Phew another week has swooped on by and I have found myself behind on my posting. I'll condense my week done into a few paragraphs and of course some pictures.
Mostly I spent my time working and all those fun shenanigans. One of the days I went to the History Center in St. Paul with some free tickets I got from the library.
I saw this plane and had to think of my friend Jenny. It also didn't help that I was in a history center either. :P
Did I mention that I was there two days before the State was planning on shutting down because they can't seem to figure out what they want to do with their budget. Is it really that difficult to plan a budget? How is it that all the other states have theirs planned but we don't? Come on Minnesota. Get your head in the game.
Also, I have to wonder what they removed just for the shutdown. All the items that seemed to be missing were from the Minnesota History part of the place and no where else. It was really odd. They close down the whole building why would they need to remove things? Weird.
One of the cool items that was there was this sweet mustache cup. The extra ledge was made specifically to protect your bushy mustache from getting wet from you drink. How brilliant is that?! Why don't we have those now?! I would totally want one of those if I had a bushy mustache. Me thinks I need to go online and see if I can find some for sale. I have plenty of relatives that I'm sure could use some mustache protection.
Now for something completely different! I had my house inspected on Thursday and you will be glad to know that nothing to wild and woolly showed up. I took some more detailed pictures of things like the tile on the wall in my bathroom(above). The walls in the house aren't bad but I'm really considering painting them. I like the idea of having colored walls for once in my life. Not sure what I can do with the walls in the bathroom. Only part of it has the blue tile.
I've been more concerned with the kitchen. There is this blue and white vinyl on the floor and wooden panel part way up the side of the wall. I'm thinking I'll paint my cabinets a white color to brighten up the room because they are a dark brown right now. There is also a small amount of yellow/white tile on the wall next to the shelves. Sooo. I'm looking for ideas on what color to use. Any one?
Oh I almost forgot! I had some delicious turkey sliders from Good Earth restaurant in Edina. I really like their food. I've never been their for lunch before but it is pretty good. Their breakfast is pretty tasty. Now I'm craving their breakfast!
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