Updates coming soon!

So it is pretty clear that I have let my daily blog go to the wayside but I have been making plans to bring it back. I'm not sure if anyone will be excited for it or not but I think it will be good for me to have it back again.

I will most likely be doing the picture a day again like I did two years ago.  I'm thinking of starting this up again when I hit my 25th birthday.  It will be a nice way to remember how I handled my quarter life crisis (assuming I have one).

Another idea that I have is to bring back my list.  That list being twenty something things to do before I turned twenty something.  For some reason I can't seem to remember if it was 23 or 24.  I could just do some digging in my blog and find out but I'm far too lazy for that right now.  Instead of it being 25 things before I'm 25 the list will be 25 things to do while I'm 25.  I'm taking any suggestions as far as what those 25 things should be.

Lets hope this post isn't an empty one and I actually succeed in bringing back this blog.  I still find myself planning out a picture for a blog post even though I haven't really blogged for almost a year now.  I've got a few months to prepare since my birthday isn't until May!  Better start making my list!

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