January 5th, 2011

Om nom nom nom.  Baker's Square = free pie Wednesday.  I haven't had free pie for weeks now.  It felt like forever.  (Anyone not familiar with free pie Wednesday; you get a free slice with any purchase of foods at Baker's Square)

It's pretty neat that I have gone so many times that my favorite server recognizes me and knows what I want to drink.  I'll just put it out there, Tracy is the best server at baker's square; well, at least the one I go to.  Nothing like the feeling of familiarity to go with your food.

I'll stop gushing over my server now.  Night at work went well.  No complaints so far. I'm having a pretty great 2011 so far.  Lets keep this positivity streak going.  I have looked back at my posts for last year and I'm definitely doing a lot better this year than I was last year.  Good to know I haven't regressed. Haha.

I'm also considering maybe doing some videos of me doing a dance of some sort as a sort of proof that I do dance.  I have successfully danced everyday so far.  It's really not that hard of a goal, but makes me actually realize how often I like to do jigs. (Insert jig as she publishes post)


  1. It is ironic that you say that you dance but at work you have never danced as far as I know, although I never post any blog comments about dancing I have danced at work more than once.

  2. Well, I believe I have danced at work before, but maybe not around you. I'm pretty sure thursday night this week I had Jason, and Ben S. both dancing with me. So, maybe you have just missed the opportunity.
