June 5th, 2011

Just another lazy Sunday.  Laying around and looking at the internets.

I got so incredibly bored laying around that actually got up and went for a bike ride.  I ran into a dead end on the path I picked though.  I could have swore the path was supposed to go all the way around the lake, but I couldn't see where it went.  It came out to a street and I couldn't see it starting anywhere near by.  Maybe there was something I was missing.  I guess I'll try going the other direction next time.

After the bike ride I decided to work out a bit on the elliptical machine too.  I'm beginning to think the best way to lose weight is to work out every time you are bored.  I get bored pretty frequently when I don't have much planned so I'm pretty sure I'd be working out all the time. haha.  Something to try out at least.  It's a better choice than just napping when bored, or worse eating.

Maybe that would be the solution to obesity in america.  Work out when you are bored, or at least move around instead of vegetating.

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