In other pretty cool news I'm going to be back stage for a show again. I was asked if I could cover for someone as light board op and now it has turned into me being back stage again. It should be pretty interesting considering I only get a day to pick up what I need to know about the show. Guess that's one of the joys of theatre, you always have to be able to pick up anywhere at anytime. Let's just say I'm looking forward to being back in the theatre after being off for 5 months.

Charli is plain and simple, an attention whore. Her ears perk up when she see people and immediately wants to go say hi. She is also interested in other dogs too, but only to an extent. I think she prefers dogs her size but doesn't mind big dogs either.
I think the most interesting part of the trip was the lady dropping off her dog for a grooming. She spilled her coffee on herself because her dog tugged on the lease when it saw my dog. So she sarcastically told her dog thanks for spilling all over her. The best part was when a guy drove by rather quickly and she yells at him "SLOW DOWN" For some reason in my mind I remember it with curse words but I'm not sure if she did say any, but curse words make everything more funny. Maybe I just find it funny. Guess you had to be there.
Work is going to be a struggle for me today. I can tell because I only managed to get around four hours of sleep. I blame my dog for it because she was whining and being annoying. How can you be mad at a face like that?
Plus it's hard to sleep when you are worried. I try to not worry but I can't help it. I'm doing my best to not be but still some positive vibes sent towards my Grandma would be nice.
Anyway. Must get dressed and ready to work again.
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