straight. Which makes me slightly confused about when the road curves...
One fact they gave us was that Equality Now has helped with two different countries getting rid of a law that would allow for a rapist to get off scot free if they married their victim. How messed up is that?
I'm more than happy to support a cause like that but it's a nice bonus when you get to see two good movies.
My buzz of the whole night was rather ruined though. On my drive home we got pulled over simply because we were out late at night. The cop claimed it was because I went over the white line a few times but I could only recall one time I did that on the tight loop exit off of the freeway and that was miles back after the cop had followed me for awhile. She also tried to use the excuse that I wasn't supposed to have anything hanging from my mirror and I know you can't see through the back of a car's windows to tell there is something hanging from it while driving at night. Plus the last time I got pulled over they said nothing about my leis on my mirror. (last time I got pulled over was because I had a light going out, so that one is at least semi-legit)
I wasn't speeding, and I wasn't driving unsafely. I used turned signals and everything, but since I was up late at night then I was going to be a drunk according to their mindset. I just wished they would not waste their time on me when I'm not driving poorly. The cop asked me how many drinks I had that night and I confidently answered, "None" because that is the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
It was pretty clear I had done nothing wrong at all when the pullover process took only a few minutes compared to when they actually have something to write up. She was struggling to make the pull over seem legit and left us with the helpful tidbit of "Just remember to, uh, drive straight." So everyone, please remember to drive straight. Which makes me slightly confused about when the road curves...
August 9th, 2012: One Year!!!
Holy Moley. I have owned a house officially for a year now. I thought I had missed the day last month but it was not so. I was just remembering when I first started the closing process. It's been a crazy year here in this house but I'm hoping it will last me many more.
From having to dig up my yard and getting bamboozled by the company who did it, to figuring out how to get my garage door to stop being possessed, I've made some pretty good first year memories.
Digging and making a garden is one of those memories that lives on into this new year and I felt like I could show you some progress pictures of it. Mostly because my house hasn't really got any progress pictures to show that I haven't shown. Eventually would like to paint the walls but will have to wait on money for that.
Green beans! But not just green beans in this bushy picture. There is also water melon plant leaves and possibly some beets underneath the green beans. They kind of fell over from the push of the watermelon into the beets area.
Close up of a green bean growing. Yum!
I have tomatoes growing! Can't remember which plant this is but both the boy and the girl are growing tomatoes. I just haven't seen any red ones yet.
I'll have a few peppers too if all goes well. I think this is supposed to be the orange bell pepper plant.
I do believe these are from the red bell pepper plant. They are so tiny!
Full few of my garden after I weeded it. I didn't scour through the cucumbers or watermelon plants to look for any bulbs of fruit growing on it.
I'm looking forward to getting to taste something.
August 8th, 2012: Lessons About Squirrels
A squirrel accosted me with nuts today. There we were; Charli and I, going for a walk just like any other day. We see plenty of squirrels and bunnies on a daily basis so weren't paying any mind to the ones scurrying around in the trees. The squirrels were in the trees and not the bunnies. I would be much more terrified if I saw a bunny in a tree. Not sure why because bunnies are adorable but that would just be unnatural to have a bunny in a tree.
I digress, in a tree across the street from us there was a particularly rambunctious looking squirrel. It scuttled up the tree and I didn't think much of it because that is what squirrels do. They climb trees like Spider Man shoots web from his fingers.
Then a most strange occurrence took place. There was a small thwack sound on the street. Looking around I couldn't see anything out of place or noticeable that would make the noise so I took a few more steps before I heard it again. However, this time I saw an acorn hit the ground a few feet away from us. I feel like it was an attempt on our lives by that squirrel. I could see movement in the branches of the squirrel most likely laughing at our expense.
Now I wonder what if it is related to that creepy squirrel that sounded like a bird kawwing when it makes angry noises that Chad and I heard over the weekend. Seriously. Squirrels can make some scary noises.
I didn't take this video but it shows the sound that I am speaking of.
I can't tell if it is angry or looking for a good shag...
Either way. Watch out for squirrels they might throw acorns at you.
I digress, in a tree across the street from us there was a particularly rambunctious looking squirrel. It scuttled up the tree and I didn't think much of it because that is what squirrels do. They climb trees like Spider Man shoots web from his fingers.
Then a most strange occurrence took place. There was a small thwack sound on the street. Looking around I couldn't see anything out of place or noticeable that would make the noise so I took a few more steps before I heard it again. However, this time I saw an acorn hit the ground a few feet away from us. I feel like it was an attempt on our lives by that squirrel. I could see movement in the branches of the squirrel most likely laughing at our expense.
Now I wonder what if it is related to that creepy squirrel that sounded like a bird kawwing when it makes angry noises that Chad and I heard over the weekend. Seriously. Squirrels can make some scary noises.
I didn't take this video but it shows the sound that I am speaking of.
I can't tell if it is angry or looking for a good shag...
Either way. Watch out for squirrels they might throw acorns at you.
August 7th, 2012: Zelda nerdn' out.
So I totally can't find the motivation to remember what I did yesterday. All I can really recall is doing laundry, changing from watching Supernatural to Warehouse 13 because my brain needs a break from all the gore in Supernatural, and getting lots of spam left on my doorstep. It would probably a good break from the paranormal that fuels my paranoia in general. See what I did there? No? That's fine.
Instead of recounting that really exciting sounding day I'm going to talk about some stuff I think is cool. Yay!
Lets just start off with a bang (pun joke to be made here later if you like). There is a mash up of Zelda and Westerns that exists on the internet. How cool is that? This cool.
I suggest watching all three parts. It's pretty awesome. If you played/play Zelda games then you should watch this. Heck, if you like westerns you should watch this too. If you don't like either then you should really reconsider your life because they are both excellent things in this world.
Zelda as a ginger kinda threw me off but I can dig it. I see her portrayed usually as a blonde but that confuses me because I'm pretty sure/almost certain that she is a brunette. I could see her being a dark haired ginger over being a blonde in my mind. Lets just settle with she should have auburn hair and tell people to stop portraying her with blonde hair. She isn't friggin' Princess Peach. Maybe I just identify with her being brunette or even dirty blonde because of the fact my favorite versions of Zelda are Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time. The latter she has brown hair and Ocarina she has blonde hair. Although now looking back at screen shots it was very yellow blonde and not as dark as I remember in Ocarina.
Let me just say that I think she can have whatever color she wants because she is a free woman and she can kick ass when she wants to.
Also all this talk about Zelda reminds me of the video of her and Princess Peach talking about getting kidnapped. It's pretty amusing.
Instead of recounting that really exciting sounding day I'm going to talk about some stuff I think is cool. Yay!
Lets just start off with a bang (pun joke to be made here later if you like). There is a mash up of Zelda and Westerns that exists on the internet. How cool is that? This cool.
Zelda as a ginger kinda threw me off but I can dig it. I see her portrayed usually as a blonde but that confuses me because I'm pretty sure/almost certain that she is a brunette. I could see her being a dark haired ginger over being a blonde in my mind. Lets just settle with she should have auburn hair and tell people to stop portraying her with blonde hair. She isn't friggin' Princess Peach. Maybe I just identify with her being brunette or even dirty blonde because of the fact my favorite versions of Zelda are Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time. The latter she has brown hair and Ocarina she has blonde hair. Although now looking back at screen shots it was very yellow blonde and not as dark as I remember in Ocarina.
Let me just say that I think she can have whatever color she wants because she is a free woman and she can kick ass when she wants to.
Also all this talk about Zelda reminds me of the video of her and Princess Peach talking about getting kidnapped. It's pretty amusing.
CollegeHumor’s Favorite Funny Videos
Sweet I got it to embed that video! I feel like I've leveled up my nerd abilities today. Usually it's a pain in my tush to get it to do that if it isn't a youtube video. Yay learning!
Also this video may be old but it totally makes sense. Explains a lot about why they keep getting kidnapped.
So yeah. I'm a nerd. Those are great videos and you should watch them.
The End.
August 6th, 2012: SDJ!
I just need to take a moment to nerd out today about Doctor Who. Yes I do it anyway but this is a big deal.
They announced some more guests for the Doctor Who convention I'm going to next year. (Gallifreyone, don't click here until you read the rest of the blog, unless you want spoilers) I was already excited about this convention as is; being my first convention, going to try to make a cosplay for the first time, and just getting to nerd out with my boyfriend and the many others like us.
Now the first set of guests I didn't really recognize any names but have since then watched some homework to introduce me to actors coming or to see what people have worked to make but are not necessarily actors.
Here is the exciting part I need to nerd out about. They announced a second batch of guests and the first name on the list made my jaw drop and I think I even had to reread it before I believed it to be true.
Sir Derek Jacobi. SIR DEREK JACOBI! He will be at gally. I seriously felt like running around my house and squeeing with excitement but instead my dog got awkward hugs and me making strange noises where I combined squeeing and saying "THAT'S SO COOL!" However less high pitched than that reads. Maybe if you combined squeeing and d'awwing that might be close. Lets just say my dog probably thinks I'm bat shit crazy now.
I'm just excited to have the chance to meet him. I'm considering sitting in a line for as long as it takes but I hope I just get lucky and run into him in the halls. This is hard to contain my excitement right now. The time for Gally is getting closer and closer and CLOSER! I am excited!
They announced some more guests for the Doctor Who convention I'm going to next year. (Gallifreyone, don't click here until you read the rest of the blog, unless you want spoilers) I was already excited about this convention as is; being my first convention, going to try to make a cosplay for the first time, and just getting to nerd out with my boyfriend and the many others like us.
Now the first set of guests I didn't really recognize any names but have since then watched some homework to introduce me to actors coming or to see what people have worked to make but are not necessarily actors.
Here is the exciting part I need to nerd out about. They announced a second batch of guests and the first name on the list made my jaw drop and I think I even had to reread it before I believed it to be true.
Sir Derek Jacobi. SIR DEREK JACOBI! He will be at gally. I seriously felt like running around my house and squeeing with excitement but instead my dog got awkward hugs and me making strange noises where I combined squeeing and saying "THAT'S SO COOL!" However less high pitched than that reads. Maybe if you combined squeeing and d'awwing that might be close. Lets just say my dog probably thinks I'm bat shit crazy now.
I'm just excited to have the chance to meet him. I'm considering sitting in a line for as long as it takes but I hope I just get lucky and run into him in the halls. This is hard to contain my excitement right now. The time for Gally is getting closer and closer and CLOSER! I am excited!
August 4th-5th, 2012: Sat and Sun
There are much more pressing things at hand than my lack of postage of the bloggy for Saturday. I'm going to try to attempt to let you know how awesome these events are in my blog, but I'm probably going to fail because words can't describe this.
We landed a rover on Mars. How cool is that?! Curiosity is it's name and it's game. We are going to find out some neat things about Mars now. I know there have been other rovers sent but if my memory serves me correct this is probably the largest they have sent and successfully landed.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I wish I could have watched the landing in real time. There are lots of neat pictures and articles out there but here is a couple I like. An article from CNN and NASA has a site that already has pictures taken by the rover. Any videos on the landing are probably pretty good to see too. Obviously it isn't an actually video of it landing because what would be out there filming it besides some aliens.
The rover takes 14 minutes to beam the information back to Earth. The minimum distance between Earth and Mars and 54.6 Kilometers. That's like 501 football fields. No jokes. (Football being American football.) That's crazy. Mind boggling.
Seriously. Go geek out about this. I'm totally picturing Ray Bradbury's Martian Chronicles Aliens greeting the rover.
I'm going to go post some pictures of my garden on DevianArt later and maybe post them in the next blog but right now I just have to revel in the way the world is super awesome and full of space exploring rovers.
Also, this is my favorite picture that has come out of this so far. It is the first image sent back from Curiosity and someone edited in Wall-E. So freaking cute!
We landed a rover on Mars. How cool is that?! Curiosity is it's name and it's game. We are going to find out some neat things about Mars now. I know there have been other rovers sent but if my memory serves me correct this is probably the largest they have sent and successfully landed.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I wish I could have watched the landing in real time. There are lots of neat pictures and articles out there but here is a couple I like. An article from CNN and NASA has a site that already has pictures taken by the rover. Any videos on the landing are probably pretty good to see too. Obviously it isn't an actually video of it landing because what would be out there filming it besides some aliens.
The rover takes 14 minutes to beam the information back to Earth. The minimum distance between Earth and Mars and 54.6 Kilometers. That's like 501 football fields. No jokes. (Football being American football.) That's crazy. Mind boggling.
Seriously. Go geek out about this. I'm totally picturing Ray Bradbury's Martian Chronicles Aliens greeting the rover.
I'm going to go post some pictures of my garden on DevianArt later and maybe post them in the next blog but right now I just have to revel in the way the world is super awesome and full of space exploring rovers.
Also, this is my favorite picture that has come out of this so far. It is the first image sent back from Curiosity and someone edited in Wall-E. So freaking cute!
August 3rd, 2012: Rotten
You know when you open the fridge and there is just something not right. Something is rotten in the state of my fridge. I don't have much in it so didn't seem like a challenge. Tossed what I thought was the culprit but later I came back and it was still there!
Unhappy to say now that it was found and was some meat I bought and wanted to eat but now is lost to the garbage monster. At least it was 'free'. Free being it was a buy one get one free type thing. So essentially it was free.
Speaking of monsters; the Doctor Who season seven trailer has come out. I'm super excited for it to start again. It has been so long since there has been a new episode. You should watch it, and then watch the actual season because it's going to be fantastic.
The trailer showed a glimpse of a cherub and now Chad and I have removed all of them from the yard. I think the show is starting to make me scared of the simplest things. Such as; stone sculptures and cracks.
Must be why I love it so much.
Unhappy to say now that it was found and was some meat I bought and wanted to eat but now is lost to the garbage monster. At least it was 'free'. Free being it was a buy one get one free type thing. So essentially it was free.
Speaking of monsters; the Doctor Who season seven trailer has come out. I'm super excited for it to start again. It has been so long since there has been a new episode. You should watch it, and then watch the actual season because it's going to be fantastic.
The trailer showed a glimpse of a cherub and now Chad and I have removed all of them from the yard. I think the show is starting to make me scared of the simplest things. Such as; stone sculptures and cracks.
Must be why I love it so much.
August 2nd, 2012: Cool cut, ring
I was about to type "Look at this cool cat." but then I realized Charli is a dog so she would probably not appreciate being called that. Also she was feeling a bit warm because her tongue is sticking out.
Can you guess who got a hair cut? I'll give you a hint. It wasn't me.
She looks rather derpy in this picture but hey, that's my dog for you.
I don't think it was too traumatic for her. The groomer did say she is not fond of the blow dryer so it took a bit longer than usual. I forgot to mention that she was because I tried to blow dry her once myself and she was not having any of those shenanigans.
I'm sure she feels good to finally be able to see again and also have a bit of her fluff off in this hot weather. Her nails were getting long too. Poor girl is just so abused by me, right? Although the report card they gave me said she passed. Phew! Didn't know she was getting graded. Could have studied first!
She is less of a piglet this time around. I could've had her shaved that short but I wanted some fur still left. She is super soft now.
While she was getting her hair did I had to find a way to spend my three hours waiting. So I went on an adventure. I just started driving around randomly and ended up in an area with super large houses. The size of house that I just can't understand why anyone would want to live in something so large. Not so big that you could be in the house and not see someone for days, but quite large none-the-less. Then I saw a garage sale sign.
The fact there was a garage sale sign in such a neighborhood seemed strange enough to me that I had to go see what was what. When I arrived at the garage sale I noticed everything was way high priced. They didn't really understand that garage sales are usually to just get rid of junk and make a few bucks and not to make 40 bucks on some ugly pink 'granite' side table. Seriously that thing was ugly.
Needless to say I left without having bought anything. I didn't even buy a pop from the snobby whiny kid who was trying to make money for 'camp'. I'm sorry but when you have enough office chairs to fill what I assume is your conference room in your giant house I find it really hard to give you my hard earned money to send your kid to camp that you can most likely afford.
After that I had to find my way out of that expensive neighborhood and made it back to a more familiar area. I found a couple more garage sale signs and I decided to compare prices between an upper class garage sale and a middle class one. Lets just say my findings were what I expected. Lots of things for a dollar and plenty of furniture for cheap. I could have bought an entire water bed set for 65 dollars and at that rich people sale I could of maybe bought a table for that.
Needless to say I did not buy a waterbed, but I did find something.
I found this super pretty ring! I was just digging through all of the nicely labeled jewelry. There was a really pretty broach in there that I thought about getting but I decided I never really would ever wear it. I'm not really sure what you wear them on. I just think broaches are pretty.
Anyway, after digging for awhile I picked up this baggy with this particular ring in it and when the sun caught it just right I actually made an audible gasp. Nothing huge or noticeable but if you were next to me you might've been able to hear it. It was beautiful. Guess what else? It fit perfectly on my finger. It was like I was meant to have it. I've never been one for wearing jewelry because of my allergy to certain metals, but I just had to buy it.
It was the best dollar I spent all day.
Can you guess who got a hair cut? I'll give you a hint. It wasn't me.
She looks rather derpy in this picture but hey, that's my dog for you.

I'm sure she feels good to finally be able to see again and also have a bit of her fluff off in this hot weather. Her nails were getting long too. Poor girl is just so abused by me, right? Although the report card they gave me said she passed. Phew! Didn't know she was getting graded. Could have studied first!
She is less of a piglet this time around. I could've had her shaved that short but I wanted some fur still left. She is super soft now.
While she was getting her hair did I had to find a way to spend my three hours waiting. So I went on an adventure. I just started driving around randomly and ended up in an area with super large houses. The size of house that I just can't understand why anyone would want to live in something so large. Not so big that you could be in the house and not see someone for days, but quite large none-the-less. Then I saw a garage sale sign.
The fact there was a garage sale sign in such a neighborhood seemed strange enough to me that I had to go see what was what. When I arrived at the garage sale I noticed everything was way high priced. They didn't really understand that garage sales are usually to just get rid of junk and make a few bucks and not to make 40 bucks on some ugly pink 'granite' side table. Seriously that thing was ugly.
Needless to say I left without having bought anything. I didn't even buy a pop from the snobby whiny kid who was trying to make money for 'camp'. I'm sorry but when you have enough office chairs to fill what I assume is your conference room in your giant house I find it really hard to give you my hard earned money to send your kid to camp that you can most likely afford.
After that I had to find my way out of that expensive neighborhood and made it back to a more familiar area. I found a couple more garage sale signs and I decided to compare prices between an upper class garage sale and a middle class one. Lets just say my findings were what I expected. Lots of things for a dollar and plenty of furniture for cheap. I could have bought an entire water bed set for 65 dollars and at that rich people sale I could of maybe bought a table for that.
Needless to say I did not buy a waterbed, but I did find something.
I found this super pretty ring! I was just digging through all of the nicely labeled jewelry. There was a really pretty broach in there that I thought about getting but I decided I never really would ever wear it. I'm not really sure what you wear them on. I just think broaches are pretty.
Anyway, after digging for awhile I picked up this baggy with this particular ring in it and when the sun caught it just right I actually made an audible gasp. Nothing huge or noticeable but if you were next to me you might've been able to hear it. It was beautiful. Guess what else? It fit perfectly on my finger. It was like I was meant to have it. I've never been one for wearing jewelry because of my allergy to certain metals, but I just had to buy it.
It was the best dollar I spent all day.
August 1st, 2012: Blended
I'm going to be honest. My days just seem blended together. Especially now that I'm writing my daily blogs the next day. I liked doing them the next day at first but now it is getting hard to remember what is part of what day.
So, to remedy this I'm going to attempt to use my blogger app to take notes on things I might want to blog about from my day. Neat right?
I do remember setting up Charli a hair cut appointment so you will get to see all of her cute photos tomorrow. Yay!
Hope this post looks ok because I'm making it on my phone half awake.
Have a great day.
July 31st, 2012: Garden Update
So instead of concentrating on the sad loss of my food being forgotten in the car today I will make this post about my garden. It's been awhile since I made any update on it.
Besides the masses of grass I need to pull up my plants are hanging on strong. I think the best contenders are my corn and tomatoes. Er, well my watermelon might be too because it's just spreading it's vine all over the place. My green beans look pretty strong too besides being mauled by watermelon vines.
Besides the masses of grass I need to pull up my plants are hanging on strong. I think the best contenders are my corn and tomatoes. Er, well my watermelon might be too because it's just spreading it's vine all over the place. My green beans look pretty strong too besides being mauled by watermelon vines.
Look at those golden hair beauties coming out of my corn stalks! It's probably the only blonde hair I'd purposely grow myself. :P
The corn is taller than my head! Well the three stalks of pre-planted corn that is. I would say the others from seed are about waist high.
Can you see the tomatoes coming in on my two plants? I would have tried to get a close up of my tiny pepper plant bulb but I didn't feel like getting muddy to get to it.
My late set garden is turning out pretty good. Let's hope I get to harvest a good amount of my plants. I'm really looking forward to it. I hope most of all that I get green beans. I really enjoy green beans.
: )
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