There has been much slaving away happening this week. The list I made was a real eye opener to me about how much I needed to accomplish this week. I think the only thing left to do on my dress is the collar at the top of the dress, oh and the ears. I have the ribbon to make them just not sure how I'm going to go about it. Now be prepared to see all sorts of work in progress pictures and finished product ones too.
The buttons and lights are finally all on in the spots I wanted them. Those lights were a pain in the tush to get on. I couldn't get the right side to not be crooked for the longest time.

The K-9 for the front of the dress is finished now but all I have are the work in progress pictures to show you. Also in the left picture there is eye plunger for k-9. I'm really happy with the finished product.
Check out my K-9 collar. It's finished! I couldn't find a silver disk but I think the brass disk works out well. Just looks like it's a bit weathered now.
I've also begun the painting of my TARDIS purse. I'm still working on getting the letters to show up just right.
My preparations that I'm making for the Doctor Who convention are not the only thing I've done this week. I have managed to make a carrot cake from scratch this weekend! I don't think I have ever made one before let alone from scratch.
It's a bunny! Fitting, right? Have yet to eat a slice, but I'm looking forward to it. The recipe I found is located here and I was really intrigued by it. I liked the idea of the coconut and pineapple in it. So lets hope it tastes as good as it looks.