So much change can happen in just one year and you hardly realize what has happened until it is done and gone.
But I digress, this blog is starting to get to bleak for me and I don't want to be a blah-de-blah blah blogger. At least not today.
I've been working on my list of 25 things to do while I'm 25. So far; if I'm remembering off the top of my head correctly, I would like to read 25 books. I'm looking for must read books that I haven't read. I would considering reading something I have read before if it is something really good. There are plenty of classics that I haven't read and need too, but please suggest some!
Doing a marathon of some sort was something I thought about but I can't really run because of my knees but there are walking ones too, right? That one I'm still on the fence about.
There must of been something else that I can't think of at the moment. Usually they come to me while I'm in bed trying to sleep.
I should put unpack my boxes from moving finally and paint the rooms in my house to my list, but I don't know if those are considered must haves of my 25th year.
OH! I just thought of one that's on my list and I actually have progress on. I want to go to my first ever convention. My boyfriend and I have already preregistered for Gally!(What Gally is: )
He went this year and loved it, and is willing to share it with me next year. It should be super awesome since it is the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who. The convention would still be exciting minus that but 50th anniversary could mean some pretty cool things might happen. I just can't believe I'm already excited for something that is happening 315 days from now.
Now I'm just excited thinking about Gally and this blog isn't going anywhere. Here's a good song.
P.S. Why does typography look so cool?
P.S.S I realized that was a really short video of that song after I posted here is a longer one but less cool because it lacks typography.