May 23rd, 2011

Coming home always seems to give you a chance to do some remembering.  My mother pulled out a box full of things she saved from when I was little.  That specific box was mostly papers, drawings, and some class pictures.  It's kind of interesting to remember the simpler days.  When your day to day issues were picking out what color of crayon to use, or what 1+1 is.

I could go for some simpler times in my life right about now, but being an adult you don't get that luxury. However, I do have a respect for the simple things in life that make you happy.

I know you are totally jealous of my awesome craft skills back in the day.

 Check out that awesome skill.  That is quiet possibly the scariest haunted house ever.  Let me get you a close up of the moon.

Just look at that emotion, the anger, and anguish in the eyes of that moon!  I should have been an artist. :P

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