January 11th, 2011

I tried a place called Eddington's today.  They are mainly known for their soups, but I also got a sandwich to go with my cup of soup.  I got the kind that was called boundary waters wild rice, I believe.  It was really good.  I sampled a few of the other soups from Erik's bottomless bowl deal they have.  Apparently if you get that you can go up as many times as you want and refill your bowl, and you don't even have to get the same kind!  Definitely worth revisiting sometime when I'm feeling the urge for some good soup.

Work would have been good except for the part where I cried.  Now now, don't get too worked up over me crying; it is just the reaction you usually give when hit in the face with something.  My side of the story is: I threw a box down in front of a guy at work and instead of just letting it hit the ground he kicked it back to me and it flew up and hit me in the face.  Ok, so that isn't really much to cry about, but the part that hit me was the sharp corner and it took a tiny chunk out of my forehead and bled a little bit.  He is trying to give the whole "self defense" excuse but I'm almost positive the box wouldn't have hit him, and if it did it would have been his foot or leg...not his face...but what can I except from the guy who threw a case of water at me before.

Other than the box to the face I think my day went pretty well. Nothing strange happened at 1.11.11 11:11:11 for me lol.  I didn't even really notice that it was until a friend had texted me that.  I guess that is exciting. I suppose. Haha.

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