June 25th, 2011

Good news!!! Excellent news! Probably the best darn news I can get...well me winning the lottery would be better, but this is pretty close.

Today was the day I found out my offer on the house was accepted!  Here I was thinking it was going to take until next week before we could even start to haggle with them, but they must be eager to sell because they got back to us over the weekend.

Now I have a place to rest my head after my lease is up.  There are plenty of things I will need to be figuring out now that I have a house!  Technically first I'll have an inspection done and then wait for all the paper work to do what it has to do.  Originally I was going to move end of August but the seller wants to move the closing date up to the end of July.  So, I will most likely have a whole month to move into my home.  That is crazy!

Still think I'm in a bit of a shock from having it go so well.  Please hope and pray that the inspection doesn't find something terribly wrong with the place.  Definitely don't want to look for houses yet again.  Plus I think I got the place for a pretty good price. : )

My house!  I'm so excited to be working towards owning a place instead of renting.  Lets just say the 'block' party our apartment place had while I was trying to sleep today was more than annoying and solidified my choice to get a house even more!

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