March 19th-23rd, 2014: Spring Shedding

With the final coming of the first day of Spring this last Thursday we are feeling the urge to shed all the winter weight. I don't mean in the regular sense of loosing fat, but in the form of hair. It seems like everyone in our house is shedding some extra winter hair.

Our cats of course go through that little bit of extra shedding like they do after it starts getting warmer out. Although, Romana doesn't show shedding as much as Gwen does and thank goodness for that. I already look like a crazy cat lady enough as it is, I don't need more cat hair on my clothes!

Gwen will let us brush her, in fact, I think she actually really loves it when we brush her. She looks at us like we have some sort of magical powers that turn or hands into the best thing ever. Yesterday I took the comb to her hair after I finished Charli's hair cut and Gwen would not stop following me around until I did it some more. She is very demanding when it comes to something she enjoys.

Romana on the other hand doesn't understand what the comb is for and will usually try to bite and play with it like a toy. We have tried to get her to realize that it is for her enjoyment and not the kind she gets from a toy but I don't think she'll ever want to be brushed like Gwen does.

Speaking of Charli getting a hair cut, she had the biggest hair shedding that occurred in the house. I finally chopped off her massive mop of hair. I think she seriously lost a pound of hair at least. She wasn't really like a mop but she was a big poof ball. I think her hair was at least 3 inches long maybe more.

It's hard to tell what part of her you are looking at when her eyes have hair over them most of the time. I think picture above on the left is the side of her head and the one on the right is part of her face and foot. I can see the shape of her ear and the possibility of maybe her eye.

I had to sit and cut her hair before I bathed her so that after the bath was done I could just shave the rest off without it pulling too much. This is only my second time using the electric shaver to do my dogs hair and I must say it seemed like it went better this time around.

Part way through the trimming I had to take a picture of her looking like a partially sheared sheep.  I couldn't get a good view of her long hair on her belly but she just looked ridiculous. Her front end was the hardest to get trimmed so in the picture above her back is trimmed but she still looks all poofy up front.

I think the whole process of trimming, bathing, and shaving took a few hours, probably 4 max (most likely less).  This was the first time that I've bathed Charli since we got Romana last fall. She has never seen Charli sans all that hair. She of course spent some time following her around sniffing her trying to figure out what kind of witchcraft this was.

All and all I think I did a pretty good job for a second try at it. I feel like it took less time this time around. The time could have passed a bit faster because I spent a large amount of time sitting in the living room watching movies on netflix while I trimmed her hair.

I'll let you decide how I did. She looks goofy but she always has.

So we say bring on the spring.  Time to get the garden planning going! I'm already behind by some standards.

Hey, who knows if I'll try doing my own spring shedding. I've already shaved off all that winter leg hair. Haha, but really I'm looking forward to being able to go for a walk and it not being frozen or dodging road construction.  I'm so happy this summer we don't have construction anymore!

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