June 13th, 2011

Time to get creative with my food.  Well, semi-creative.  I made pancakes today with strawberry chunks cut into the batter.  I think they turned out pretty well considering I haven't made pancakes with fruit in it.  The only thing I have added to my pancakes is chocolate chips and those are definitely not on my healthy eating radar.

Is it just me or does everyone else have issues turning over the first two pancakes?  The first two pancakes I make I usually end up screwing up because they don't flip over nicely.  One of them ended up in two halves and the other one kind of folded into itself, but then the  next two I made turned out perfectly.  Pancakes.  Funny things.

I also made some turkey bacon to go with my pancakes.  Someone please tell me if they think this is totally crazy but I was considering making pancakes with pieces of bacon in them.  Is that super strange? Ha ha.  I think it might be interesting.  I might try it some day.

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